Padbury CPS Newsletter
Issue #1 - ???? 2022

Newsletter #13 - 25 August 2023
Treat everyone fairly and equally
Bushfire Plan
As Bushfire season approaches in the Summer months, a copy of our Bushfire Plan can be found here on our website - https://www.padcath.wa.edu.au/formsandprocedures
Please check the PCPS community calendar for upcoming and future dates as the calendar is regularly updated https://www.padcath.wa.edu.au/community-calendar
A Prayer For Father's
Heavenly Father,
you entrusted your Son Jesus,
the child of Mary,
to the care of Joseph, an earthly father.
Bless all fathers
as they care for their families.
Give them strength and wisdom,
tenderness and patience;
support them in the work they have to do,
protecting those who look to them,
as we look to you for love and salvation,
through Jesus Christ
our rock and defender. Amen.
Father's Day
On Sunday 3 September, we celebrate the special feast of Father's Day. This is a day where we say thank you to our wonderful fathers and ask for blessing to bestowed upon then. We also remember all fathers who have gone before us and father's who are unable to be with their families at this time. We wish all fathers, grandfathers and many who take on the role as fathers a very happy day.
On the 15 September, the P and F have organised a SunSmart Education Talk, that will be held at our Merit Assembly. SunSmart is focused on improving awareness, knowledge, attitudes and behaviour relating to encouraging everyone to protect themselves from the sun. SunSmart cares about protecting children and young people through education and supporting UV safe environments to ensure future SunSmart generations.
Faith Development Day
Today, the staff at Padbury Catholic were fortunate to have two excellent presenters from the Catholic Institute of Western Australia. Dr John Topliss and Dr Nathan Leber shared their knowledge and research about Pastoral Care in Education. We reflected on how we accompany others pastorally in a Catholic school and the connections with our Catholic Identity. When working in a Catholic school, part of the commitment we make is to ensure we continually renew our Accreditation.
Catholic Performing Arts Festival
The Catholic Performing Arts Festival is underway with many children from our school showcasing their talents.
This week the Year 5's performed at the Vasto Club and were presented with an outstanding report on their two items. Congratulations Year 5's on your amazing efforts and a big thankyou to Mrs Twine for preparing the children and practicing with them.
Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.
Ms Mac Callisto
Acting Principal
Our deepest sympathies and condolences to the Prunster family (Mary Yr6) on the loss of their mother/grandmother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time.
Book Week
On Wednesday 23 August, we had our Annual Book Week Parade. It was wonderful to see many of our parents attend. The students and staff looked amazing in their innovative and creative costumes. A big thank you to one and all for making this event a huge success.
We encourage children to stay home when they are sick so as to minimise the risk of spreading diseases to other children, staff and their familes. In particular, viruses spread quickly when there is close contact and cause many of the diseases that are common among young children - especially when a child is coughing, sneezing or has a runny nose. We appreciate your support when you keep them home! If children present sick at school, they will be sent home.
Ms Mac Callisto & Mr Peter O'Mara
Assistant Principals
Due to our excellent reputation in the wider community, we are currently experiencing high enrolments.
If you have a little one at home that has not yet commenced at PCPS, I urge you to submit an application immediately to the school.
Some of our families have missed out on a position as they forgot to submit their enrolment form.
Admin staff are not aware if you have younger ones at home so an enrolment form is essential.
Even if your child is only a few months old, please submit an application form now.
Our excited Year 5 Robotic students have completed their EV3 build and are working on a challenge to program their robot to perform 8 tasks including a free choice task.
We wait in anticipation to watch our robots dance, sing or even write a message.
We would like to congratulate Mackenzie Dell'Orso in Year 3, Rubika Johnson Year 5 and Chloe Davies in Year 5. These girls have been selected to represent WA in the 2023 National Karate Championships, which are being held in Perth this weekend from the 25 to 27 August at the Gold Netball Centre Jolimont.The girls have been putting in many extra hours of physical training and are excited to represent their state in their varying categories.
Well done girls and good luck on the weekend.
Mr John Hignett
Sport Teacher
Please note there is a mistake on the School Calendar, and there is NO sausage sizzle next week (Friday 1st September). We don’t want any little ones coming to school next Friday expecting a Sausage Sizzle and then having to go without lunch. The next Sausage Sizzle will be on Friday September 8th at the Faction Carnival.
To avoid facing the wrath of disappointed, hungry little athletes, jump on to Flexischools to place your orders before midday on Monday 4th September. We will be selling a limited number of Sausage Sizzles and drinks up near the Pirate Ship playground on the day, but if you are wanting sausage sizzles for yourself, your partners, devoted grandparents and younger siblings, and don’t want to risk missing out, then feel free to order extra on Flexischools. They will all be delivered to the children who will then bring them to you when you meet up to eat lunch together. Remember, we do offer gluten free and vegan options also.
Keep an eye on the P&F Facebook page as I will be putting a call out for volunteers to help out with the Sausage Sizzle at the Faction Carnival. The more hands we have to help, the more all of us get to watch our children’s events. If you have any queries, feel free to message me via the P&F Facebook page or via email at sargeantfam5@gmail.com.
Mrs Ann Sargeant
P&F Saugage Sizzle CoOrdinator
The Uniform Committee has been busy working on some changes which arose from our parent uniform survey last year.
This term long pants have been introduced for the girls as part of our Winter uniform. These are now available from the uniform shop.
Our wool jumpers will be phased out and replaced by polycotton jumpers. Polycotton will be beneficial to those children who have skin allergies and the material is also very durable and less prone to shrinkage.
School shirts now come with an embroidered logo and we have added our school logo to our school hats.
Please note that it is not a requirement to replace your child's current uniform unless they have outgrown it.
The Uniform Shop Committee continues to work hard on ensuring that our children look proud wearing their uniform.
Uniform Shop Committee
Staff - Margaret Williamson, Mac Callisto, Maureen Lloyd
Parents - Simone Harding, Liz de Haas, Marianne Thorburn
New Altar Servers' Training
We encourage all Year 4, 5 & 6 students wanting to be Altar Servers to join us for a training and rostering morning on Saturday, 2nd September at 10.00am in the OLM Church.
Mass Times
All Masses are held in the Church
Saturday - 8:30am; 6:30pm
Sunday - 8:00am; 9:30am; 11:00am; 5:45pm
Monday to Friday - 7:00am; 9:00am
24:7 Youth Group
For all youth in Years 6 to 12
1st and 3rd Friday @ Parish Hall, 7pm
Call Luke 0401822932 for more information.
Rev Fr Cyprian M Shikokoti - PP
Our Lady of the Mission, Parish Website : www.olm.myparish.net.au
Glory be Café is back up and running every Sunday after 8.00am Mass and after the 9.30am Mass on every first and last Sundays of the month. All are welcome.
If you can assist with set up and serving roster, please contact the parish office or Alma and Jackie on 0414 061 237 / 0405 049 668.
Sundays 9.30am Mass, Parish Meeting room, OLM Church.
We invite and encourage all children aged from 4 – 8 years old to join the children's liturgy.
Children will return to church during the Offertory of the Mass.
Children under 4 can attend if accompanied by a supervising adult.
Contact: Renee 0425 698 735 or Renee 0413 225 560
Brave Heart Wellbeing Program
Do you have a young person who could use a little support to build their resilience, confidence and self-esteem? The much-loved Standing Strong programs at Brave Heart Wellbeing provide you with assurance, knowing you are not alone in your desire to support your young person.
Standing Strong is a program designed to help build resilience, confidence and self esteem. This is done through three core components. STRONG BODY, STRONG MIND and STRONG HEART. We explore different life challenges, and provide tools to overcome these.
STRONG Juniors Girls (year 3 - year 6)
Tuesday 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Starts 17th October 2023
*** EARLY BIRD OFFER: Book one of our 8-week Standing Strong workshops before 17 September and SAVE 10%***
Padbury Catholic is a double-stream Primary School in Padbury Western Australia.