MES Weekly Scoop
It's a great day to be a Bulldog! Bulldogs Don't Quit!
One thing that we have been doing this year that I am proud of is working on a skill of the week. These skills are from the Boys Town model and focus on one skill each week. I hope all of you have been able to check out our skill of the week on this newsletter. I encourage all parents and caregivers to use these skills at home. This week as I was typing the skill for this newsletter, I began to think about how important this weeks skill is.
I began to think about my history and how important participating in activities were to me. I true believe that if it wasn't for the many activities I was involved in as a youth I would not be where I am today. Participating in activities not only teaches so many life skills, it also brings joy to you and others.
One thing to think about when joining an activity. You don't have to be great at it. You just have to enjoy it, work at it, and it becomes easier. I hope all of our students find activities to join that are healthy, fun, and can keep them engaged in learning.
Mrs. Woodcock
Mrs. Mintzmyer
Thumbs Up in 2nd grade
All Smiles
6th grade
Family Advocate
Moriah Dobrovolny, MES Family Advocate, recently was trained to become a Presumptive Eligibility Representative through KanCare. Presumptive eligibility (PE) is a program that offers short-term medical coverage to Kansans, with limited income, who are not currently receiving Medicaid. The goal of PE is to provide consumers with immediate and temporary medical coverage while a KanCare application is processed. Applications must be completed with Moriah. If you are interested in applying, please call or text Moriah at 785-562-6818 to schedule an appointment.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Thank you all for participating in our Parent teacher conferences. We had a great turnout. If your child knows you are engaged with their teacher and participating in their education they will far more likely to have great success.
Staff Highlight
Courtney Kroeger teaches first grade at Marysville Elementary. She has taught for 11 years and the last 5 have been at MES. Courtney enjoys helping her students learn. She pushes her students to be their best, and work hard. Thank you Courtney for making MES great.
Abigail Wicks is a paraeducator here at MES. This is her first year here with us. Abi has built relationships with students and staff and has been of great help supporting our students. Thank you for helping MES be a great place to learn.
Glenn Gorham has been a custodian here at MES for 27 years. You can often see him at the JHHS helping at events also. Glenn usually works the evening shift. Glenn is very friendly and can always be counted on for a good conversation. Thank you Glenn for your many years of service helping to make MES a better place to learn.
Glenn Gorham
Courtney Kroeger
1st Grade teacher
Abigail Wicks
Thank you for making our book fair a success.
Bulldog Skill of the Week
1. Appropriately request to be a part of an activity
2. Cooperate with others in the group, such as allowing others to take their turns.
3. Use a pleasant voice when talking to others.
4. Remember to accept losing or winning appropriately.
Principal at Marysville Elementary School