April Parent Newsletter
Manvel Public School 2022
Message from the Principal
Dear Mustang Families,
April is here and that means the 2021-2022 school term is nearing the end. There are a lot of events happening before the end of the year. Be sure to see the upcoming events below. The Wolf Ridge trip for 8th grade is coming quickly. May is also a very busy month, especially if you have an 8th grader or Kindergartener (graduation), there is preschool and kindergarten roundup for next year's incoming students and parents, the Honors Breakfast to celebrate community members and some of our 7th & 8th graders, and lots of fun field trips for other grades. We are also going to be having our first annual COLOR FUN RUN at MPS. All families are invited! *All dates are listed below ~ mark your calendars!
We have been administering the North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA) for grades 3-8 over the past couple weeks. This computerized assessment is mandated by the ND Department of Public Instruction for all public schools in North Dakota each spring. It tests the areas of Math, English/Language Arts, and Science. Our teachers have worked hard on preparing our students for the rigor and validity of academic success with this test. Thanks for making sure your child gets plenty of rest, eats a good breakfast, and brings a water bottle for hydration ~ all important aspects of healthy learning. You will receive a copy of your child's results from their teacher in the next few weeks.
We are focused on moving towards standards-based report cards for next year in math for PreK-5th grade. You will see that change on the report cards for the 2022-2023 school year. We are also revising and updating our behavior expectations school-wide. I have attached a copy of the new poster below. Each of the words on the poster will be taught explicitly to all students next year in their classroom. We challenge all students to have "Above the Line" behavior. Below the Line behaviors will be taught and re-taught if students are struggling with them. "Bottom Line" behaviors will go to the administration at MPS. We are excited to recognize all the "Above the Line" behaviors we will observe at MPS! Thanks for helping to reinforce this at home - it will make for a safe, positive environment for all!
Thank you to all the families who supported the Book Fair in the Library last week. It was a great success and the support for the library and Mrs. Davis is much appreciated! Keep reading!!!
As we approach spring and have nice weather, please keep in mind we will have more children walking to and from school. Please abide by the traffic flow and laws for student drop-off and student-pickup. The attention to these details is for the safety of our children that attend Manvel Public School.
As always, we value your input and invite you to share with us any ideas you may have to help our school continue to grow and move forward!
Have a healthy and happy Easter!
Mrs. Hiltner, Principal
Manvel Public School
Office (701) 696-2212
Upcoming Events ~ Save the Date!
Friday, April 8th ~ Storm Make-Up Day ~ School IS IN SESSION!
Friday, April 8th ~ Game Board Fun with 5th-grade families @ 2:00 pm in Mrs. Love's room
Monday, April 11th - Friday, April 15th ~ Wolf Ridge Trip with 8th grade; (Mr. Twedell)
Monday, April 11th ~ Long Range Plan/School Board Meeting @ 5 PM in Library
Friday, April 15th - NO SCHOOL *Good Friday
Monday, April 18th~ NO SCHOOL *PT Comp Day
Thursday, April 21st ~ Connection Time @ 10 AM
Friday, April 22nd ~ 6th Grade History Field Trip to Pembina Museum (Mrs. Davis/Mr. G.)
Monday, April 25th ~ K & 1 grade musical; 2 &. 7 PM
Monday, April 25th - Tuesday, April 26th ~ 7th & 8th-grade student council conference in Bismarck
Monday, May 2nd - Friday, May 6th: Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week!
Tuesday, May 3rd ~ Kindergarten Roundup @ 2:00; parent meeting in the library
Thursday, May 5th ~ Honors Breakfast (more info to come for those involved)
Friday, May 6th ~ 5th-grade field trip to Turtle River State Park
Monday, May 9th ~ 3rd, 4th, 5th grade Spring Concert; 2 & 7 PM
Thursday, May 12th ~ Preschool RoundUp; 10:30-11:30 AM
Thursday, May 12th ~ Sumo Bot Wars (Part 2) @ 2:00 PM in MPS Gym (Robotics Students)
Monday, May 16th ~ Middle School Spring Concert; 2 & 7 PM
Wednesday, May 18th ~ LAST Connection Time for the year @ 10 AM
Tuesday, May 24th ~ SOS Fun Day/Color Run; 12:30-3:00 *Families invited
Thursday, May 26th ~ 8th Grade Graduation @ 7:30 PM at MPS Gym
Friday, May 27th ~ Kindergarten Graduation @ 9:30 AM at MPS Gym
Friday, May 27th ~ Last Day of School
School for the 2022-2023 School Year begins Thursday, August 25th, 2022
Thanks to all the parents and community members who took time out of their busy schedules to read to our students during Reading Month! We've attached a few pictures below, but there were MANY others.
During their "Insect Unit" in second grade, Ms. Fuller disappeared and a "Praying Mantis" showed up at MPS!
Critical Thinking and Creativity are encouraged as part of our daily curriculum at MPS!
Mrs. Sandness' Kindergarten class had a SPA DAY! Special thanks to all the parent helpers who came and to Fashion Hive Boutique for donating the headbands!
8th Grade & Kindergarten went sledding at Lincoln Park. They enjoyed a treat from the Dairy Queen on the way home, thanks to PTO!
About Us
The Mission of the Manvel Public School is to Empower Every Student, Every Day
Our Vision: Inspiring 21st Century Learners to Influence 22nd Century SuccessesEmail: melissa.hiltner@manvelk8.com
Website: http://www.manvel.k12.nd.us/pages/Manvel_Elementary_School
Location: 801 Oldham Avenue, Manvel, ND, United States
Phone: 701-696-2212
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/manvelmustangs/