Ferndale Middle Weekly Update
August 15 - August 19

Week of November 7 - November 11
From the Desk of Our Proud Principal
Greetings, Trojan Family!
This is your proud principal, Ms. Kinard, with your weekly updates and announcements.
On Monday, November 7th, we'd like to invite families to our first quarter report card pick-up event and food drive. We encourage families attending the event to bring canned goods or non-perishable items to support our local community and food bank. Food drive items should be dropped in your students' homerooms, where you will pick up your student's report cards. We thank you in advance for coming out to learn more about your student's grades and to give back to our community.
Due to a Teacher Workday and Veteran's Day, there will be no school for students on Tuesday, November 8th, and Friday, November 11th.
Student Attendance
Families, it is vitally important that if your student is not sick, they attend school daily. Our FMS attendance team is meeting to ensure that families receive a proper notification when their students are in danger of not meeting attendance expectations for our district and school. Every day students are not in school; they are at risk of falling further behind. Our teachers are working hard to help students recover the learning lost during the pandemic, and we need your support in ensuring your students are in attendance daily. Our goal is to have 95% of our students in attendance each day. That accounts for students who may have appointments or fall ill and cannot attend school.
Interim Assessments
Our teachers will review interim assessment results this week and create a plan to assist our students in growing their mastery of critical concepts. Please look for information from your student's teachers regarding their availability for an after-school tutorial.
This Week in Sports
Please check out our School Calendar on our website for more details about sports.
Monday (11/7) - Girls Soccer and Boys Volleyball vs. Allen MS
Wednesday (11/09) - Football - Ferndale MS vs. Penn Griffin MS
Thursday (11/10) - Girls Soccer and Boys Volleyball vs. Penn Griffin MS
We are doing everything we can as a district and a school to ensure the ongoing safety of our students. What you can do is:
If your student is sick, kindly keep them at home. Students who exhibit COVID-19 symptoms should stay home on day five and take the COVID-19 test.
Please contact the school immediately if you suspect or can confirm that your student has COVID-19 by calling 336-819-2855 or emailing Ms. Pierce.
Join Our PTA
Parents and Family,
Please join our PTA. It will take us all working together to make a difference in our school and community. The membership is $5.00 and can be paid online or in person. Click HERE to join!
The Ferndale Middle School PTA will meet
November 17th from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the FMS Media Center.
November at FMS 🍂
This Month is:
National Career Development Month
November 7 - 10 - FMS Football Spirit Week
November 7 - FMS Report Card Pick-up and Food Drive (5:30 - 6:30)
November 8 - Teacher Workday
November 11 - Veteran's Day (No School)
November 17 - FMS PTA Meeting (6:00 - 7:00 pm)
November 23 - 25 - Fall Break
November 29 - Student Fall Photos (Lifetouch)
2022 - 2023 FMS Administrative Team
Each member of our administrative team is responsible for supporting a specific grade level.
- Ms. Wilson - 6th Grade Administrator
- Mr. Russell - 7th Grade Administrator
- Mr. Garnett - 8th Grade Administrator
Ms. Kinard - FMS Building Principal
FMS Dress Code
The school dress code will be strictly enforced.
Here are some of the highlights of our policy:
- All tops must cover the entire midsection and extend past the waistband.
- All tank tops must have at least a two-inch strap.
- Spaghetti strap tops, tube tops, backless shirts/dresses, halter, and crop tops are not allowed.
- Dresses, skirts, rompers, and shorts must extend past the wearer’s fingertips when standing. This includes athletic running shorts.
- Pants, shorts, and skirts must be worn at the waist and secured.
- Spandex shorts and/or biker shorts must be worn with long shirts or shorts over top.
- No holes/rips in inappropriate places will be allowed in any clothing. There can be no holes/rips in clothing above the knee unless the student wears leggings or tights under them.
- At no time can undergarments be visible.
- Shoes must be worn at all times.
- No bandanas, bonnets, durags, sunglasses, blankets, or sleepwear of any kind are allowed inside the buildings during the school day.
- Student hoods or hoodies are at the teacher’s discretion, but headphones or earbuds under hoodies is prohibited.
- Sleepwear is not permitted at school. This includes but is not limited to pajamas, pajama pants, slippers, bedroom shoes, and hair bonnets.
For more information please review the FMS Student Handbook.
Student Expectations
We believe our scholars are capable of excellence and will hold them to a high standard for academics and behavior.
We are preparing our students for greatness, starting with academics, a positive attitude, and appropriate behavior as described in the GCS Code of Conduct and the FMS Student Handbook.
This year, GCS is going digital with its student handbook. The handbook is located online at www.gcsnc.com under Quick Links. It is also on our school's webpage under the student tab.
Ferndale Middle School, Home of the Trojans
Website: https://www.gcsnc.com/ferndale_middle
Location: 701 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC, USA
Phone: 336-819-2855
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FerndaleTrojanPride
Twitter: @fmstrojanpride