RSU 16 Community Connection
February 9, 2024
February Newsletter: Kindness and Warmth
With Valentine's Day just around the corner the message for this edition of Community Connection is intended to embrace the spirit of love and appreciation associated with the day.
As February vacation is just ONE week away, the anticipation of a well-deserved break is in the air! Whether you're planning a getaway, staying local, or simply enjoying some well-deserved rest, we encourage you to make the most of this rejuvenating time. Take the opportunity to recharge your batteries, create memories with loved ones, and engage in activities that bring you genuine joy and fulfillment.
At RSU 16, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to our dedicated staff for their unwavering commitment and tireless efforts in making our educational community truly exceptional. Your passion and hard work contribute to the vibrant and nurturing environment that defines RSU 16 as a special place to work and learn.
Valentine's Day isn't just about romantic love - it's about celebrating all forms of love, including friendship, compassion, and self-care. Regardless if you are spending the holiday with a significant other, friends, family, or enjoying some quiet alone time, know that you are cherished and greatly valued.
Todd and Amy
District Highlights 📚
We will highlight the accomplishments and milestones achieved by our staff and students over the past month. From academic achievements to artistic endeavors and athletic successes, we take immense pride in the diverse talents of our students.
MMEA District II Honors Vocal Festival
On Saturday, January 27th, RSU 16 musicians from WMS and PRHS gathered with other select students from around the region to participate in the MMEA District II Honors Vocal Festival. Due to Friday's inclement weather and hazardous road conditions, the would-be two-day festival was shortened to just Saturday. The RSU 16 students who participated showed up and demonstrated great leadership and preparedness amidst their ensembles and represented our district well! Our students continued the RSU 16 reputation of being humble, hardworking, kind, respectful, prepared, and classy. Students who participated sang songs from different eras and various parts of the world, and the day culminated in a successful concert before a full audience at the Windham Performing Arts Center.
The Whittier students who were selected to the Middle School Chorus were Bella Hartman (8), Scarlett Quimi (8), Wyatt Scribner (8), and Liam Whitney (7). The PRHS students selected to the Treble Chorus (grades 9 & 11 upper voices) were Ayla Dyer (11), Irelyn Smith (9), Olivia Snowman (9), and Aurora Holden (11). Students from PRHS selected to the Mixed Chorus (grades 9-12 lower voices and grades 10 & 12 upper voices) were Emma Daigneault (12), Faith Bustamante (10), Audrey Fryda (12), Cheyenne Toth (12), Max Benton (10), Jack Desrosiers (11), Jason Garneau (11), Andrew Mitchell (9), and Cayden Michaud (10).
Teacher Institute Weekend with The Ecology School
RSU 16 had an amazing group at the Teacher Institute Weekend with The Ecology School at River Bend Farm in Saco. They learned so much about teaching and learning outside, and some of us presented about the work and progress of The G.E.O. Initiative (get everyone outside), which was founded at last year’s Teacher Institute weekend. A district-wide effort, the goal of The G.E.O. Initiative is to support RSU16 educators, wherever they are, in getting their students outside to learn. Thanks to @polandspringwtr for sponsoring our attendance and @theecologyschool for their incredible hosting/hospitality and for bringing us all together with nearly 50 other educators from around the state of Maine and the U.S.!
The SunJournal provided excellent coverage of the PRHS Unified Basketball game versus Edward Little.
Feb 13: 3:30 pm
Feb 29: 3:30 pm
Mar 5: 3:30 pm
Transportation Director, Stewart Mason, touched base with the amazing student bus monitors Isabella and Piper. These talented PRHS students are making a positive impact on elementary routes, fostering better student behavior. Stewart emphasizes how fortunate we are to have them both on the team!
National School Counseling Week 2024 (#NSCW24) is Feb. 5-9, 2024, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors. We greatly value the services our school counselors provide!
MCS and ESS School Counselor Stephanie Dodge
WMS School Counselor Martha Stone
PRHS School Counselors -- Hillary Bush, Corey McFadden and Carrie Rhoads
WMS School Counselor Julie Martin
PCS School Counselors Danielle Higginbotham and Abby Gervais
Congratulations to D'Arcy Robinson!!!
The National Speech and Debate Association, better known as NSDA, has a long tradition of honoring coaches through the Diamond Coach Excellence in Speech and Debate Award. This year the NSDA has presented a 4th Diamond Award to D’Arcy Robinson for her dedication to speech and debate. The award is determined by coaching points awarded and longevity. D’Arcy Robinson has met the standard for a fourth diamond which means she has coached for over thirty years and accumulated over 85,000 coaching points. She is glad to get this recognition but mostly is grateful for the opportunity to work with so many awesome students and helped them polish their talents.
Upcoming Speech and Debate Event @ PRHS
PRHS will host a Speech and Debate event on February 10th (Saturday) starting at 8:00am. As with any activities our students participate in, your support is welcomed and encouraged!
MCS U-Time Lessons
Second Grade LOVES Wednesdays because it's the day they get to complete a U-Time lesson. One of the second-grade students said, "I love U-time because I get to learn more about the friends in my classroom."