Dec. 12-16, 2022
Dec. 13 - 4pm to 7pm - Garden Bake Sale At Oliver's
Support our UELF Garden! All students, K-5, participate in a weekly garden class, plus science learning is connected to the garden in the classes. Show your support by donating bake goods and/or volunteering at the table at Oliver's. Sign-up using the links below!
- Volunteer Sign-Up - https://bit.ly/GardenBakeSale
- Food Donation Sign-Up - https://bit.ly/UELFList
Looking for a place to volunteer?
Classrooms teachers are looking for parents to be fingerprinted and registered for field trips, special events, and classroom jobs. Get yourself set up so you're ready to be there when your student needs you.
ALL volunteers must complete the CRPUSD Volunteer Registration Process, which includes fingerprinting. Please complete the application form and get yourself fingerprinted. This MUST be completed before you can volunteer. Once this is completed, you are clear for the duration of your child's school experience in CRPUSD, including high-school and middle school!
Dates To Calendar
- 12/13 - Garden Bake Sale at Oliver's
- 12/16 - Last Day of School
- 12/19-1/3 - Winter Break
- 1/4 - School Resumes
- 1/4 - Walk & Roll to School
- 1/4 - Family Game Night at UELF
- 1/5- School Tour
- 1/6 - 2nd Cup of Coffee
- 1/10 - Super Hero Spirit Day
- 1/12 - Family Fun Night - CalSkate
- 1/16 & 1/17 - No School
- 1/18 - ELAC MultiCultural Dinner
- 1/23-1/25 - 5th Graders Outdoor Education Field Trip
Words From Principal Lunde
With the fun and joy of the holidays, often comes stress of seeking to do all of the magical fun, financial burden of extra costs and toggling of childhood memories with your present parenting roles. Be sure to tune in with your child and check-in with them. They will remember the time you share together when there are giggles, smiles and hugs. Be mindful of what you "think" you need to do. It's okay to keep some traditions and let go of others.
Winter Break...
Breaks often mean a change of routine for kids so be sure to provide some structure and bring in their voice to provide them with a sense of control. You are the parent, however communicating events using a calendar or a morning check-in over cereal will support your child to know what is coming up. Be sure to include activities that push students to be independent, like reading, building, arts and calling a friend on the phone to just chat.
Keep Me In The Loop!
Please reach out to me if you have a bright idea, a concern (no matter how small or big) or just want to chat. I am here for you!
- 415-497-1317
- christina_lunde@crpusd.org
- Catch me walking around on campus!