Section 504
Sign up for Section 504 List Serv
Click the link and sign up to stay updated on any upcoming 504 workshops or information.
504 Quick Reference Guide
504 Basics including definitions, common abbreviations, and examples of qualifying disabilities.
504 Information from TEA
The Texas Education Agency has developed this document to provide technical assistance. The intention of this document is to provide helpful, general
information. It does not constitute legal advice.
information. It does not constitute legal advice.
On Demand Professional Development
504 Beginners- Online
This workshop will go in depth about how to determine who gets a 504 plan, how to create one, 504 legal updates, district policies, and problem issues. It is designed for participants new to their role as a 504 coordinator.
It is an on-demand course through the Canvas Platform. Click the picture to register.
504 Committee Training-Online
This session is for members of a 504 committee. It will dive into legal responsibilities of the committee members and types of accommodations for students with a 504 plan.
It is an on-demand course through the Canvas Platform. Click the picture to register.
R16 School Support & Academic Services