D92 Newsletter January 2024
Monthly Newsletter from Tim Arnold, Superintendent
A Message from the Superintendent
District 92 Families,
I would like to express my gratitude for the flexibility that all D92 families have needed to have when school was closed during the recent snow storm, which was then followed by a deep freeze. We take the closing of school seriously and doing it for two days, albeit for two different reasons, is not easy on families. While the safety of our students is always paramount when we make these decisions, we understand that families need to make a variety of adjustments when school is not in session.
Each year we review our eLearning practices to determine the effectiveness. Over the next few months we will be conducting that review in preparation for the 2024-25 school year. In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed for a mild end to the winter season!
Be well,
Tim Arnold, Ph.D.
(815) 838-8031
D92 Giving Tree - Thank You for Your Generosity!
Once again this holiday season, the District 92 community came together to provide gifts, gift cards and more to families across District 92 in need. All of the gifts combined supported 41 families and 104 students.
- Appreciation and gratitude to the Social Workers at each school who identified families and confidentially worked with families to provide wish list items for each child.
- The Parishioners of St. Bernard Church provided gift cards for families to have in addition to gifts which were for local stores to include groceries, clothing and household needs. Their total donation was $2,120 in the form of Aldi, Jewel, Kohl’s, Meijer, Target and Walmart gift cards.
Walsh School Staff Member Spotlight
Contribution to D92: Kelly Potrawski is an Early Childhood Teacher at Walsh School and is in her first year with the district.
Nomination by a colleague: Ms. Potrawski was nominated to be Spotlighted because, "Kelly is new to District 92 this year, teaching our littlest learners at Walsh. Her commitment to her students and doing right by them is exemplary. She is kind, consistent, positive, and excellent at celebrating the little successes each day! She is a team player, creative thinker, and so inclusive of all staff members and students. She has such a lovely temperament, patience and understanding with the students and they all love her so much. We are so happy to have her with us at Walsh!"
"Getting to know you" Questions for our Staff Spotlight
What do you love most about our students?
Working with the youngest learners, I enjoy the enthusiasm and curiosity that they approach each day. I enjoy witnessing the many "aha" moments that occur throughout their time at school.
What was the first concert you ever attended?
The first concert I ever attended was New Kids on the Block! It was the Friday night before my high school entrance exam...I was so excited my parents were allowing me to go the night before the test!
Are you currently binge-watching any shows?
I just finished watching "This is Us" I missed it the first time around and was happy to see I could stream it! I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline and to see how they jumped from childhood to adulthood so seamlessly.
Reed School Staff Member Spotlight
Contribution to D92: Janelle Riopell is the Music Teacher at Reed School and is in her 21st year with the district.
Nomination by a colleague: Mrs. Riopell was nominated to be Spotlighted because, "Janelle is a valued team member who brings a lot of positivity to everything she does! She takes the time to recognize other staff members when they go above and beyond and helps to promote a culture that is respectful and compassionate. She deserves to be celebrated for the good she does inside and outside of the classroom!
"Getting to know you" Questions for our Staff Spotlight
What is your favorite part of being a member of D92?
My favorite part of being a member of D92 is the whole community. I feel blessed to work with the wonderful people at Reed School, and my D92 Music Team.
What's a fun fact that people might not know about you?
I grew up on a farm between the small towns of Oregon and Polo Illinois. My high school mascot was the Polo Marcos.
What’s the next place on your travel bucket list?
The next place on my travel bucket list is Paris! I get to go there over Spring Break with my daughter's choir!
Ludwig School Staff Member Spotlight
Contribution to D92: Amanda Mosz is an Instructional Aide at Ludwig School and has been with the district for 12 years
Nomination by a colleague: Mrs. Mosz was nominated to be Spotlighted because, "Amanda works to help everyone in the building. She has so much knowledge in student needs and programs while also helping teachers to run seamless centers and rotations. Amanda is always eager to help wherever there is a need. She is someone we can count on in any kind of situation that comes up. She is wonderful with the students and has a great rapport with them. She wants what is best for each student and deserves to be recognized for all of the many things she does for us within the day."
"Getting to know you" Questions for our Staff Spotlight
Why did you join D92?
I joined D92 eleven years ago. I was fresh out of college and searching for a teaching position. I saw that there was an opening for a paraprofessional position so I applied for it. My younger brother was a former student of D92 and he talked highly of his memories with his fourth grade teacher (Mrs. Styrczula) and his fifth grade teacher (Mrs. Tammeling). He only ever had wonderful things to say about D92, especially his time at Ludwig. He loved it there! I'm blessed to have been hired and I have loved these past 11 years!
Who inspires you?
My mom inspires me. She is my everything. I tell her all the time that I can only pray to be half of the wonderful woman and mom that she is and always has been. She is my go to when I am second guessing myself (which I do all the time!) and she has the heart of a saint. My mom inspires me to believe that I am stronger than I think myself to be. She inspires me to understand that memories, not money, is what matters the absolute most in life. I love my mom!
What's the next place on your travel bucket list?
The next place on my travel bucket list is Walt Disney World. Personally, I have been there numerous times but this next time (winter of 2024) will be different because it will be the first time that my daughters will be going! My girls are 7 and 4 and have been wanting to go for a long time! They have already planned out all the characters and princesses they want to meet. I cannot wait to share the magic with them!
Oak Prairie Jr. High Staff Member Spotlight
Contribution to D92: Mary Mendez is a School Social Worker at Oak Prairie Jr. High School and is in her 4th year with the district.
Nomination by a colleague: Ms. Mendez was nominated because, "Ms. Mendez always goes above and beyond to support students, parents and teachers in their mental and emotional health. Her innovative ideas and care help support many students. She always wears a smile and we are so lucky to have her at Oak Prairie.
"Getting to know you" Questions for our Staff Spotlight
What do you love most about our students?
I truly love how resilient our kiddos are. Especially at the middle school level, they have been thrown so many curve balls socially, emotionally, and academically. I cannot imagine what it is to be a young person with the amount of social media, post-pandemic impacts, trendy expectations, and overall shifting society, yet they continue to rally!
Who inspires you?
I am the (so-called) bossy big sister of two brothers and one sister. These guys have prepared me for a career in social work better than any professor ever could. Watching them grow up and start on their own paths meanwhile becoming and staying my best friends gets me through the toughest days.
If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If you ask anyone in the OP main office they will tell you I have the palate of a toddler. With that said I could not live without chicken tenders/chicken parm, ice cream, and of course... ketchup!
Save The Date - D92 Art Show, March 14, 2024
Free Mental Health Resources for Families
D92 families have access to a mental health resource that is being made available to all Illinois schools for free for one year through Impactful USA. Impactful USA is a non-profit organization working to bring no-cost mental health literacy programs to every student in the United States.
Impactful USA's primary strategy involves using movies to reach students, teachers, families and communities to de-stigmatize mental health issues. As they describe in their program description, they deliver award-winning film and evidence-based programs that educate on complex topics and include empowering strategies and practical tips on supporting positive mental health by addressing anxiety, online safety, bullying, resilience, loneliness, addiction, connection and belonging.
COVID protocol for 2023-24
This year we are using the same protocols for COVID and other illnesses that we had in place at the end of the 2022-23 school year.
- COVID: If an individual tests positive for COVID, it is recommended that they isolate for 5 days, with "Day Zero" being the date of the onset of symptoms or the date of the positive test. We also recommend wearing a mask for days 5-10.
- All other illnesses: The following information is found on p. 23 of the 2023-24 Student/Parent Handbook
Students should remain at home until they are well enough to resume work in the classroom. Children who have had a fever should maintain a normal temperature for 24 hours before returning to school. Should a student incur an unusual rash, the student should be kept home for observation and/or attention by the family physician. Lice checks are conducted periodically. A “no nit” procedure is enforced when lice are found.
Please use the following as a guide for the length of time children should be out of school.
Chickenpox - Minimum 7 days after eruption.
Mumps - Minimum 7-10 days until all glandular swelling is gone.
Measles - Minimum 7 days; longer if the child is still not well.
Scarlet Fever - Isolation is required for 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has begun.
Impetigo - Minimum 5 days, until all crusty lesions heal.
COVID - Minimum 5 days and symptom-free
Injuries happening at home will not be treated at school, nor is any diagnosis to be made of home injuries. The school is not responsible.
The child may be required to bring a signed note from the doctor if the illness keeps the child away from school for three days or more. A signed note from the doctor is required if restrictions are put on the child. The duration should be stated along with restrictions. In cases when a parent has not called the school to report an absence, a written excuse may be required.
Families are also encouraged to check out the IDPH School Health Listing of Communicable Diseases for additional details.
Board of Education Meetings Streamed in 2023-24
We have moved to streaming our monthly Board of Education meetings via our D92 YouTube Channel. To view the meetings in real time or the recordings of previous meetings, simply go to the D92 website, click on "Board of Education". Then select on "View Live Stream BOE Meeting".
You may also attend Board of Education meetings in person. The meetings are typically held at Ludwig School in the LMC.
Will County School District 92
Website: www.d92.org
Location: 708 North State Street, Lockport, IL, USA
Phone: 815.838.8031