Distrito Escolar Unificado de Alvord

February 25, 2024
A Message from the Superintendent
I hope the President's Week holiday was restful and fun. We return tomorrow for the final third of the school year and the final reporting period. February 16 marked the end of the third reporting period. As we approach the finish line, it's the perfect time to subscribe to the following list of successful student strategies, if you do not already subscribe to them.
- Make an appointment with your counselor if you're not certain of your progress or want to discuss some useful strategies to finish the school year strong and prepare for next year.
- Monitor your grades on a weekly basis. Regular monitoring prevents getting buried in an avalanche of work and feeling overwhelmed and helpless.
- Talk to your teachers about your progress and goals. Teachers appreciate hearing from you earlier rather than later when there is little time to make improvements.
- Create a schedule to approach studying and completing assignments. Divide your studying and assignment schedule into manageable chunks.
- Take advantage of school-sponsored tutoring.
- Plan for summer programs. Alvord offers many programs to recover credit or accelerate learning.
Our Expanding Learning Opportunities Program team presents our next visual and performing arts Saturday Series event for all TK - 8 students who sign up. The day of fun will be held at Norte Vista High School on Saturday, March 9 from 8:30 am - 5:30 pm. Students will have the opportunity to develop their artistic voice by exploring, learning, creating and producing within multiple visual and performing arts disciplines, including art, dance, music, drama, and the culinary arts. Students who attend will receive breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and a T-Shirt. Register on Parent square by February 28th.
While Black History Month is coming to a close, the national spotlight on African Americans and the arts need not stop shining. In 1976, when President Gerald Ford established Black History Month to celebrate and admire the impressive contributions of black Americans, he proclaimed, “In the Bicentennial year of our Independence, we can review with admiration the impressive contributions of black Americans to our national life and highlight these achievements." Dr. Carter G. Woodson, who founded the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History and is credited as the founder of Black History Month, is said to have chosen February to celebrate Black History Month because of the birthdays of two great Americans who played a prominent role in shaping black history, namely Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass.
Keep shining the light by learning more about the Black Family Project: United by History, Restored by Storytelling. The Association for the Study of African American Life and History in collaboration with Archival Alchemy presents this national program that centers the legacy of family reunions while encouraging families of all backgrounds to build and renew their own traditions and stories. Check out the brief video below for more information.
Spring Break, March 25-29 (Schools closed. Expanded Learning is Open)*
Memorial Day, Monday, May 27 (Schools closed)
Last Day of School, May 31
*TK - 8 Students, join us for Spring Break 2024 STEAM EXPLORATION CAMP, from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm on March 25-29. Campers will explore robotics, science labs, film animation, podcasting, aviation and aerospace, and much more. Sign up through Parent Square or call the Expanded Learning office Monday - Friday, 9:45 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. (951) 358-1682
Our Measure J projects committed to student and staff safety are in various phases as our team navigates construction planning and project management around school schedules and other components. As we plan our summer school programs we will take into consideration the many construction projects underway, and consequently offer our summer program only at specific schools. Security systems, video surveillance, anti-climb fencing, notification systems, and strategic landscaping are among the primary projects you will see in various phases. Get Measure J updates by joining the Parent Square Measure J Community Group.
On behalf of the Board of Education, thank you for choosing Alvord as your education partner. We strive to be our best, so that your children can be their best.
In partnership,
Allan Mucerino
Upcoming Regular Meetings of the Board
Next Meetings are March 7 and March 21. Agendas are posted 72 hours in advance for Regular Meetings of the Board of Education. Find them here. Agendas are posted 24 hours in advance for Special Meetings of the Board of Education.
Public Comments Welcome
Meetings are conducted at KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879. The Open Session begins at 6 pm. Members of the public may address the Board for up to three minutes on any topic on the agenda or not on the agenda.
Most Recent Board Meeting Agenda Highlights
Find the February 15, 2024 Board Meeting Highlights here. Sign up for the Board Meeting Highlights here. It will be sent to your Inbox immediately following board meetings.
Lake Hills K-5
Promenade K-5
Villegas 6-8
District Office
Vice President
Trustee Area 1
Twinhill K-5
Valley View K-5
Loma Vista 6-8
Trustee Area 2
Arlanza K-5
La Granada K-5
Terrace K-5
Norte Vista 9-12
Alternative Ed Center
Keller Administration Site
Child Nutrition Services
Trustee Area 3
Collett K-5
Foothill K-5
Myra Linn K-5
Wells 6-8
La Sierra 9-12
Trustee Area 4
McAuliffe K-5
Orrenmaa K-5
Stokoe K-5
Arizona 6-8
Alvord High 11-12
Hillcrest 9-12
Our partner, PIQE, is a national organization known for delivering evidence-based programs that engage, empower and transform parents to actively engage in their children’s education and strengthen parent-school collaboration. The workshops are designed to empower parents with information, skills development, and support systems, particularly for families of historically underrepresented students. Contact our Family Engagement Office for more information at 951-396-0126.
Sign Up for Weekly Notifications in Aeries & Follow Your Student's Progress
Visit the Aeries Parent Portal frequently to check on assignments and grades. You can also sign up to receive a weekly notice in Aeries for a quick summary of the grade book, missing assignments, attendance for the week. Here's how to sign up:
- Login to Aeries Parent Portal
- Click on the down arrow on the top right corner after your email address
- Select “Parent Notification Preferences”
- Check the box next to “Receive Weekly Progress Email”
- Select the day and time for notification
- Click “Save”
Sign Up for our After School Program
Alvord provides an extension of the school day and school year through its Expanded Learning Program. The focus is on academic, artistic, social, emotional, and physical development for students in elementary and middle school, including middle school sports. The program does not replicate learning activities that take place during the regular school day. Instead, it builds upon them. The program is offered everyday after school, as well as intercession, including summer and extended breaks for holidays. Learn more about it here. Or call (951) 358-1682, Monday - Friday, 9:45 a.m. to 6:45 p.m.
Participate in our Middle School Sports Program
Did you know we offer a full year of middle school sports? We kick off the program with Track and Field just a few days after the school year begins. Specific information regarding clinic and team tryouts will be distributed by each individual middle school site. The link to register to participate in any our middle school sports programs will be sent via Parent Square next week once our registration website goes live. All interested students will need to register and students trying out for any of our competitive teams will need to provide a sports clearance physical form completed by a medical doctor prior to their tryout. Forms can be obtained in the main office of any of our middle schools. Soccer follows the Track & Field season. Other sports include volleyball, flag-football, basketball and pep squad. Make sure your child is registered to participate. The website link is coming soon!
Activate you Parent Square Two-Way Communication
Parent Square is a safe and secure platform for school-to-home and home-to-school communication. All of our schools rely on it to keep parents informed. Instead of a one-way communication tool, Parent Square provides two-way communication. But to fully utilize the two-way feature of Parent Square, you have to activate your account. Sign in here and activate the two-way tool.
Family Engagement
Call 951-396-0126 or email Familyengagement@alvordschools.org
Alvord Unified School District
Email: AUSD@alvordschools.org
Website: https://www.alvordschools.org
Location: 9 Kpc Parkway, Corona, CA 92879, USA
Phone: (951) 509-5000
Facebook: facebook.com/alvordunified
Twitter: @AlvordUnified
Instagram: alvordunified