LMS E-Blast
16 January 2023
Welcome Back Jaguar Family!!!
"It May Be Raining Outside But It's Always Sunshine Here In Jaguar Country"
LMS Schedule 2022-2023 School Year
Take a closer look at our schedule for the year!
Student Handbook
Attached is an updated copy of the Student Handbook for LMS.
Let's help students build a habit of good attendance! Late arrivals to school are being tracked. Students who are tardy to school 3 times in a 9 week period will be issued after school detention. Please help us by getting your students to school on time. They should be in their classrooms by 7:50 a.m. Students who are late because the bus arrives late will not be counted as tardy. Thank you for your help with this!
Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus parent portal gives you the ability to check your students' missing assignments. Once you are logged in, click on the grades tab to the left. Within the grades tab, make sure you have selected the correct grading quarter. If you select "All Terms," it will show you missing assignments from past quarters that students do not have the ability to complete.
Below is a picture for your reference!
PTO Information
LMS Winter Wonderland Dance January 20
LMS PTO is hosting a WINTERWONDERLAND DANCE featuring DJ Showtime on Friday, January 20 from 6-8 pm. in the Auxiliary Gym. Students will enjoy a fun night of giveaways and dancing. Admission is $5.00 and there will be concessions for sale. Water bottles are allowed, but no other outside food or drink are permitted. The doors will open at 6 pm and we look forward to seeing everyone. Please be on-site to pick-up promptly at 8 p.m.
If a student has received more than 2 referrals during the 2nd quarter, that student will not be allowed to attend the event. If you have questions concerning this or whether a student may attend, please reach out to your grade level principal.
2nd Annual LMS vs. LPD Basketball Game on January 27
Join us to cheer on the combined girl and boys LMS basketball team and the Lynchburg Police Department in the 2nd annual LMS vs. LPD Basketball Game. We had a great time hosting this community event last year and are excited to continue the tradition this year! See flyer for details.
The Lion King
Tips From the Nurse
General illness guidelines ● Students who are symptomatic should not enter the building. Families should contact their health provider immediately and seek advice. Notify the school nurse of the illness. ● Students exhibiting symptoms while at school are required to wait in an isolation area until they can be transported home. If they are waiting in the Nurse Clinic, the Nurse will offer a mask to wear while in the clinic. ● Students should remain in isolation with continued supervision and care until picked up by an authorized adult. ● Follow established guidelines for triaging students, recognizing not all symptoms are COVID-19 related. ● Advise parents of sick students that students are not to return until they have met CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation.
Symptoms of COVID-19 include: ● Fever over 100.4 ● New cough ● Difficulty breathing ● Sore throat ● Muscle aches or body aches ● Vomiting or diarrhea ● New loss of taste or smell ● Runny Nose/Nasal Congestion ● Are under evaluation for COVID-19 (for example, waiting for the results of a viral test to confirm infection) ● Have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and not yet cleared to discontinue isolation
Counseling News
See the attached newsletter of the December highlights from the counseling department
(Updated 1/16/2023)
Staff of the Week
Latasha Hubbard is our staff of the week. This is her 2nd year at LMS.
What she likes most is the students and she says LMS is like a family.
Student of the Week
Lashea Carthens is the student of the week.
What she likes most about LMS is her favorite person, Ms. Hubbard.
Her favorite part of the school year so far was the school dance
She hopes to be a lawyer when she grows up.
LMS Athletics
If your child is participating in any sports here at Linkhorne Middle School, please know that their coach is their BIGGEST fan! If they are having any challenges while on the team, please encourage them to speak with their coach. If they have spoken to their coach and you as the parent still feel that there is an issue, please schedule a time to meet with them. Game day is not an appropriate time to talk with the coach about your concerns, however, please feel free to call LMS to schedule a time. If there are still issues that you have, you can then meet with the Athletic Director, Mr. Randy Turille, or the Assistant Principal over Athletics, Mr. Mike Thompson.
Here is Jaguar Country we LOVE to see student athletes play! We also are encouraging them to learn how to advocate for themselves by appropriately voicing any concerns that they may have while engaging in their sport!
Go Jaguars!
Winter Sports:
-01/09 vs Liberty @ Away 5:30 Girls 6:45 Boys
-01/12 vs Dunbar @ Away 5:30 Girls 6:45 Boys
-01/10 vs Rustburg @ Home 5:30
All athletes must have all forms turned in before they will be able to play. Forms include, Emergency medical, concussion, code of conduct and Athletic Handbook signed by both parent and athlete. Thanks!
Linkhorne Middle School
Website: http://www.lcsedu.net/schools/lms/
Location: 2525 Linkhorne Drive, Lynchburg, VA, USA
Phone: 434-515-5330
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LMSJaguars/