A Message from Dr. Kaczkowski
Covid Update and Testing Announcement
Dear District 41 Community,
I hope that my communications are helping all of our families and staff stay in the know about what is happening in District 41 related to the latest COVID-19 data and updates from DuPage County. I know I send a lot of information out, but I want to make sure that you have the most current information so that you can plan for your families.
The Board approved a testing agreement with SafeGuard Surveillance,LLC and we will share more information about the process of testing as soon as the logistics are finalized. We will be holding a Webinar on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 at 6:30 P.M. During this Webinar, we will provide detailed information about the testing process as well as the process for giving consent. The link to the webinar will be sent out to the community before the end of the week.
In-Person Schedule and the Holidays
You may have heard that some districts are considering moving to remote after Thanksgiving through the first of the new year. We are hoping this will not be necessary for our district because of the commitment to add surveillance testing to our mitigation efforts. We are keeping with our blended plan as long as we can and will use adaptive pause if we 1) have a school outbreak (two cases in a school that are connected with no other more likely point of transmission) 2) our numbers of staff beginning a quarantine/isolation outpace our numbers of people coming off of quarantine/isolation and/or we are unable to safely staff our blended classrooms. We will adjust our schedule after Thanksgiving to allow for the covid surveillance testing in the district prior to returning to school. This is our tentative plan. We will confirm this information at the informational Webinar.
Schedule Post Thanksgiving Break and Testing for In-Person Students/Staff
*Please note that this will change in the event that we are on remote on or prior to November 19th. In that case, we will need to do on-site testing.
*Please note that we anticipate following a similar process as we return from Winter Break.
Much more information will be coming about the process of our testing plan. Having this testing program in our district is another layer of mitigation to keep our school communities safe. Please continue to help slow community spread in the five communities we serve (Glen Ellyn, Glendale Heights, Carol Stream, Wheaton and Lombard). Please avoid gatherings, wash hands frequently, wear masks, and social distance at least 6 feet from anyone outside of your household. Thank you for your partnership to keep schools safe and open.
Dr. K
Dr. Melissa Kaczkwoski
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Email: webmaster@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41