Wayland Union Board of Education
Work Session Summary
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
The Wayland Union Schools Board of Education held a work session on Monday, November 22 at the Administration Building. There were two community members who provided public comment urging board members to adopt a mask policy.
There was a light agenda that included discussion of conducting a board self-assessment. Dr. Hinds presented various options that the MASB offers to school boards. The purpose of a self-assessment is for self-improvement - to identify how well the board operates and how well they work together. The school board agreed this could be beneficial and plan to do the assessment in March 2022.
Other business included discussion of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). OSHA issued an order, for all employers with 100 or more employees, regarding COVID-19 vaccination, testing, and face-coverings in early November 2021. It’s now being challenged at the Fifth and Sixth Circuit Courts. The courts ordered that “OSHA take no further steps to implement or enforce the ETS until further notice.”
School districts (and all employers with 100 or more employees) are in a holding pattern as we await the outcome of the courts. Until then, Neola has developed a Board Policy 8450.06 for our review. There was discussion that should the ETS move forward, will Wayland Union Schools offer weekly COVID-19 testing to direct employees who are unvaccinated (or not yet fully vaccinated)? Dr. Hinds is researching the possibility of local health care providers providing weekly testing to our staff who are unvaccinated and/or asking the Health Resource Advocate (HRA) from the Allegan County Health Department be able to provide staff testing on-site on a consistent schedule. The school board agreed they would prefer to have testing done on our campus to make it easier for employees. The tests would be free and would be a rapid test for faster results. Due dates, established by OSHA in early November, stated employers with 100 or more employees would need to comply by December 6 with testing beginning on January 4, 2022. At this time, there is a stay on the OSHA ETS order. An update will be provided to staff after Thanksgiving Break.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
*Please note: This is a summary of the meeting. Official board minutes will be approved at the next regular board meeting on Monday, December 13, 2021.
About Us
Website: waylandunion.org
Location: 850 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: (269) 792-2181