Week 2
August 25, 2023

Angevine Weekly Announcements/ Anuncios Semanales
REMINDER: Reporting Absences or Tardies
Please call the attendance line: 720-561-7102 or IC Parent Portal
Absences 4 or More Days (not illness) click HERE and return to the Main Office
Important Upcoming Dates/ Fechas importantes
Back to School Night
Thursday, Aug 31, 2023, 05:00 PM
Angevine Middle School, West South Boulder Road, Lafayette, CO, USA
No School - Labor Day Holiday
Monday, Sep 4, 2023, 07:00 AM
School-Wide Picture Day
Thursday, Sep 7, 2023, 09:00 AM
Transportation Assistance
RTD is FREE for youth for the 23/24 School Year! – For the month of August RTD is free for all riders through their Zero Fare for Better Air program. Starting in September through August 2024, RTD will be free for youth 19 and under. This includes local and regional routes. Youth will simply need to show a school or government-issued ID. Please refer to this RTD webpage for more information.
Carpools – All BVSD schools have a Schoolpool network through WaytoGo, a program of the Denver Regional Council of Governments. Schoolpool is a resource for organizing a carpool or finding walk/bike/bus groups. Invitations have been sent via SchoolMessenger inviting families to sign up. To view your school's invitation with its unique URL, please visit this Google folder. If your families have any questions about SchoolPool, they can email SafeRoutes@bvsd.org.
Breakfast & Lunch is FREE! ¡El desayuno y el almuerzo son gratis!
Thanks to Colorado voters, breakfast and lunch will be free for students this year at your school! Students can eat a free breakfast and a free lunch, complete with unlimited salad bar, every day! Students will continue to enter their student ID, and optional second entrees can be purchased when available using money in each student’s meal account. Even though lunch is free next year, it is still very important that you fill out the free and reduced meal application, as it impacts funding for your school. Please find the link to that application via Infinite Campus here.
At BVSD, we believe in nutritious, locally-sourced ingredients and tasty meals, and we’re thrilled to be able to offer free meals to all students. We’re a leader in scratch-cooked school food, and we look forward to serving more students than ever next year! Learn more at food.bvsd.org.
Welcome New Bobcats!/ Bienvenida nuevas Bobcats
Welcome Ms. Laura!
Angevine is excited to welcome Ms. Laura Melgarejo-Perez as our new Dual Language Spanish Science teacher. She started with her classes this past Monday.
Welcome Ms. Raina!
We are also excited to welcome Ms. Raina Richardson, our new School Support Assistant. She will be in our main office supporting with attendance & activities.
We are in the process of onboarding a new 7th grade ELA teacher and are currently interviewing for paraprofessionals and Social Studies.
Counselor's Corner/ Rincón del consejero
Meet Mr. Dwayne Davis
"My goal as a school counselor is to develop professional relationships with students, parents, teachers and administrators. In order to build healthy relationships to support our local schools and community. I enjoy fishing, cooking and golfing. Most of all I love spending quality time with my family."
Mr. Davis will be our 8th grade counselor but has been supporting students in all grades as we launch the school year.
We wish Ms. Gamble all the best while she is out of the office and look forward to onboarding a new part-time counselor to join our team. For immediate support, please contact Mr. Davis at Dwayne.Davis@bvsd.org
Electives/ Electivas
Advisory at Angevine/ Asesoría en Angevine
This Fall a number of students have been scheduled into Advisory as one of their electives for the first semester. The Advisory class is designed to support students in their personal, academic, and social emotional development during the critical middle school years. Through collaborative discussions, activities, and projects, students will explore various academic, communication and life skills, topics that are essential for their overall well-being and success.
Health Room/ Sala de salud
It’s that time for medication pick up!!
Please make arrangements to pick up your child’s medication(s) on or before the last day of school. Unless your student has a self carry contract to carry medication , a guardian must pick up the medication. We cannot send medication home with your student. If it is not absolutely necessary for this medication to be at school until the last day of classes, then please pick up the medication as soon as possible.
If your student will need us to administer medication next year, please have your healthcare provider complete the Medication Administration Authorization Form. All medication orders must be renewed each new school year. The BVSD Medication Administration Authorization form can be found on the BVSD Health Services Site under Student Health Forms.
Any medication not picked up by the end of the day on the last day of school will be disposed of.
Pick ups can be made between 8:15 to 4:00 PM every school day. Please call if you need to come at another time for special arrangements.
Any questions, please feel free to call the healthroom! 720-561-7109
LuAnn, Loree and our school district nurse Ms Annie!
Important Information/ Información importante
Website & Social Media Updates/ Actualizaciones del sitio web y redes sociales
Contact Information
Ms. Burroughs (Principal) - w: 720-561-5462/ c: 720-440-2137/ Rhianna.Burroughs@bvsd.org
Mr. Sauceda (Asst Principal) - w: 720-561 - 7111/ Juan.Suaceda@bvsd.org
Mr. Martinez (Asst Principal) - w: 720-561-7110/ Alberto.Martinez@bvsd.org
Angevine Middle School
1150 West South Boulder Rd.
Lafayette, CO 80026
P: 720-561-7100
F: 720-561-7101