Menzies College Newsletter
11 November 2022 - Term 4 Week 4
From the Principal's Desk
Kia ora koutou katoa
The first three weeks of Term 4 is always a busy time for seniors as they finish off internal work and prepare for external examinations. I am very proud of the way our Year 13 students completed their final weeks at Menzies College. There were around 75 people who attended the graduation dinner in the school hall last week. Thank you to the PTA for preparing and serving the meal.
Completing Year 13 is a noteable achievement and research from the OECD Better Life Index tells us “Studies show that educated individuals live longer, participate more actively in politics and in the community where they live, commit fewer crimes and rely less on social assistance”. Investing in more years of education, whatever form that might take, is an insurance policy.
School has been a hive of activity this week with senior students coming in for tutorials and sitting exams. The Ministry of Education provided funding for tuition to assist students who needed more time and help due to Covid interruptions this year. This has been well supported by students with many gaining valuable extra credits to help them gain NCEA Level 1, 2 or 3.
We have had a few Covid cases reported at school in the last two weeks. Please remain vigilant. If your child appears unwell keep them home from school. There are RAT tests available at the office.
Congratulations to:
- Sophie Ferguson who has been selected as part of the Year 12 and 13 2023 'Steps to Steel' Accelerator programme
- Anna McMullen who has been selected as part of the Year 10 and 11 2023 'Steps to Steel' Accelerator programme
Nga mihi
Kath Luoni
Important Dates
- 7-2 December - NCEA Exams
- 14 - HPV Vaccinations
- 18 - Discovery Day for new enrolments in 2023 (Lunch provided, please bring swimming togs)
- 19 - Southland Primary School Athletics
- 25 - Teacher Only Day - school closed
- 28 - Teacher Only Day - school closed
- 29 - 2 December - Year 10 Mavora camp
- 6-7 Fun activity days for students
- 8 - Senior Prizegiving 7pm in the school hall
- 9 - Junior Prizegiving 1pm in the school hall
- 9 - Last day Term 4 for students
- 12 - Teacher Only Day
- 31 January - Course interviews
- 1 - Course interviews
- 2 - Year 12 & 13 students only attend
- 3 - Full school attends - mihi whakatau (welcome)
- 13-17 - Year 12 Hope Arm camp
- 20-22 - Year 13 camp
Achievement Slip Draw
As senior students are no longer at school, all achievement slip draws will be for junior students.
Congratulations to the following students and staff members:
Week ending 4 November
Jesse Cowan, Josh Miller, Cody McCleery, Isla Clarke and Mrs Sharee Knapp
Week ending 11 November
Max McConachie, Olivia Manson, Cleveland Ramage-Tai, Hemi Worthington & Mrs Wendy Ritson
Your canteen vouchers can be collected from the office.
Prizegiving Cups/Trophies
Thank you to the families who have returned cups/trophies from last year. There is still a large number outstanding and It would be appreciated if these could be returned as soon as possible. Your assistance is appreciated.
Christmas Raffle/Hamper
The PTA are once again having a Christmas raffle and raffle cards were given to students this week. It would be appreciated if families could drop off non perishable items for the hamper to the office. If you are able to sell more tickets, these can be collected from the office. Thank you for your continued support of this fundraiser.
HELP wanted - Fundraising opportunity Sunday 27 November
The PTA are 'flaggies' for the Moto-cross at Jedburgh up the Wairakiki Valley and we need a number of people to do this. There are opportunities for helping for part of the day. This is open to students to help - they need to be responsible and 14 years or above. If you would like to help please contact Sarah White at or phone 03 2064979.
Careers/Transition Department
On Tuesday 1 November we hosted a Careers Speed networking event for our Year 9 and 10 students. This was held in the hall and was run during periods 1 and 2. There were two parts to each session. Each of the seven industry speakers spoke to the year group for up to two minutes each. The students then divided into groups and visited each industry representative’s table in an eight minute rotation. The speakers talked about their roles, what the job involves and career pathways within the industry as well as answered questions.
We would like to thank: Fonterra, Go with Tourism, Robbie’s Pickles and Preserves, BCITO, MLT, Wyndham and Districts Rest Home, and Three Rivers Contracting for their generous time and valuable sharing of knowledge to our students. Also a huge thanks to Liz Wyatt from Great South for helping co-ordinate and Mrs Williams for assisting on the day.
Lincoln Joyce
Careers Support
Outdoor Education Department
Coming to the Mavora Lakes soon - Year 10 camp
The Year 10 camp this year will once again be held at the Mavora Lakes from 29 November to 2 December. There will be kayaking, mountain biking, rafting and lots of other fun outdoor activities. The cost will be confirmed early next term but we envisage it will be approximately $170. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the school and talk with either Mark Kerslake or Karen Clark, Year 9 and 10 Deans or flick us an email or
Mark Kerslake & Karen Clark
Science Department
Year 8 - Stream Connections
Currently Year 8 students are investigating and comparing three water bodies that are in close proximity to the college - Mataura River, Mimihau River and Oxbow Lake. The students are taking biological samples at these sites using either a plankton net or from a kick sample and back in the lab they will be identifying and counting the organisms they have collected. They are also taking physical or abiotic data about these environments which include the flow rate, pH and temperature.
We are trying to not only teach students to respect their local environment and take an interest in it, but also, we want them to make links between their data and the health of these waterways. Finally, we will be looking at the niche of the organisms the students have collected, in particular their adaptations and their role in food webs. This links nicely to previous work they have done this year as well as their ongoing ‘pet project’.
Karen Clark
Science Teacher
Technology Department
Year 11 Metal Workshop
Peter Power
Technology Teacher
L to R: Ethan Stewart, Zac Ashman (standing), Alex Burgess & Noah Weston (seated), Luke Bryson (standing)
What’s been happening in the Workshop?
This term students learning about glass have been experimenting with fusing compatible glass and finding new uses for old glass. The purple bowl is made from a rescued old window which was going to the rubbish dump. It was cleaned and then slumped into a mould to make the bowl shape. Students also experimented using the lazer cutter on reclaimed glass, then slumped it. Results varied but we can see there is potential here. Students will need to experiment a bit more to perfect the method. A couple of students have been experimenting with smashed safety glass and making bowls from them. Getting the melting point for this type of method is crucial, not hot enough and the hundreds of pieces don’t stick to each other, too hot and they ball up and reduce the contact area which reduces the chances of the pieces having enough surface to fuse with. It’s all good fun.
Experimenting and learning from failures is a big part of this course. Students need to be prepared to keep trying and experimenting to get the results they want.
Wendy Ritson
Art Teacher
Maddison Elliott (Year 9) and Shelley Neal (Teacher Aide) were selected to compete in the Friday night competition on 4 November, at the 45th Annual Charity Pairs Competition for Lawn Bowls, at Waverley Bowling Club. This is where novice bowlers are paired up with experienced bowlers to compete against a total of 16 teams. It was a great learning experience with some really close games. Shelley Neal placed second overall, partnered with Lynda Milne from Te Rangi Bowling Club in Invercargill. Also featuring in the tournament from the Edendale Bowling Club were Shane Elliott and Barry Ellis.
Former Menzies staff member Brian Coyle paired with Marty Kreft from St Clair Bowling Club and won the Charity Pairs competition. This is an outstanding achievement in one of the most prestigious tournaments in the country with 32 pairings competing. Well done Brian!
Top photo: L to R: Shane Elliott, Maddison Elliott, Shelley Neal, Barry Ellis
Bottom photo: Marty Kreft & Brian Coyle
Talent Show
Wednesday of last week we held a Talent show which enabled students to 'shine' on the stage and display their many talents. The acts varied from singing, miming and a performing dog. Well done to the students who participated as it takes courage to stand up in front of your peers on stage. Also thanks to the audience for their support of these students.
JR McKenzie Youth Education Fund
This Youth Education Fund has a proud tradition of supporting families in need of financial assistance with the purchasing of a school uniform. Grant application forms from suitable candidates are now available from the school office. Applications are invited from students entering High School, College and Intermediate for the first time. The closing date for applications is Friday 9 December 2022. If a student has been a previous recipient of a JR McKenzie uniform grant, they will not be eligible for additional or future uniform grants.
These grants must be used for the purchase of basic school clothing and footwear only [excluding road shoes/runners/stationery/school bags]. Applications for uniform for 2023 will not be considered until after 9 December and purchase orders will be posted to successful applicants before Christmas. Parents/caregivers of any unsuccessful applications will also be advised in writing.
Community Notices
Wyndham Pioneer Lions Club Recycling
The Wyndham Pioneer Lions collect many things that raise money for the underprivileged and disadvantaged but we can do more with your help.
Tear tabs from aluminium cans and wine bottle tops raise funds for ‘Kidney Kids’.
Glasses (both reading and sunglasses) and hearing aids are distributed in places like the Pacific Islands, improving the quality of lives who cannot afford such ‘extravagances’.
Aluminium cans and cardboard are collected by The Pakeke Lions in Gore.
If you can help it would be appreciated if you could take them to Menzies College or contact
Mrs C Garthwaite on (03) 206 6223.
Contact Us
Location: Alma Street, Wyndham 9831, Southland, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 4979