Quail Call
August 16, 2023
Back to School 2023-2024!
Volunteer Help Needed
Parking Lot Sale & Kinder Playdate
A PPCS parking lot sale will be held Saturday, August 26 right here at 406 Powers Avenue from 8 am to Noon. It’ll be a fill the bag type of sale featuring items left in our Lost and Found.
Books will also be for sale. Funds will support expedition materials and the school library. Cash or Venmo only please.
Entering kindergarten students will have a playdate on the playground during the sale! Kinders only on the playground please.
Important Information for 2023-2024
Families Email List
Our newsletter is how we'll communicate with families. All important school-wide communication will come via our newsletter, the Quail Call. Sign up here. Please add ppcssmore@users.smore.com to your contacts to avoid having the newsletter end up in your spam filter.
Back to School Night - Monday, August 28
Families will have the opportunity to explore the classrooms and meet their students' teachers. Please look for important forms and sign-up sheets in the classrooms, and stop by the office to turn in supply donations or put money on your student(s) lunch account. NOTE: You can also use online payment options for these items.
5:00-5:30: K-4 classrooms open
5:30-5:45: Introductions and Information-Playground
5:45-6:15: 5th-8th classrooms open
First Day & School Hours
The first day of school is Tuesday, August 29. School begins at 8:25 and ends at 2:55 Mondays through Thursdays. We have early release on Fridays at 2:10. The school doors open at 8:10. If you wish to drop your student off before then, we offer Before School Care for a reasonable fee. Look for the application form on our website or at this link.
Busing & Parent Ride Day
If you plan to have your student ride the bus, contact Moscow School District Transportation Office at 208-882-3933. MSD buses will run on the morning of Monday, August 28 to give families an opportunity to ride the bus with their child prior to the first day of school. This opportunity is available to kindergarten through 3rd grade. Contact the MSD Transportation Office with questions.
Pick up and Drop off
Remain in your cars and keep right, circling counterclockwise to the loading zone. Students will be helped out of or into your car by a staff member. Parking is prohibited in the parking lot. Parking is available on Southview Avenue and Nursery Street. Families will receive a colored card to be displayed on the car's rear view mirror at the time of pickup.
Free and Reduced Lunch Program
FRLP applications are required for the 2023-2024 school year. If you think your student may qualify, please fill out the form available on our website at this link or at the school office. You will find instructions included with the form. If you're unsure whether you qualify, please fill out the application, even if you do not plan to get school meals. Qualifying numbers determine whether and how much state and federal funding our school receives. This funding supports literacy programs, paraprofessionals, at risk student programs, special education and more.
Bring hard copies of completed applications to the school office, please do not email them.
Affordable Internet Program
The Federal Communications Commission has announced that 20 of the nation’s internet providers have committed to lowering costs for low-income households. The Affordable Connectivity Program lowers internet costs for eligible families by up to $30 a month through grant funding. Find out more at this link.
School Supply Donation
To save families time, ensure all students have what they need, reduce waste and our carbon footprint, we purchase all student school supplies in bulk. To support this effort, we request a donation of $35 to $50 per student from our families. Supply donations can be made at this link on our website (further information on setting up online payments below) or you can bring a check to the school office.
Before School Care
Before School Care is available for $50 per month and begins at 7:15 each morning. The registration form is available on the website at this link. BSC scholarships are available for eligible families. Contact the office for more information.
Immunizations and Birth Certificates
Please make sure you have turned in your child's birth certificate and immunization records to PPCS. Students need to be up to date on their immunizations. Seventh grade students are required to have two new vaccines before starting class in the fall. If your child is exempt for any reason other than a medical exemption, please turn in a new exemption form each year. Medical exemptions must be completed by a doctor. You can find the exemption form here.
Backpack, Water Bottle, Breakfast & Lunch
Please send your child with a backpack and water bottle each day and lunch, if you choose not to order school lunches. Breakfast will be available from 8:10 - 8:25 a.m. The cost is $2.85 for students and $4.25 for adults .School lunches cost $4.40 for students and $5.75 for adults. We order school lunches from the district by 9:00 a.m. If your student will be getting breakfast or lunch regularly, please make a meal payment by the start of the year and keep a positive balance on their account.
Payments can be made online (see further information below), or you can bring a check for meal accounts on Back to School Night or to the office during school hours. Meal account balances are available online. If your student has a negative balance you will receive email notifications about that, please make prompt payment. Registration information to access meal accounts will be sent out to new families.
Online Payments
We have an online payment system for meal account payments and are adding the option to make supply donations this school year. Lunch payments require a guardian to set up an account for each student. Account setup is simple and includes your email and entering your student’s ID. If you do not know your student’s ID, email the office for that number.
Meal payments: To make lunch payments or set up an account go to this link.
Supply Donations: To donate for supplies go to this link.For more information:
Email: office@palouseprairieschool.org
Website: https://palouseprairieschool.org/
Location: 406 Powers Avenue, Moscow, ID, USA
Phone: 208-882-3684
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PPCS.org/