Stories and updates from Bay City Public Schools
Shoutout to Our Nutrition Department!
Our Nutrition department is dedicated to keeping your students healthy with well-balanced, nutritious meals throughout the school year. Did you know that the department is made up of almost 60 ladies who are rocking it each day to make sure our students are fed breakfast, lunch and after school snacks?
The supervisors along with their entire teams go 200% everyday, and they deserve a huge thank you!
This department makes sure students are fed, adults are provided meals as well, and they cater not only our meetings but Bay County as well.
Tis group of dedicated, strong, persevering ladies have served meals in the rain, in the hot summer heat, and during blizzards - same as your mail delivery person!
Until you work shoulder to shoulder with them, you don't realize how hard they work.
If you see them during one of your visits to our schools, or at a board meeting, take the time to stop and thank them!
Bay City Public Schools
BCPS Calendar Update
Just a reminder, there will be no school on Monday, October 31st as our staff will be attending a professional development day.
Virtual Students Got Creative with Studio 23
Virtual students young and old had a great time working together to design their art project at Studio 23!
Whether face-to-face or online, we are committed to providing exceptional opportunities for all students in and around Bay City.
Working in partnership with families, we have designed K-12 virtual programs that provide rigorous academic preparation that is teacher mentored, parent directed, and customized to meet the needs of students of all ages and from all academic backgrounds.
Learn more about our virtual school options: https://www.bcschools.online/
Quick links
Strategic Plan
Board of Education Meeting
BCPS joins New Tech Network
Vision: Bay City Public Schools: Diverse opportunities, exceptional experiences, empowered to transform the world!
Mission: We provide an engaging, diverse, and supportive learning environment that will allow each student to reach their fullest potential.
Email: info@bcschools.net
Website: bcschools.net
Location: Bay City Public Schools, 601 Blend St, Bay City, MI 48706
Phone: (989)-686-9700
Facebook: facebook.com/BayCityPublicSchools
Twitter: @stephencbigelow