Hall's Corner
March, 3
Dear BHS Families and Students:
Brighton Believes 2023 is coming March 8, 2023!
Next Wednesday, all Brighton students will participate in Brighton Believes Day. This is a day of service that provides opportunities to demonstrate the Brighton Believes Qualities and provide an opportunity K-12 to practice caring and our collective responsibility to help others.
Check out THIS VIDEO describing March 8th!
Donation Drive for Brighton Believes
Items Requested for Donations:
Peanut Butter containers
Jelly containers
Pasta Sauce
Cans of Soup
Cans of Vegetables
Mac & Cheese Boxes
Be well,
T. Hall
ATTENTION BRUINS – March 9th is the BIG Faculty DODGEBALL Game!
At 6 p.m., March 9th, in the BHS Gym, faculty and administrators from CRPS, FRES, TCMS, BHS, and Central Office will play in a FACULTY DODGEBALL Tournament. The tournament will raise money for the Class of 2023 and the PTSA Family SUPPORT Fund during Brighton Believes Week 2023!
Check out the Promo Video at https://youtu.be/swXuG7dKUNM
In this week’s Hall’s Corner...
- Students in the News
- Counseling News
- Practice ACT at Brighton Library 3/5/2023
- Driver's Education
- ATTENTION JUNIORS – Summer College Essay Course just for BHS JUNIORS!
- SAT/ACT Boot Camp
- AP and Regents Schedules - Check this out and plan ahead!
- Calendar of Upcoming Events
- PTSA Special Education Event 3/25/2023
- SENIORS, Have you ordered the cap and gown?!
- BHS Outdoor Club will have the opportunity to travel to Grand Cayman
- BHS Open Campus Schedule for 11/29/ 2022- 4/30/2023
- Cell Phone Reminders
- What Every Parent and Caregiver Needs to Know About Fake Pills
- Athletics
Students in the News, Making BHS Proud!
National Merit Scholarship
Congratulations on earning a Certificate of Merit:
Marlena Berger
Lily FitzPatrick
Joshua Monickaraj
Elizabeth Norris
Zachary Paine
Daniel Yawman
Empire State School Press Association recognizes BHS Publications
Galaxy won...
- Best Overall Literary Magazine, silver award
- Maddie Hood, gold award, Best Illustration 2022 for her work "Facing Them"
- Tara Lama, gold award, 2022 Award for Originality for her work "Disintegrate Beautifully"
- Bridget Mousaw, Silver award: Best Written Work in a Literary Magazine
- Tara Lama, Bronze award: Best Written Work in a Literary Magazine
Trapezoid won...
- Bronze for Best Overall Sports Coverage (Nora Babbit)
- Silver for Best Illustrations
- Bronze for Best Overall Newspaper
- Bronze for Best Feature Story (Gianna Smolock)
- Honorable Mention for Best Photograph (Zach Paine)
- Silver for Best Photograph (Sophia Solomon)
- Silver for Best Written Work in a Newspaper (Raphael Knauf)
Crossroads won...
- Best Overall Yearbook
- Best Cover-Silver
- Best Sports Coverage-Silver
- Best Overall Layout-Bronze for Julia Heurtley ('23) and Maya Luehmann ('23)
- Best Photograph-Bronze for Heath Ashley ('22)
Congratulations to all of the writers and artists!
NYS School Music Association awards BHS students.
Marlena Berger - Symphonic Band
Jayden Vogler - Symphonic Band
Elizabeth Norris - Symphonic Orchestra
Annie Guo - - Symphonic Orchestra
Aliana Ying - Alternate Orchestra
Congratulations on your accomplishments!
Brighton Memorial Library is Hosting a Free Practice ACT Exam
Brighton Memorial Library is hosting a practice ACT Exam,
Sun, March 5, 12pm – 4pm
Take an official, full length practice under proctored conditions at the Brighton Memorial Library, and find out your score as soon as you are done! Registrants will take a full-length Standard Time ACT under the guidance of an expert proctor from Chariot Learning, who will then help everyone score their tests.
Be sure to bring pencils, snacks, water, and a calculator. Participation is free, but you MUST register by calling 585-784-5300 or emailing bmlcurbsidepickup@gmail.com.
Driver and Traffic Safety Education (DTSE) Spring 2023
Registration for the Spring session will open Tuesday, March 7 at 8 p.m.
The Driver and Traffic Safety Education (DTSE) program is available to currently enrolled high school students that have or will have their driver’s permit upon registering for the program.
Dates for the Spring DTSE are: March 27 – June 1, 2023.
ATTENTION JUNIORS – Summer College Essay Course just for BHS JUNIORS!
Chariot Learning is offering SAT/ACT Boot Camp at BHS
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
PTSA Presents a BHS SPED Event
Attention Seniors, PLEASE Get your cap and gown ordered if you have not already done so!
Jostens still needs to hear from a large portion of the SENIOR CLASS! Cap and gown ordering was in November! If you have not ordered yet, PLEASE do so NOW!
Financial Assistance is Available
If you are your family need financial assistance with purchasing a cap and gown, please see your counselor for a PTSA Student & Family Support Fund Voucher. We can help you!
Please call or email us with questions - 585-377-4778 or scott.fitch@jostens.com - or to place your order over the phone. Looking for a catalog? A complete packet can be found in the main office.
Outdoor Club announces the summer 2023 trip to Grand Cayman
BHS Open Campus Schedule for November 29 - April 30
“Open Campus” means you may leave campus if you have a free period.
“Closed Campus” means you may not leave the building, except for scheduled appointments. If weather/supervision allow, students may be allowed to go behind the school to study, play sports, or do work. Students MUST remain on campus.
Open Campus is a privilege granted to Brighton High School students and should be respected. This privilege can be revoked and/or restricted by administration and/or by parent request due to academic and/or behavioral concerns.
- Students are required to sign in and out during regular school hours at door #1.
- Students leaving for an appointment need to sign out at the Attendance Office FIRST and then leave via door #1 with a pass.
- Students cannot transport other students in their car during the school day.
- FAMILIES - if you DO NOT want your child to have OPEN CAMPUS privileges, please notify their assistant principal.
Schedule effective Nov. 29th -April 30th
New Cell Phone Policy
What Every Parent and Caregiver Needs to Know About Fake Pills
Fake prescription drugs like Percocet, Vicodin, Oxycodone, Xanax, Alprazolam, Adderall, OxyContin, and many more drugs used to treat pain and/or anxiety disorders can be made with lethal doses of Fentanyl and sold to teenagers for a cheap price.
Tips for Parents and Caregivers
- Encourage open and honest communication
- Explain what fentanyl is and why it is so dangerous (see attached article and refer to online articles below)
- Stress not to take any pills that were not prescribed to you from a doctor
- No pill purchased on social media is safe! Many teenagers are acquiring “prescription” drugs through social media. They think they have a Percocet or Xanax pill and they actually have a fake pill made with lethal doses of Fentanyl.
- Make sure they know fentanyl has been found in most illegal drugs
- Create an “exit plan” to help your child know what to do if they’re pressured to take a pill or use drugs
Drug overdose deaths among teenagers surged during the pandemic driven by illicit fentanyl
By Spencer Kimball, CNBC
Published 9:17am EST, Monday, December 19, 2022
Check out this article:
Fentanyl killed their son. Now they’re begging parents to understand the dangers
By Josh Campbell, CNN
Published 12:15 AM EST, Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Check out this article:
Ozark teen faces adult murder charge after 16-year-old girl he met at church overdoses on fentanyl-laced pill
By Danielle Wallace, FOX NEWS
Published 12:49pm EST, Sunday, December 18, 2022
Check out this article:
Administrator and Counselor Information
Click here for names and contact information.