Minne Scoop
PBIS Edition ~ November 2023
This edition of the Minne Scoop is dedicated to the implementation of School Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, or PBIS, at the Minnehaha Elementary School. We are excited to renew our efforts with PBIS and to share with you what PBIS is and the positive impact research shows it has on schools and students.
What is PBIS?
PBIS is an evidenced based tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. When implemented well it improves social emotional competence, academic success and school climate. PBIS is a way to create a positive and safe learning environment where everyone thrives.
PBIS isn't just a “one and done” training or event.
PBIS isn’t just something we do but it is HOW we do things. Implementing PBIS means we use evidence-based practices to support students' needs. We use data to check the effectiveness of those practices. And we use data to uncover student needs, identify student strengths and to also uncover systemic weaknesses or concerns with our practices so we can continually work to improve school climate. PBIS is an ongoing way of supporting students and encouraging positive behaviors.
The Minnesota Department of Education recognizes the implementation of PBIS as a powerful factor contributing to student wellbeing and academic performance. Over 800 schools across the state are considered PBIS schools.
PBIS isn’t new to Minnehaha Elementary.
Not too long ago, prior to COVID, we had a thriving PBIS program that yielded great results and contributed to a great school climate. Like many things stymied by COVID our PBIS program was as well. We find ourselves in a climate of increasing social and emotional need and we need PBIS now more than ever.
So what does it look like in school?
Teaches work together to set clear expectations that are consistently taught and implemented at school. Students are taught and encouraged to follow these expectations. We collect data to better understand where and when students as a whole struggle emotionally or behaviorally and we use research based strategies to alleviate these concerns. Your student may talk about the “foot store” or “earning feet”. This is part of our “stepping up” program where students are rewarded for “stepping up” with positive behavior.
Why now?
We know from our own experience PBIS is an effective system to maintain a positive school climate and positive behavior. Schools across the state and country are seeing an uptick of social and emotional needs. We know families and students are still struggling with the fallout of the pandemic. We need to do our part to support students' emotional and mental well being in a positive way.
You will be hearing more about our PBIS program and ways you can support this as we move through the school year. At conferences your child’s teacher may talk to you about expectations we have for your child. Conferences would be a great time to ask your teacher about PBIS.
On another note:
We are starting “Wellness Wednesdays” in all our district buildings. This is the time of the week at our school where we all focus on taking care of ourselves. We encourage students and staff to dress in athletic wear and staff will create a variety of activities to help students relieve stress, relax and take care of our physical and mental health. Thank you to our school district counselors for heading up this effort. You will hear more about this moving forward.
About Us
Email: barcher@isd381.org
Website: https://www.isd381.k12.mn.us/minnehaha/
Location: Minnehaha Elementary School, 7th Street, Two Harbors, MN, USA
Phone: 218-834-8221
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Minnehaha-Elementary-Lake-Superior-School-District-103493627983228