Roadrunner Ramp Weekly
News from Arbor View Elementary School: April 21, 2023
Fun Run donation bonus time!
A huge “thank you” to our students, staff, and donors for the incredible Arbor View Fun Run fundraiser! We’ve raised more than $8,750 and we've added one more week to reach our goal of $15,000.
How you can help:
Register your student (if you haven’t already)
Share your fundraising page
Enter donations to get Arbor View Elementary School AV equipment for our gym, while still earning prizes!
We can’t do it without your help! Thank you for your support towards our Arbor View Fun Run fundraiser!
No school on Monday, April 24
Community invited to meet next superintendent at 6 p.m. April 25
Community members are invited to meet Doug Eccarius, the next CCSD 89 superintendent, during an open house from 6 to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 25, at the district office 22W600 Butterfield Road, Glen Ellyn. Anyone is welcome to attend. Eccarius was unanimously approved by the Board of Education to be the superintendent starting July 1. Read more: https://bit.ly/3onUSKO
Survey created by students will be shared with students in third through eighth grades
Arbor View cheerleading!
Spirit wear sale
Take 15% off all types of apparel and accessories, on the Arbor View Roadrunners Spirit Wear Store store!
Donations for West Suburban Human Society
Arbor View PTC
Email: ptc.arborview@gmail.com
Website: www.arborviewptc.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roadrunners89/
Twitter: @arborviewptc
Order your 2023-24 school supply kits
Order today at http://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=30763
Deadline to order is July 1. Ordered kits will be delivered to school.
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
Scouting for Food (Food Drive) April 22-29
Cub Scout packs 55 and 382 from Arbor View and Briar Glen are collecting donations to help families in our community. There are local families struggling to make choices, such as: rent or food.
Packs 55 and 382 are partnering with Milton Township Food Pantry to assist in meeting our community’s needs. A Scout’s promise is to help other people at all times and there is no better way to show Scouting spirit than to participate in the annual Scouting for Food drive!
You can give in a variety of ways. Provide your donations to a Cub Scout from Pack 55 or Pack 382; place items directly in the collection bins located at Arbor View or Briar Glen; or bring your items to the donation drive-through at the Briar Glen parking lot between 8 and 9:30 a.m. on April 29. Please see the attached flyer for additional details.
News from CCSD 89
Parent Series: A personal story of addiction (April 26)
Please complete 2023-24 registration as soon as possible
Registration for the 2023-24 school year is now open. Families should use the individualized “SnapCode” they received in the U.S. mail to complete registration as soon as possible. Anyone who has lost their SnapCode will need to prove residency again. More info: https://bit.ly/3Mj2mZN
April 24: No school (School improvement)
April 25: Community open house to meet next superintendent, 6 p.m.
April 26: Parent Series: Insights into drug and alcohol abuse, noon and 7 p.m.
April 28: Preschool only: no school
May 1: Organizational Board meeting, 7 p.m.
May 2: Parent Series: Strategies to help students gain confidence, noon and 7 p.m.
May 12: Spring orchestra concert, Glen Crest, 6 p.m.
May 15: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
May 16: Band concerts, Glen Crest, 6-9 p.m.
May 18: Parent Series: Finding balance in the age of indulgence, noon
May 19: Spring chorus concert, Glen Crest, 7 p.m.
May 20: Parent Series: Mental health documentary “My Sister Liv”, 2 p.m.
May 25: Last day of school year (morning attendance for students)
May 26: Summer construction begins
June 5: Summer school begins at Briar Glen
Backpack fliers
6th-8th grade Glenbard South dance clinic (April 25-26)
Presentation: Teach your kids social skills at home (April 27)
History Center: African-American music history (April 29)
STEMCON at College of DuPage (April 29)
Glenbard South dance team tryouts (May 4)
Friday night Dodgeball Nights (May 5 – August 18)
SPARK autism research event (May 6)
A Day of Connections autism event (May 6)
Butterfield Park District summer athletics (opened March 1)
Butterfield Park District summer camps (opened March 1)
Butterfield Park District early childhood summer programs (opened March 1)
Butterfield Park District discounted pool/swim team memberships
Adapted swim program for swimmers with special abilities (June-July)
Aquatics programs at Butterfield Park District (June 5 – August 5)
Dessert decorating mini camp (June 5-8)
College of DuPage Youth Academy (June 5-August 4)
World’s Largest Swimming Lesson in Lombard (June 22)
Poolside Movies with Butterfield Park District (June 23-August 4)
GenCyber Student Program at College of DuPage (July 10-21)
Game Show Mania at Butterfield Park District (July 17-20)
Wacky Water Days at Butterfield Park District (July 17-20)
Family Fun Fest at Butterfield Park District (July 22)
Glen Ellyn Jazz Concert (July 30)
‘Survivor’ camp at Butterfield Park District (July 31 – August 3)
Arbor View Elementary School
Attendance phone: (630) 790-6076
Email: info@ccsd89.org
Website: www.ccsd89.org/arborview
Location: Arbor View Elementary School, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 469-5505
Facebook: facebook.com/CCSD89
Twitter: @ArborViewSchool