Glacier's Gazette
Park Ave Elementary Family Newsletter- October 1, 2023
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إذا كنت ترغب في قراءة هذه النشرة الإخبارية باللغة العربية ، فيرجى استخدام زر الترجمة الموجود على اليمين.
Weekly Update
As we head into this year, please watch for a weekly update with important upcoming dates and announcements. At the end of each month, you will receive a newsletter with highlights from the previous month.
Save the Date- Webster Night at the Railers
October 21
Come out to the Railers Opening night for Webster Schools with the Railers. Game is at 7:05. The Middle School Chorus will be performing. Scan the QR code on the flyer for tickets.
Picture Day is Coming
October 20
Picture day will be on October 20th. Please watch for information coming home.
What's Happening around Park Ave
PBIS Expectations
During the month of September, all classes learned about the Park Ave expectations all around the school, including in the cafeteria, the bathroom, and all the bus. All our expectations center around being safe, being respectful and being responsible.
Student Leadership Team
Our grade 4 student leadership team assisted with bus lines this month. Watch for more great things from our leaders!
Merit Winners
One way we recognize students in through awarding them merits for positive behavior. Each week, we draw winners from our merit students. Those students get to use the book vending maching.
Park Ave New Team
Each morning, students are presented the news from the Park Ave News Team. Everything from the weather to sports to the day's lunch menu. News you can trust!
Important dates
3 - Monthly PTO Meeting @ 6pm
3 - Meadow Farms Fundraiser Kickoff
6 - Half day for Students
9 - No School
20 - Book Bingo sponsored by PTO
20- School Pictures
24 - Meadow Farms Fundraiser Due Date
Food Services- Breakfast & Lunch
Both breakfast and lunch are free for students.