The Branch
A Monthly Newsletter from RootEd
Patience and Compromise
School districts are in a no-win situation. They must follow TEA and state guidelines which dictate how they can operate. They are also listening to local health experts and the information is changing so quickly from day to day, they probably have whiplash from the back and forth.
They are trying to make decisions that will be best for thousands of families with a finite amount of resources. That’s the beauty of public schools- they serve all kids. And because their mission is to serve and educate every child, you may be asked to compromise on what you think would be ideal for your kids this year because it will be best for someone else. Not thrilled about wearing a mask? Making that sacrifice could mean protecting a vulnerable classmate or teacher. You want your child to be able to virtually “sit” in their real class and watch their teacher all day in real time? While that may be possible, the financial resources and manpower it would take to make it happen in every classroom in every school across Texas could probably be better spent providing technology and internet access to kids who don’t have it, but need it to participate and learn remotely. Or maybe you really want your child’s day to look as normal as possible but have to give up things like eating in the cafeteria and after school clubs in order to best protect others.
What we're trying to say is this: in this season, we have an opportunity to show our kids what it means to be a team player. To love our neighbors. To overcome adversity and learn to be flexible. That disappointment happens and we will survive it. We can either complain and grumble about things that aren’t harmful to our kids, but could very well help someone else or we can find fun and positive ways for them to approach the school year. (And, as a side note, we absolutely know there are situations where wearing a mask or other precautions could be harmful due to health or sensory issues. we're not speaking to those situations.)
Our advice is this: as districts announce plans, and then have to change them because- as we’ve seen over the past 4 months nothing with COVID is normal or predictable- show grace to them, your school staff and other parents. Choose your battles wisely. Be the one willing to compromise. Be the one who is helpful, encouraging and supportive. Be the light in the darkness.
Petition for Full Funding
The current situation with the pandemic is constantly in flux. The one thing that should not be in flux is the funding provided to our districts from TEA. The students will be in class soon and we need to make sure that we do everything we can to make sure those schools are fully funded. Given the seriousness of the public health emergency and the likelihood that it will continue to be fluid across the state, TEA should commit to holding districts harmless for the entire school year. Of all years, this is the year to fully fund our schools. Costs will be different and new and we need to be sure that the state hears our requests for money for our schools.
Census 2020
Please tell your relatives, friends and co-workers to go to to complete the Census questionnaire online or call (844) 330-2020, or (844) 468-2020 for Spanish, to speak with a live Census employee who can help them fill out their questionnaire over the phone. The Census questionnaire has only nine questions and responding is easy, safe, and secure.
Keep in mind, a complete and accurate census count determines how many representatives in Congress each state will have — and how more than $675 billion in federal funds will be distributed to communities each year for the next decade. The 2020 Census results will also inform spending for critical services such as schools, hospitals, emergency management and disaster relief programs, roads, fire departments, and much more.
Input and Questions
In the picture below, Dr. Woods, NISD Superintendent, is on a zoom with teachers to answer questions and to get input for the future. We have seen districts do live chats with parents and have probably seen 1 MILLION surveys go out to teachers and parents. Well, maybe not 1 MILLION but definitely plenty to show us that they are reaching out.
We know that nothing the districts put in place will be perfect this year. Even planning for RootEd this year is hard. How do we engage without being WITH our Reps? Our biggest events, the Future Football games is definitely in the gray area. Our struggle is not quite as grandiose as the district's struggle to figure out the school year, but we definitely understand that nothing will be the same. It will take patience, compromise and trust to get through the year for everyone involved.
Summer School
Welcoming Staff
First School Back!
RootEd out in the Community
RootEd Rep Contact Info for 2020-2021
Signs for Sale!
Want to purchase an NEISD or NISD Proudly RootEd sign? HarlandaleISD may have a few signs left, contact the parent ed center.
Have a sign already? Tag us in a pic of your sign and we’ll share to our stories! (Home or Campus!!)
Be sure to share your school’s RootEd hashtag along with it!!
Order here
RootEd Rep Spotlight: Yvette Benavidez-Winger
"Several years ago, when I was introduced to RootEd San Antonio, a non-profit
organization formed by parents and educators of the public schools system, I was
captivated! To think this group of people cared enough to organize, rally, and
advocate for our students and public education in all districts of the area told me that
every student mattered. It was then that I reached out and volunteered to echo their
advocacy by promoting RootEd to my local school community. I have attended the
last few annual meetings and I continue to believe because I continue to witness their
passion for the history of public education and the importance of communities that envelop each public school house.
Serving as a RootEd representative at the local level is the bridge between RootEd-SA and
RootEd-Campus level. I served at Los Reyes Elementary for the past five years and the school
community and support was phenomenal. It is the parent-led PTA that parallels RootED SA at the front-line. I have recently transferred to serve at a Title I campus, Valley Hi Elementary, where the community needs may be different and where I will use RootEd SA to help me flex and support the school community. The uncertainty we face with the continued local health crisis puts us in uncharted territory but when we have each other, we can make it through any adversity."
#RootEdValleyHi #RootEdLosReyes
About RootEd
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Phone: (210) 617-0824
Twitter: @RootEdSA