The SMMUSD Wave- Oct. 2023

A Message from Superintendent Dr. Antonio Shelton
Fall Celebrations and Events Build a Sense of Belonging
Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff, Students and Community Members,
As the weather cools and the leaves turn signaling we are getting close to the end of 2023, our students are feeling the warmth and comfort of belonging on their campuses and as part of a diverse community at each of our schools.
We started the year with a diversity, equity and inclusion lens focused on belonging, curiosity and empowerment. As I visit schools each week, I see how our dedicated educators have embraced this philosophy in their classrooms, providing the space and encouragement for each and every student to reach their full potential academically, socially and emotionally.
It’s gratifying to see our students thriving and feeling a joy of learning, curiosity to explore, while building the confidence to reach for the stars.
This is a busy time at our schools as we close in on completing the first semester of the 2023-24 school year. From classroom projects, school assemblies, and field trips to fall sports and visual and performing arts events, we have a multitude of opportunities with which our students can engage on their campuses. We’ve enjoyed strong support from our community for fall sports, including football, water polo and middle school sports in Santa Monica.
We held a two-day restorative justice training for parents in October and seek to expand this program so more parents understand its importance and usefulness. For our Spanish-speaking parents, we have a two-day training planned for Dec. 2 and 9, with more information below; you can also reach out to your bilingual community liaison.
We have enjoyed Halloween parades, fall festivals, cultural festivals, and Dia de los Muertos ofrendas (altars), with more to come in the next few days and weeks. We are all learning about each other’s cultures and stories. We each have a story, and it’s important to share so we may better understand how to best support our students and staff. Through our social justice standards integrated into our curriculum, we see students supporting and respecting each other and finding shared interests while learning about other cultures. We dream of the day where all cultures, religions, ethnicities, races, genders, and orientations may live in peace and harmony together throughout the world. We are preparing our students for the global world with these values in place.
Please continue to take care of yourself and each other.
Enjoy the October 2023 issue of the SMMUSD Wave.
Dr. Antonio Shelton
You can read prior Superintendent Messages here.
FANG-tastic Halloween Fun 👻 🎃
Franklin Elementary School
John Adams Middle School
McKinley Elementary School
Roosevelt Elementary School
Webster Elementary School
Will Rogers Learning Community
Victoria Hurst Named New Special Education Director
The Santa Monica-Malibu School District Board of Education approved the appointment of Victoria Hurst as the new special education director at its Sept. 21, 2023 regular board meeting.
Hurst is a familiar face in SMMUSD having served the District for 20 years, with a total of 25 years education experience.
Read more here.
Dr. Ashley Benjamin Named New Director of Curriculum and Instruction
The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Board of Education approved the appointment of Dr. Ashley Benjamin as the new director of curriculum and instruction at its October 19, 2023 regular board meeting.
Dr. Benjamin has been the principal of McKinley Elementary in SMMUSD since 2017. During her tenure she led the school to impressive academic gains as well as accomplishments such as the 2022 California Department of Education Pivotal Practice Award for excellence during distance learning and becoming the District’s first AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Elementary School. She was previously the assistant principal at Franklin Elementary.
Read more here.
SMMUSD Students Recognized by National Merit Scholarship Program
Congratulations to the three Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists and the 18 Commended Students. Out of 1.5 million entrants, about 50,000 with the highest Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) and National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test scores qualify for recognition in the National Merit Scholarship Program as Semifinalists and Commended Students.
The semifinalists from Santa Monica High School (Samohi) are Milo Bernini and Justin Xu. The semifinalist from Malibu High School (MHS) is Athena Rem. Commended students from Samohi are Mason Arditi, Ryan Cao, Isaac Feinberg, Ajax Haendel, Casper Holden, Jesse Howard, Shannon Lee, Blase Londono, Matilde Martinez-Navarrete, Koosha Paridhpour, Ryan Schatzow, and Maya Williams. The commended students from MHS are Katherine Baker and Filip Kurial. All of these students are seniors.
Read the full story here: https://bit.ly/NtnlMeritSemifinalists2023
SMMUSD Celebrates Students Who Earned a Rare “Perfect” Score on Advanced Placement Exams
The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) proudly celebrates two high school students for earning perfect scores on college-level Advanced Placement (AP) Exams in spring 2023. Malibu High School (MHS) senior, Molly O’Neill, and Santa Monica High School (Samohi) senior, Emmaline Thorpe, not only received the top score of five, but were also two of only 337 students nationally to earn every point possible on the AP 2-D Art and Design Exam, which was taken by approximately 49,000 students worldwide.
Read the full story here: https://bit.ly/PerferctAPScore2023.
SMMUSD Celebrates 40 Students Awarded with Academic Honors from College Board National Recognition Programs
SMMUSD would like to congratulate the 40 students from Malibu High School and Santa Monica High School who earned academic honors from the College Board National Recognition Programs. These programs celebrate students' hard work in high school and showcase their strong academic performance. The academic honors for rural area, Black, Indigenous, and/or Latino students are an opportunity for students to share their strong academic achievements with colleges and scholarship programs that are seeking to recruit diverse talent.
The Board of Education recognized the students at the October 19 school board meeting for their accomplishments.
The full list of students can be viewed here.
Read the full story here: https://bit.ly/CBRecognitions2023.
Samohi Theatre Pit Orchestra Wins Jerry Herman Award
Congratulations to the Santa Monica High School (Samohi) Musical Theatre Pit Orchestra on winning the prestigious 2023 Jerry Herman Award for Best Orchestra in a high school musical. Outshining their competition from 33 Los Angeles high schools, the Samohi Theater Department's production of "The Drowsy Chaperone" garnered two notable nominations including Best Orchestra as well as Hayley Mullane’s, a Samohi senior at the time, nomination for Best Supporting Actress. This is the orchestra’s first win, though they have been nominated twice before.
Read more here: https://bit.ly/JerryHermanAwards-Samohi2023.
SMMUSD on the Go!
Santa Monica City Council Presents Samohi with Hispanic/Latino/x Heritage Month Proclamation
Santa Monica City Council members presented the Samohi club Legado Latino with a “Proclamation to observe Hispanic/Latino/x Heritage Month” after the students shared the importance of embracing traditions, having a voice in the community, and validating cultural practices.
Jesse Billaure, MHS ‘97, Visits Malibu Middle and High School
Jesse Billaure, MHS '97, recently inspired our Malibu Middle and High students with a powerful message: do good, be kind, persevere, and chase your dreams. A big thanks to PTSA Malibu and the Shark Fund for making this incredible experience happen!
Malibu Elementary School International Peace Day
Malibu Elementary School celebrated International Peace Day on Sept. 22, 2023 by students and staff forming a peace sign and enjoying special activities including art. ☮️
Samohi Girls Flag Football Making History
Big cheers for the trailblazing Samohi Girls' Flag Football Team! They're making history as the FIRST girl's flag football team at Samohi and stole the spotlight on Fox LA’s Good Day LA. https://www.foxla.com/video/1287281. The Lady Vikings ended their season as Ocean League Champions with a record of 8-0 and a final record of 16-3.
Congratulations to SMMUSD Campus Security Team
SMMUSD is the proud recipient of the 2023 California K-12 School Security Excellence Award! The school board recognized our campus security officers, along with Student Services Director Tara Brown on 10/5. Jeff Kaye, President of School Safety Operations Inc. shared his thoughts on our security officers' professionalism and excellent job. We appreciate our security officers! Thank you for keeping our students and staff safe!
Malibu High School ASB Puts on Amazing Fall Pep Rally
Round of applause to the MHS ASB for putting on a fun pep rally cheering on all of MHS’s fall athletes!
Restorative Justice Parent Trainings
More than 20 parents participated in the two-day restorative justice practices training coordinated by Student Services Direct Tara Brown, and facilitated by RJ Coordinator Robert Howard, in October.
SMMUSD is holding a two-day training for Spanish speaking parents on Dec. 2 and 9, 2023. Check the flyer below and sign up for training on this important program or visit: https://bit.ly/SMMUSD-RJtrainingSpan1223.
JAMS PTSA Hosting three-Part Middle School Wellness Ed Series for Parents
JAMS PTSA is hosting a three-Part Middle School Wellness Parent Ed Series that is designed for SMMUSD middle school parents, caregivers and guardians. The series centers around building and fostering positive outcomes in our middle school students. Series dates are November 16, February 8 & April 11, 7 - 8:30 p,m, in the JAMS PAC Studio. Participants can register for the in-person series here: https://bit.ly/JAMSPTSA3PartPEN or by scanning the QR Code in the flyer below.
Part one of the series will feature a panel of wellness practitioners who will provide tools, resources and communication tips for parents, guardians and caregivers of this age group. A foundation for the series will be laid as we navigate through the W's and "H" (Who, What, When, Where, Why, & How) of what we need as parents to be supportive of our young teens.
November 16 (Part one) Panelists:
- Chris Marrero, PsyD, Clinical Psychologist & Biofeedback Specialist JAMS Mama Cassandra Harewood, M.D, Physician, Adult, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist JAMS parent
- Shuli Lotan, LCSW, SMMUSD Mental Health Counseling Coordinator
- Nancy Gutierrez, MSW, PPSC, JAMS Mental Health Counselor
- Farnoosh Aguilar, JAMS Assistant Principal & Breathe for Change Yoga Instructor
Next AAPI Meeting to be Held on Nov. 1
AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) Alliance is a new non-profit organization composed of parents, school faculty and community supporters who are committed to empowering AAPI students. The next monthly Open Meeting is on November 1. The AAPI Board Members look forward to meeting you and exchanging ideas!
An RSVP via their website is required.
Special Education parent workshop open to all parents, Nov. 8 2023.
Special Education parent workshop open to all parents, Nov. 8 2023. Please see flyer for more details.
The SMMUSD Spotlight
Marguerite "Maggie" Lena, Samohi ’17,
Meet Marguerite “Maggie” Lena! Her incredible journey from the hallways of Santa Monica High School (Samohi) to the international soccer stage is nothing short of remarkable. At just 24 years old, this alumna has already made a significant impact, both on and off the soccer field.
Read more here: https://bit.ly/MaggieLena-Spotlight.
Civic Auditorium Update: Interest by SMMUSD to Purchase Civic Auditorium Continues; Pausing for the City of Santa Monica to Consider All Proposals
The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) continues to be interested in purchasing and rehabilitating the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium (Civic), currently owned by the City of Santa Monica (City.) The District has a sound plan to revitalize the Civic as a multi-use performance / event facility that respects its historic and community significance.
Since the District shared its plan for rehabilitating the Civic in September, other organizations and individuals have been vocal in their desire and claims to have the ability and resources to find another interested party who can restore and rehabilitate the Civic.
Read more here.
Building Futures: McKinley Elementary School
The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) has completed many major milestones towards modernizing McKinley Elementary School’s campus and is launching into the next phase.
From renovating classrooms with state-of-the-art technology to upgrading and modernizing the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, changes in every corner of the school can be seen and experienced. SMMUSD is in the process of transforming McKinley into a progressive, cutting-edge campus for 21st-century learning.
Read more here.
Building Futures: Will Rogers Learning Community
The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) has completed some major milestones towards modernizing Will Rogers Learning Community and is launching into the next phase.
From renovating classrooms with state-of-the-art technology to upgrading and modernizing the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, changes in every corner of the school can be seen and experienced. SMMUSD is in the process of transforming Rogers into a progressive, cutting-edge campus for 21st-century learning.
Read more here.
Box Office Must Sees!
Malibu High School: Almost, Maine
Samohi: The Foreigner
After School Programs
Enrich your child's afternoons! With our community partners, CREST and the Santa Monica Boy and Girls Club, SMMUSD is pleased to offer three options for afterschool programs for the 2023-24 school year! Sign up today for endless fun and learning.
Early Childhood Director Dr. Susan Samarge-Powell talks about the shortage of teachers for these important SMMUSD programs on Spectrum 1 news: https://youtu.be/GyxpIIWUIh8
Events & Important Dates
- November 10, 2023 - School and offices closed (Veteran’s Day)
- November 22-24, 2023 - Thanksgiving Recess
- November 29, 2023 - Grant Elemenary California Environmental Quality Act Community Meeting
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The SMMUSD Wave is published monthly by the SMMUSD communications team: Gail Pinsker, Community & Public Relations Officer; Diana Bouchaaya and Esmi Careaga, Communication Specialists. Do you have news or interest stories about our students, programs or staff? Please share through Let's Talk.
The SMMUSD Wave:
2023 Winner of the Award of Excellence by the California School Public Relations Association