Ferson Creek eNews
August 13, 2021
From the Principal...Kristy McKnight
We have had an amazing first three days of school! We may be exhausted, but we are so happy to be spending our days with your children!
As we continue to work on our dismissal routines, it would be very helpful if you could fill out this form regarding your child's dismissal plans, if you haven't already. This will help teachers know your child's typical dismissal routine. If there is a change to the dismissal plans, temporarily or permanently, please be sure to notify your child's teacher and the front office.
I wanted to let you know that we have had a few instance of golf balls landing in our parking lot from the driving range across the street. We are working on remedying the situation, but in the meantime, please be cautious as students are exiting and entering vehicles.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Kristy McKnight
Thank you!
Arrival & Dismissal Clarifications
Thank you all for your patience as we become more fluid in our arrival and dismissal routines. A few key reminders are necessary to ensure a safe and efficient arrival and dismissal:
- If you are dropping off your child in the morning, you must enter off of Burr Rd. PLEASE DO NOT ENTER OFF OF BOLCUM ROAD DURING ARRRIVAL. This interferes with our bus arrival.
- Please do not park your car and leave your vehicle while you are in the drop off lane. If you need to get out, please find a parking spot. This holds up our extensive line of cars waiting to drop off.
- Once you have dropped off your child, you also need to exit onto Burr. Please do not pull out of our lot and exit onto Bolcum as this interferes with the buses leaving our lot.
- You can review arrival routines here.
I know that dismissal is taking longer than usual. We are still working out our routines in regards to buses.
- If you are picking up your child, remember that it's not necessary to be here before or right at 3:00 pm.
- If you are first in the car line, please wait for a staff member to waive you up before proceeding into the pick up lane due to the location of buses.
- All details for dismissal can be found here
Lunch & Snack Information
All K-5 students are eligible for free lunch and breakfast again this year. You can find the daily lunch menu here. If students order a breakfast, they will receive it at the end of the day to take home for the following morning. If students order a juice or a water, their PushCoin account will be charged. Breakfasts and lunches will not be available over the weekends.
All students will have a snack during the day. When possible, snack will take place outside. We ask for your help in sending something healthy, as well as quick and easy for your child to eat. Additionally, please only send water with your child to have in the classroom. I always suggest a water bottle with a straw/flip top as opposed to a screw on lid. A classroom is a busy place and we love to knock over water bottles!
Early Release Days
September 1
September 29
October 27
December 1
January 26
February 23
March 23
April 27
The full district calendar can be found here.
Important Dates
Tuesday, August 24– Curriculum Night (grade levels are TBD)
Tuesday, August 31st – Curriculum Night (grade levels are TBD)
Friday, September 3rd - Institute Day -No School For Students
Monday, September 6th – Labor Day – No School
Wednesday, September 15 – Fall Picture Day
Ferson Creek Elementary
Website: https://fersoncreek.d303.org/
Location: 38W160 Bolcum Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ferson-Creek-Elementary-1492773537612187/