All Souls Catholic School
Newsletter - February 16th, 2017
This excerpt from the Sermon on the Mount provides us with some of Jesus' most revolutionary and challenging teachings. First Jesus acknowledges a long-standing law of retribution: "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth'" (verse 38). This ancient way of living in community, though it may sound harsh to our modern ears, was indisputably logical and certainly effective in preventing some crimes. If you knew that if you gouges someone's eye out, they could lawfully gouge your eye out, you might think twice about doing the gouging in the first place!
And yet, as we might expect, this ancient law was far from Jesus' ideal. He proceeded to teach something far less logical, something that goes against the grain of just about every human instinct we have: "But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one as well" (verse 29). Jesus goes on to offer similar difficult teachings about giving to anyone who asks, and serving anyone who makes a request of you. All of this is to be done without expecting anything in return.
Our most basic human instinct is self-preservation. Jesus is challenging this instinct. He wants us to receive his teaching with the total dedication of a true disciple. If we do, our instincts can gradually be reshaped. Self-preservation falls by the wayside as we begin to instinctively act out of love for others. This teaching is a revolutionary now as it was then. To intentionally make sacrifices for the sake of others is the way of Jesus himself, the way of the Cross, the way of true discipleship.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Last Sunday morning the award winners for the Respect Life Essay Contest attended the Awards Mass and cCeremony with Bishop Justice at the St. Mary's Cathedral. I was very proud of our award-winning students, and it was great to see Bishop Justice acknowledge All Souls School as a great place of learning. Bishop Justice commented on the wonderful things that are happening at the school.
The award winners are:
1st Place - Alan Alcantara - 4th Grade
Honorary Mention Awards :
- Noah Chin - Grade 3
- Cassandra Tostado - Grade 6
- Jeffrey Aldon - Grade 8
Re- Enrollment 2017 - 2018
The re-enrollment process begins for the rest of the school families from March 1st. Please be aware it is important to complete this online re-enrollment at that time. A reminder that the fee of $305 is due at the time of completing the forms. There will be a slight increase in tuition for the coming year due to a new salary increase and health care increases for all staff.
Presidents Day Weekend
Tomorrow and Monday are student free days. I wish everyone an enjoyable time over this long weekend.
Molloy's Social Night - Saturday, February 25th
The School Board members have organized a wonderful night of fun for all parents and friends at Molloy's Tavern on Old Mission Road. Pre order tickets as a great way to save. Send in your orders to the school office in a marked envelope "Molloy's Night". There is a saving of $3.00 per ticket. Please see flyer attached
Archdiocesan Cluster Meeting
On Monday, February 27th teachers will be attending an English-Language Arts professional development meeting at OLM from 1 pm. Students will be dismissed at 12.20pm.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday will be celebrated on Wednesday, March 1st. There is a Mass at 9am along with the reception of ashes.
It's that time of year for the Spell-A-Thon. It will be held on Friday, March 3rd. As you are aware it is part of our fundraiser program, and we look forward to students gaining as many sponsors as possible.
God Bless,
Vincent Riener
17 - Semester Holiday - 20 - Presidents' Day Holiday
21 - School Board Mtg. - 6:30pm - Annex Meeting Room
22 - Spring Picture Day
23 - First Communion Parent Meeting - 7pm
25 - School Board Parent Event - Molloy's Tavern
27 - Archdiocesan Staff Dev. Mtg. - 12:20 Dismissal - Athl. Board Hot Dog Sale
24-25-26 - LA Religion Congress
1- Ash Wednesday - 9am Mass (Full School Uniform)
3 - Spell-a-thon
4 - First Reconciliation - 9am
5 - School Family Mass - 9am
6 - Faculty Meeting - 2:30pm Early Dismissal
8 - Athletic Board Meeting - 6:30pm
9 - Family Fun Night
17 - Spring Holiday
20- Archdiocesan Staff Dev. Mtg. - 12:20 Dismissal - Athl. Board Hot Dog Sale
21 - School Board Mtg. - 6:30pm - Annex Meeting Room
29 - Athletic Board Awards Night - Basketball
31 - Cesar Chavez Day
TODAY!! 12:00-9:00pm
Our in-house Scrip program is back in business after the summer break, and you can always shop online at the eScrip Online Mall, which has many of your favorite online shopping sites.
Amazon shoppers please remember to use the handy Amazon link at the bottom of our web page. This link will take you directly to your personal Amazon page, shop as you normally would, and the school will earn a percentage of your purchase. There is no cost to you!
Please Visit the Library Website for the Current Library Calendar
Contact us
Location: 479 Miller Ave, South San Francisco, CA, United States
Phone: (650) 583 3562