Bucyrus Literacy Corner
Volume II, Issue 3, January 3, 2023
Aligning the Local Literacy Plan with Ohio’s Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement through:
Instructional coaching
Classroom implementation of evidence-based language and literacy practices (comprehension, vocabulary, writing)
Data tracking
Instructional adjustments
Curriculum adjustments
Enhancing the District Infrastructure of Supports for Teachers with:
Targeted professional learning
Aligned assessments, rubrics, and checklists (ELA, K-8 in 21-22 and 9-12 this year)
Defining Educators’ Shared Goals via:
Adoption of a PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports) matrix– Goal-Oriented, Respect, Excellence, Determination
Gap closing– development of academic plans and common preparation times for discussion of student needs, best practices, and state test item deconstruction
Emphasis on literacy development and student progress
Great work, teams!