Dear Friends
December 6, 2022
Newsletter translation in a click
Did you know our district and schools use an application called Smore to create newsletters? Smore offers recipients the ability to translate newsletters into 100+ languages. It also offers ADA accessibility and interactivity options such as high-color contrast mode or font size changes.
- At the top of the document select Translate and Select Language.
- Click anywhere on the emailed Smore newsletter. This will open the newsletter in a web browser and the will provide access to the Accessibility menu and Translation and ADA bar.
- Click the web accessibility icon if reading on a mobile device.
Partner with us for healthy schools
In the last several weeks, we have had several students coming to school with symptoms of respiratory and other illnesses. Because these illnesses spread quickly through the classroom, we are asking you to observe the following guidelines when deciding whether to send your child to school.
Please keep your child home if they have:
- A fever (>100.4 F) or chills. Your child should stay home for 24 hours after the fever is gone, without taking fever-reducing medication (ie.Tylenol/Advil);
- A cough, muscle or body aches, difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell;
- Significant congestion or runny nose, sore throat, reddened eyes, green or yellow drainage from the nose;
- Fatigue or headache;
- Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea (24 hours free - before returning to school).
If your child has any of the above symptoms, please reach out to your health care provider. It is encouraged that those with symptoms be tested for COVID-19. If testing positive, please reach out to your school nurse/health room for further guidance.
One of the most effective ways to control the spread of illness in school is to keep your child home when symptoms first appear. Frequent hand washing, covering mouth/nose when coughing or sneezing, wearing masks, socially distancing, and receiving preventable vaccines, help prevent the spread of germs, viruses and illness.
Volunteer judges needed for area DECA competition
Our high school DECA programs need your professional help! Please mark your calendar for Saturday, January 7. The Area 1 Career Development Conference (CDC) competition is the first official step leading to the coveted DECA International Career and Development Conference in April. The April trip is known as “going to ICDC," where scholarships, prize money and networking with 12,000+ of the best marketing students in the United States takes place. It takes 120+ non-teaching adults to make Area 1 CDC to be the best it can be. Your role will simply be to help evaluate the student role-plays, student presentations, help with registration, or chaperone the students. Your presence will also bring a level of adult professionalism into the lives of the students.
Area 1 CDC will be held at Lake Stevens High School on Saturday, January 7. The conference will have 800+ students who will participate in 30+ marketing events. The top five marketers in each event will be invited to Washington DECA’s State Career Development Conference in March which will be held in Bellevue. To make this a great experience for these young marketing leaders, your help during Area 1 CDC is needed!
What: Area 1 Career Development Conference
When: Saturday, January 7
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Where: Lake Stevens High School (2908 113th Avenue NE in Lake Stevens)
To be a volunteer judge, please reach out to any one of the three teachers below:
- Jaime Dooley (Glacier Peak High School) at jaime.dooley@sno.wednet.edu
- Ben Doucette (Snohomish High School) at ben.doucette@sno.wednet.edu
- Alicia Sents (Glacier Peak High School) at alicia.sents@sno.wednet.edu
CTE program highlights
Our district's Career and Technical Education (CTE) students, teachers and classrooms are doing amazing things! The district's CTE program offers students a variety of career pathways including agriculture science, business and marketing, family and consumer science-hospitality, health sciences and pre-engineering design, production, and manufacturing. The pathways provide students with a suggested sequence of courses that can lead to college credit and/or industry certification. Learn more at www.sno.wednet.edu/cte. Below are some highlights of recent student activities and achievements:
Glacier Peak High School (GPHS) Student Media Club (through the Student Media class) visited the National High School Journalism Convention and placed in the top 10 in the "Best of Show" with their 2022 yearbook. Hundreds of yearbooks and teams from across the nation were part of the event. GPHS Student Media teacher and club advisor is Annie Green.
Snohomish High School (SHS) Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) members attended the FBLA Fall Leadership Conference at Stanwood High School on November 3. Students participated in motivational sessions and career planning workshops. SHS FBLA teacher advisor is Kathy Purviance-Snow.
Glacier Peak High School (GPHS) Sports Medicine students recently learned how to properly measure blood pressure, tape for an Achilles tendon injury, immobilize body parts using SAM and vacuum splints, properly stop bleeding and disinfect a wound, perform different massage techniques, and practiced special tests to identify a possible fracture. GPHS Sports Medicine teacher is Ben Szocik.
Snohomish High School (SHS) Future Farmers of America (FFA) students participated in the employment skills contest on November 16 at Cedarcrest High School in Duvall. Students had to complete a job application, write a resume, and complete a personal one-on-one interview. As a group, Snohomish FFA placed fourth overall and are looking forward to their next practice contest before competitions begin. SHS FFA teacher is Tracy Brown.
Snohomish High School (SHS) Floral Design students created fall-themed centerpieces for the CTE fall kick-off event held in mid-October. Flowers were donated by SHS graduates Beth Kendall and Carol Krause of Flower Farmer Girls. SHS Floral Design teacher advisor is Tracy Brown.
Valley View Middle School (VVMS) Engineering 2 students designed and produced carbon dioxide-propelled cars in their STEM class. Students began the process using the design process to plan their cars, then moved to the shop to manufacture them to TSA specifications. After production, students were competed in a rocket car drag race tournament. VVMS Engineering 2 teacher is Tim Lagerwey.
Centennial Middle School (CMS) Family Consumer Science students recently put on a popcorn carnival!.Classes learned about popcorn for National Popcorn Month and then split into teams for a popcorn competition - a Pop-i-tition! Teams developed a signature popcorn flavor, designed a poster, and created a popcorn-themed game. Students and staff had the chance to visit the carnival and vote on their favorites. CMS Family Consumer Science teacher is Jamie Mesman-Davis.
Popcorn flavors included:
- Coca-Cola
- Marshmallow with chocolate drizzle
- Cherry buttery
- Dark chocolate churro (winner!)
- Peppermint cream (winner!)
- Pumpkin pie
- Takis popcorn
- Cotton candy (winner!)
- Cookies n' cream
- Habanero lime
- Cajun (winner!)
- Caramel dip
- White chocolate strawberry (winner!)
- Hot honey, brown sugar, sriracha, vanilla
- Maple bacon
- Jolly rancher
- Raspberries and cream (winner!)
Glacier Peak High School (GPHS) Animal Biology and Advanced Animal Science students recently had the opportunity to prep pet food and pet supply bags in partnership with PAWS. GPHS Animal Biology and Advanced Animal Science teacher is Alisa Ashmon.
Snohomish High School (SHS) Culinary Essentials students went on a field trip to Bailey Farms this fall to pick fresh produce that they will prepare and use for recipes throughout the semester. SHS Culinary Essentials teacher is Linsey Turski.
Glacier Peak High School (GPHS) AP Computer Science A students recently visited DieHard RC to learn how to pilot drones. Later in the course, students can earn a certification for piloting drones, as well as create an Android app to control a drone. GPHS AP Computer Science A teacher is Kevin Winter.
Snohomish High School (SHS) DECA students recently visited the Kraken Community Iceplex to learn more about sport and entertainment marketing and promotion. Students got a first-hand look at the inner workings of the complex while engaging in discussions with Seattle Kraken leadership. SHS DECA teacher is Ben Doucette.
We'd like to introduce you!
Earlier this school year, we shared a little bit about our school principals through our Meet the Principal spotlights posted on the district’s Facebook page. Now that many have had a chance to learn a little bit more about our school principals, we are excited to continue our social media introductions with our Meet Our District Staff spotlights. Throughout the remainder of the school year, watch for the spotlights on the district's Facebook page to learn more about our educators and staff who help make Snohomish School District so special!
Free ACT opportunity for high school juniors
Large arena standard time ACT online days:
- Snohomish High School - Tuesday, March 7
- AIM High School - Wednesday, March 8
- Glacier Peak High School - Thursday, March 9
ACT accommodations
- Please note that if your student is approved for accommodation, they will be testing anytime within the testing window (March 7-9 and March 14-16) at your student’s school, grouped according to timing code.
The ACT is a leading U.S. college admissions test and includes tests in science, writing, reading, math and English. It is a curriculum-based educational and career planning tool that assesses students’ academic readiness for college. It includes an Interest Inventory that provides students with valuable information for career and educational planning, as well as a Student Profile Section that provides a comprehensive profile of an examinee’s work in high school and his/her future. To learn more about the ACT, please visit www.act.org.
Students who may need testing accommodations such as students with an IEP (Individualized Educational Plan), 504 Plan, or specific health plans and students receiving English Language (EL) services, will be contacted by their special education teacher, counselor, EL teacher, or school nurse. For the accommodation request to be submitted to ACT on your student’s behalf, the request form must be filled out completely with parent/guardian consent, which can be done over the phone. For students on a 504 Plan, ACT requires a doctor’s note when requesting accommodation; if you do not have one on file with our district office, you will need to provide one. All accommodation forms must be completed by Monday, December 19. Please talk with your IEP/504 case manager.
Specific testing directions will come from your school site. For accommodation request questions, please contact your child’s school:
AIM High School
Elizabeth Harms
Glacier Peak High School
Brittany Elliott, Assistant Principal
Snohomish High School
Anne Tompkins, Assistant Principal
To learn more about the ACT, please visit this link - www.act.org.
December Cultural Awareness and Recognitions
As with most other months, there are daily observances which have been identified. One of these is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities which was on December 3. According to un.org, disability is a condition or function judged to be significantly impaired relative to the usual standard of an individual of their group. Referred to as “the world’s largest minority,” persons with disabilities have generally poorer health, lower education achievements, fewer economic opportunities, and higher rates of poverty than people without disabilities.
- More than 1 billion people in the world have some form of disability.
- More than 100 million disabled persons are children.
- Children with disabilities are almost four times more likely to experience violence than non-disabled children.
- 50% of disabled persons cannot afford health care.
As we wrap up the calendar year, take this time to reflect on what it means to recognize, honor, and celebrate culture. Each of us, even within our own cultural identities have a multitude of beliefs, values, and passions. I use the term cultural identities because though we may be identified on the surface by our ethnicity, which is what often comes to mind when we hear culture, our identity is also our age, ability, religion, gender, sexual orientation, thinking style, political ideology, education level, geographic location, socioeconomic status, and others.
As we enter this holiday season, please be mindful of what this time of year can mean for the people in our lives. For some, it is a time of comfort and joy celebrated with friends, family, and loved ones. For others, it is a time of discomfort and stress related to past or present experiences due to family hardship or media and social pressures connected to holiday spending. For more information, please check out this link about holiday stress and the brain.
In addition, during this time of year families may experience a greater need for support and resources.
Grab your tickets to the show!
Twelfth Night is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written around 1601–1602 as a Twelfth Night's entertainment for the close of the winter holiday season. The play centers on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a shipwreck. Viola (who is disguised as Cesario) falls in love with the Duke Orsino, who in turn is in love with Countess Olivia. Upon meeting Viola, Countess Olivia falls in love with her thinking she is a man.
- Tickets currently on sale and must be purchased online at www.showtix4u.com/events/shstheatre. Please select performance date/time at the time of purchase.
- Tickets cost $10/each for students/children/veterans/seniors (over 65) and $13/each for adults.
Performance dates and times – December 2, 3, 9 and 10 at 7 p.m. December 3 and 10 at 1 p.m.
Performance location - Snohomish High School (1316 Fifth Street in Snohomish).
District senior citizens invited to join Golden Kla Ha Ya Club
Snohomish School District recognizes the value of our community’s senior citizens. In appreciation of your many years of generously supporting our students and schools, Snohomish senior citizens are invited to attend district home athletic events (regular season only) and drama productions free of charge.
For athletic events - Present your Golden Kla Ha Ya Club membership card at the gate. Athletic event schedules are available at www.wescoathletics.com.
For drama productions - Call the number below to reserve your seat. Bring your membership card to pick up your ticket at will call. Your complimentary ticket will not be available at the box office without this prior arrangement.
- Snohomish High School – 360-563-4008
- Glacier Peak High School – 360-563-7504
Download the registration form by clicking here. Complete the form and mail or bring it to the Superintendent’s Office (1601 Avenue D in Snohomish). You will be contacted when your membership card is available to pick up. Valid identification and age verification are required. You must pick up your card in person. Membership cards will not be mailed. Questions? Call the superintendent’s office at 360-563-7280.
SEF auction celebrates largest turnout
More than $256,000 was recently raised for Snohomish School District programs, classrooms and students at the Snohomish Education Foundation (SEF) Annual Fundraising Auction!
“This community continues to inspire me with its generosity and support of our schools! The 2022 SEF auction was a huge success." said Keely Reinhard, SEF Board President and Auction Committee Co-Chair. "With 340 guests, it was our largest turnout ever to celebrate the students, teachers and staff of the Snohomish School District."
Included in this year’s fundraising totals was over $75,000 raised specifically for classroom grants that will be distributed to teachers and staff in K-12 classrooms throughout the Snohomish School District.
"It was an exciting and fun night where our community came together not only to experience an elegant evening, but to "Light up the Future!," said Reinhard. "Through the generosity of our sponsors and guests, over $256,000 was raised to support classroom grants, scholarships and special programs that enhance the education of each student in our district."
The annual auction is the SEF's main fundraising event to benefit district students, teachers, and families. Since 1986, the SEF has granted more than $2.5 million in scholarships to graduating high school seniors, funded more than $954,000 in classroom grants to teachers and staff, and more than $524,000 in Snohomish School District K-12 programs. Learn more about the SEF at www.snoed.org.
Upcoming important dates
- Tuesday, December 20 - Half-day early release
- Wednesday, December 21-Tuesday, January 3 - No school/Winter Break
- Wednesday, January 4 - Classes resume after Winter Break
- Monday, January 16 - No school/MLK Jr. Day
- Monday, January 30 - No school/Beginning of second semester and non-student day
Learn more at www.sno.wednet.edu/calendars.
Important weather links
- District weather info - www.sno.wednet.edu/weather
- Limited transportation (snow) bus routes & schedules - www.sno.wednet.edu/snowroutes
- FlashAlert - http://www.flashalertseattle.net/closures-cats.html
- Puget Sound Energy outage map - https://pse.com/accountsandservices/servicealert/pages/outage-map.aspx
- Snohomish County PUD outage map - https://outagemap.snopud.com/
- Snohomish County road closure information - https://snohomishcountywa.gov/518/Road-Closures
- Snohomish County snow and ice response - https://snohomishcountywa.gov/2113/Snow-and-Ice-Response
Free and low-cost community programs
Below are links to some free and low-cost programs which we are aware of that are available for our district students and community members:
- All grades - Free/reduced meals
- All grades - Washington 2-1-1
- All grades - Affordable Connectivity Program
- All grades - Clothes for Kids
- K-9th graders - Operation School Bell
- 2nd graders – Swim for Life Second Grade Swim Program
- 4th graders - Every Kid Outdoors
- Youth - Youth on Course golf program
- Senior citizens – Golden Kla Ha Ya Club
Recent media
- Top returning prep basketball players in Snohomish County, Everett Herald, 11/30/22
- Piping-hot Thanksgiving takes: Snohomish elementary kids talk turkey, Everett Herald, 11/24/22
- 3A state swim and dive: Snohomish standout claims 2 more top-2 medals, Everett Herald, 11/23/22
- Johnston receives football all-conference honor, Everett Herald, 11/23/22
- You’re in! With 3.0 GPA, many students can now punch ticket to college, Everett Herald, 11/19/22
District-approved community fliers
- Affordable Connectivity Program
- Allergy & Asthma Network - Do you have peanut allergy? Do you care for a child who has peanut allergy? The Allergy & Asthma Network is looking for parents/guardians and families of children who have peanut allergies for a paid research study. Learn more at https://allergyasthmanetwork.org/news/do-you-have-peanut-allergy/.
- Camp Fire - Discover Club Program
- Civil Air Patrol
- Climb the Mountain Free Online Speech and Debate Programs
COVID-19 Study Conducted by UW and the Center for Health Research at Kaiser Permanente Northwest - You and your family are invited to join a research study to help understand more about COVID-19. You do not need to be vaccinated to participate. You will receive free weekly COVID-19 PCR tests delivered to and picked up from the convenience of your home. Learn more at cascadiastudy.org.
- Cub Scouts Pack 193 and Calendar
- Girl Scouts Daisy Troop 41623 - Cathcart Elementary
- Girls Snolax Lacrosse Try if for Free! - January 7
- Girls Lacrosse - Try Us Out
- GPHS Swing Dance - January 21
- Join Girl Scouts at Dutch Hill
- Native American and First Nations Night - UW Volleyball vs. Utah
- Reflections School of Dance - December 2022
- Santa Slam (Youth Basketball) - December 20 and 21
- Seattle Children's Chorus Registration
- Sno-Isle Libraries - November and December 2022
- Snohomish Community Food Bank
- Snohomish for Equity Youth Committee Application
- STEMTree
- Strategic Kids Chess at Totem Falls Elementary
- Strategic Kids LEGO at Totem Falls Elementary
School & district news
- Facebook - Today, more than 11,000 Facebook fans receive regular district updates through our district's Facebook page - www.facebook.com/snohomishschooldistrict. This site is just one of many ways we communicate with our students, staff, families and community. Although we are aware of other Facebook pages, please note that this is the only verified Facebook page of the Snohomish School District and is where official information is posted.
- School newsletters - If you would like to receive Dear Friends and other district and school newsletters, or if you have a high school student who wants to receive the school Daily Bulletin, you must subscribe to our listserv subscription tool. For directions on how to subscribe or change your subscription preferences (for those already signed up), please click here.
- Dear Friends - Looking for back issues of our Dear Friends enews? Visit www.sno.wednet.edu/dearfriends.
- School Messenger - Our district uses the School Messenger automated system as a tool for communication with our parents, families and staff. School Messenger works with the district’s student-data system (Skyward/Family Access) to notify families and staff through phone and/or email of emergencies, critical school and district messages, school/district closures, inclement weather, attendance issues, underfunded student meal accounts and other events/activities. The overall goal of using this service is for parents and families to receive critical information about Snohomish schools - especially information that affects their children - in a timely manner. As long as we have accurate primary phone numbers and email addresses on record for our students in Skyward/Family Access, families should automatically receive these messages when they are sent out.
How to reach us
- Snohomish School District
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu
- Phone - 360-563-7300
- Glacier Peak High School
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/gphs
- Phone - 360-563-7500
- Snohomish High School
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/shs
- Phone - 360-563-4000
- Centennial Middle School
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/cms
- Phone - 360-563-4525
- Valley View Middle School
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/vvms
- Phone - 360-563-4225
- Cascade View Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/cascadeview
- Phone - 360-563-7000
- Cathcart Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/cathcart
- Phone - 360-563-7075
- Central Emerson Elementary (Central Campus)
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/centralemerson
- Phone - 360-563-4600
- Dutch Hill Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/dutchhill
- Phone - 360-563-4450
- Central Emerson Elementary (Emerson Campus)
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/centralemerson
- Phone - 360-563-7150
- Little Cedars Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/littlecedars
- Phone - 360-563-2900
- Machias Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/machias
- Phone - 360-563-4825
- Riverview Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/riverview
- Phone - 360-563-4375
- Seattle Hill Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/seattlehill
- Phone - 360-563-4675
- Totem Falls Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/totemfalls
- Phone - 360-563-4750
- Student Learning Alternatives (AIM High School, Parent Partnership Program, Apex Online Learning)
- Website – www.sno.wednet.edu/alternative
- AIM High School Phone - 360-563-3400
- Parent Partnership Program Phone - 360-563-3423
- Apex Online Learning Phone - 360-563-3421
- Website – www.sno.wednet.edu/eceap
- Phone – 360-563-4641
- Snohomish Aquatic Center
- Website - www.snohomishaquatic.com
- Phone - 360-563-8030
Non-Discrimination Notice
Our mission
The Snohomish School District, in its commitment to excellence, places the success of each student at the center of all decisions and actions. Partnerships and strong academic programs ensure competent, responsible, lifelong learners.
Email: communications@sno.wednet.edu
Website: www.sno.wednet.edu
Location: 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA, USA
Phone: 3605637300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/snohomishschooldistrict/