Cougar News
March 1st-5th, 2021
It's Campbell Exceptional Children's Week!!!!
Our Exceptional Children are VIRTUALLY UNSTOPPABLE!!!
Monday, March 1st: Read Across Fulton Day!!! Dress your best and make reading a priority today! What are you reading? Who are you reading to??
Tuesday, March 2nd: Read Across America Day: Curl up with a good book in your PJ's @ school!
Wednesday, March 3rd: Wacky Wednesday (wear crazy socks, hats, to show how unique and special everyone is in their own way.
Thursday, March 4th: Dream Big and Do Good! Random Acts of Kindness Day ( How many acts of kindness and good deeds can you do today??
Friday, March 5th: Superhero Day (dress like a superhero) Everyone has a Super Power! What's yours??
Pre-K Lottery Registration Opens TOMORROW March 1, 2021
Fulton’s Prekindergarten Program
Through Fulton's Prekindergarten Program, the child will:
- Develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
- Develop mathematics skills by recognizing and using numerical concepts, understanding patterns and relationships, and problem solving.
- Develop science skills by exploring, manipulating, and experimenting with objects in the physical environment.
- Develop the ability to move in ways that demonstrate control, balance and coordination.
- Develop the ability to participate and function in a social environment.
Students who are four (4) years of age on or before September 1 of the enrollment year and live within the Fulton County Schools attendance zone are eligible to enroll in the program. Families must provide proof of birth (age) and residency in order to register for the program. Children are eligible to attend Georgia’s Pre-K for one year only.
FCS Registration Requirements
- Ear, Eye, Dental and Nutrition Screening (Form 3300)
- Immunization Certificate (Form 3231)
- Proof of Date of Birth
- Residence Verification (Board Policy JBC, "School Admissions")
- Social Security Number (Voluntary)
Important Documents
- 2021-2022 Pre-K Registration Documents
- Preparing for the First Day of School PDF
- Pre-K School Supply List
- 2020-2021 Immunization Updates
- Developmental Milestones
- Milestones of Early Literacy - Source: Reach Out and Read
- Pre-K Roundup - Learning Resources
- 2020-21 Pre-K Registration Docs
- Georgia's Pre-K Family Handbook
Pre-K Registration Information
In addition, over 1,800 spaces in pre-kindergarten classes are available at 45 elementary schools throughout the county. Prekindergarten pre-registration will be held online March 1 – 19. To pre-register for the lottery drawings, parents will need to click the provided link. Lottery dates and times vary by school and can be found on local school websites. Parents also can visit the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning's web site, www.decal.ga.gov, to determine the availability of other privately-funded pre-kindergarten program providers.
Spring Kindergarten Registration Dates Set
The Fulton County School System announces its spring kindergarten registration dates – Wednesday, March 31 and Thursday, April 1. During these two days, parents of incoming kindergarten students, as well as other new elementary students entering school in August, can register their children for the 2021-2022 school year. Registration for all Fulton County elementary schools will occur online. To register new students, parents should visit the Fulton County website and click enrollment. To learn more about Kindergarten Registration and Enrollment, plan to attend Kindergarten Roundup on March 4, 2021 at 12:00 PM.
REGISTER YOUR KINDERGARTENER NOW!!! 2021 Kindergarten Roundup: March 4, 2021
2021 Kindergarten Roundup: March 4, 2021
Register Now for students who will enter Kindergarten next school year!
Check your child's progress report in Infinite Campus March 11th!
Have you Logged in to see your child's grades, progress reports, missing assignments????
All portal accounts require a 1-time activation to create your ID and password. You must be a parent/guardian of a current FCS student to activate an account. To verify identity, you will be asked to provide the following information about 1 student in your household:
- Student first and last name (as entered on birth certificate)
- Student ID number
- Student Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Student grade level (19-20 grade level)
Click here to receive an activation e-mail
Be sure to check your SPAM, Junk Mail, or Clutter. The activation email sent by infinite campus sometimes lands here.
Please call the school at 470-254-3430 if you need assistance.
It is very important that ALL parents have access to Infinite Campus. This is how we will communicate with you and how you will receive report cards and other valuable information about your student.
Click Here to Get connected via INFINITE CAMPUS
NO School for Students on March 12th and 15th!
Parent/Teacher Conference Day March 12th!!
- Check your child's progress
- Schedule your conference now
- Support your student's success!
Conference Day Tips for Parents!
Parent-teacher conferences are great for facilitating communication between parents and teachers, however they often can be dreaded by all parties involved. It doesn’t always have to be a disappointing and frustrating process.
While IEP parents may be more accustomed to these meetings, other parents may not be. The key to success is preparation by both the parent and teacher. Be sure to come prepared with questions, answers, and a good attitude.
Parents -we have resources for you!
Students can now receive additional meals for the weekend!
For Campbell Elementary School's Face-To-Face Learners, BackPack Weekend Meals will include:
- four meals, two breakfasts & two lunches, to be consumed during the weekend.
- Meals will be distributed on Friday's to students who are face to face at Campbell, to go home for the weekend Request Weekend Backpack Meals Here
- For Remote Learners, Meal Kit Distribution from Campbell will continue on Wednesdays at 8:30-9:30AM. Our FREE weekly Meal Kits will now include 14 meals, 7 breakfast & 7 lunches, to include meals for the weekend!
- Wednesday Meal Kits need to be pre-ordered HERE.
- Be sure to take advantage of this great opportunity!
Why is my Child being counted absent???
Attendance: A new FCS policy takes a proactive stance about student attendance and provides a tiered framework for identifying supports to improve student attendance.
JBD Absences and Excuses: Updated and revised policy with changes that include parent absence notification thresholds; added opportunity to use participation in remote learning to substitute for absence; added to the list of excused absences; and removed driver’s license revocation based on updated laws.
What does this mean for parents/guardians?
- Parents/Guardians will be notified more often based on all absences regardless of if a student is excused or unexcused.
- Preventive strategies and interventions will be put in place to encourage all students to engage in learning.
How is attendance determined for face-to-face learners?
- Elementary School students’ attendance is taken within the first hour of the instructional day to record who is physically present.
- Students must be present for half of the instructional day to be marked present for the day.
- Currently, half of the instructional day is measured by student participation in Math and Reading/Language Arts.
- Middle and High School students’ attendance is taken each period.
- Students must be present for 50% or more of the day to be marked present.
Students need to meet the following guidelines to receive credit:
- Elementary School (Daily Attendance): - Participation in synchronous Reading/Language Arts and Math instruction remotely or participates asynchronously as defined by the teacher
- Middle & High School (Period Attendance) - Must participate in at least 50% of the school day to be given credit for attendance - Participation in synchronous instruction remotely or participates asynchronously as defined by the teacher
How does my child get attendance credit for participating remotely if they are a Face-to-Face learner?
- Students can substitute up to 5 absences per semester (a max of 10 per year) with a remote learning day by meeting the remote learning participation benchmarks listed in policy.
- This would result in the student being counted as present for the day(s) they participate remotely.
- To be marked present, work must be submitted within 2 days of absence.
- Students may not use a remote learning day on a test day.
- Parent/guardian or student must notify teacher in advance to the start of the instructional day to utilize the participation benchmark rule.
- Schools will make their best effort to provide instruction given early notice
What do I do if I think my child is going to be absent?
- Notify your child’s school as soon as possible.
- Please refer to your child’s school about how to send in the excusal note.
- Notes/emails explaining why a child is absent should be given as soon as possible to the school either before an absence or within 5 days of the absence.
The following must be included:
• Student Name
• Student FCS ID Number (lunch number)
• Parent/Guardian Name
• Parent/Guardian Email & Phone Number
• Reason for excuse When will additional documentation be required?
• After 3 consecutive ill absences, a doctor’s note will be required
• After 10 late arrivals or early checkouts
• Preapproval of absences due to family events or other reasons must be sent 5 days in advance.
• Any student who accumulates 7 or more days for any reason (This excludes days accumulated during an Assigned Remote designation) What absences are excused?
• Personal illness or when attendance in school would be detrimental to the health of the student or others
• A serious illness in the student’s immediate family necessitating absence from school
• A death in the student’s family necessitating absence from school o Student are excused for up to 4 days due to a death in immediate family o Students are excused for 2 days due to a death in non-immediate family
• Observance of religious holidays necessitating absence from school
• Compliance with a court order or an order issued by a governmental agency mandating an absence from school
• Visitation with an immediate family member who is on leave from or is being deployed to military service • Important family events/celebrations for an immediate family member (graduation, wedding, religious ceremony, etc.) 6201 Powers Ferry Road
• Atlanta, Georgia 30339 • 470-254-3600
• www.fultonschools.org • Compliance with an order for a pre-induction physical examination for service in the armed forces
• An absence for registering to vote or participating as an active voter in a local, state, or federal election
- A verified interview for college admission or a documented college visit
- A specialized, supplemental, or extracurricular program/event
- Other absences pre-approved by the principal
- Students/families must formally request for students to be absent for family events or other pre-approved absences.
- These requests should be made five school days in advance of the absence.
- Please refer to your child’s school for procedures to collect and approve requests.
When will a parent/guardian be notified about absences?
- Parents will be notified daily if a child is marked absent through the school messenger system
- Three unexcused absences in a row without notification from parents
- Five total unexcused absences
- Seven total absences (excused and unexcused)
- Ten late arrivals or early checkouts
- Parents/Guardians can monitor their child’s attendance using Infinite Campus.
- Students should make every effort to complete any missing work in a timely manner.
- Student must complete any make-up work at least ten (10) school days prior to the end of the grading period.
- It is the student and/or parent/guardian responsibility for contacting the teacher about any missing work.
- If the work is satisfactory, no matter if the absence was excused or unexcused, full credit should be given.
Can a student be exempt from final exams for good attendance?
- Attendance will no longer be used as an exam exemption requirement for students.
When might a social worker contact a parent or guardian about my child’s attendance?
- Students who do not attend the first two days of school
- Missing 3 days in a row or more days of school without documentation
- Any student who has missed 10% or more of the school year at any given time
- 15 or more late arrivals or early checkouts
- Excessive attendance record and little improvement in attendance
Extended Learning Details...
Extended Learning
- The Extended Learning Window will close February 5th for 3rd – 5th grade students
- The next Super Saturday Academy will be held on Saturday, Feb. 6th at 8:30 a.m.
- Math and Reading Instruction to address learning gaps
- Wednesday & Thursdays (starting Jan. 20)
- Face to Face and Remote
- 2:30-4:30
- Click Here to Register
- For More information Contact Ms. Tyson, CST, - tysonjl@fultonschools.org 470-254-9132
If you registered for extended Learning...
- Be sure your child remains after school if they are face to face
- Ensure students log in for class ON TIME
- MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD ATTENDS - We are putting resources in place to support students, this includes teachers staying afterschool and working on Saturday's to provide needed support. Please be sure you do your part in getting students online or to sessions scheduled during the week or on Saturdays.
- We are here for the success of all Students... Help us make it happen!
The SGC elections are a way for parents and teachers who are elected onto the council to have a role in the vision and direction of the school. Thank you for your interest.
Please review the following dates for the 2021 SGC Election:
Candidate Declaration Period: February 3 - February 26
Get to Know the Candidates: March 1 - March 15
Voting Window: March 17 - March 24
Questions about elections?
Contact us
Phone: 470-254-3604
Reporting Portal has translation now...
What Parents Need to Know about how students are graded and counted present for instruction!
Be online, Be engaged, Complete Assignments... Be Counted! Pay attention to reminders below:
- Student attendance is monitored.
- A student's minutes online, assignment completion and participation, are important aspects of being engaged in learning and being counted as present.
- Please ensure that your students are in class on time and are engaging in Literacy, Math, and other content areas to be counted present for the day.
- Students that fail to return for classes will be documented as "skipping". This will result in a referral to our student support team.
- Parents should provide written documentation for early check-out for medical appointments in both face to face and remote settings. (documents can be emailed to the front office at hallsr@fultonschools.org )
Introducing-- the COVID NINE-TEEN Project! An international Project to support students (not an FCS activity)
Teens mentor elementary school students to keep them motivated and active during quarantine, as well as taking stress off parents by providing daily activity sessions and one-on-one tutoring. (This is not a Fulton County Schools Project... teens are from all over the world)
Monday - Friday: 2:00 - 5:00 PM PST
Saturday - Sunday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM PST
Monday - Friday: 2:00 - 3:00 PM PST & 5:00 - 6:00 PM PST
Saturday - Sunday: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST & 2:00 - 3:00 PM PST
- Explore the 50+ student-led sessions we are providing this week.
- Sign up for the activities by clicking the button below.
- Don't forget that our Late Sign Up Policy, where you must sign up for your session(s) by 9 PM PST the night before the session for your submission to be recorded, is in motion!
An email with the Zoom link will be sent 2 hours prior to the start of the session.
All supplies needed for the activity will be added onto our website prior to the session.
- You may now only sign your child up for ONE HOUR per day.
- Signing up for one hour does not guarantee your child a full hour due to high demand and time constraints.
- Our Late Sign Up Policy still applies (you must sign up by 9:00 PM PST the night before the session for it to be recorded).
- You will be sent 2 Zoom links.
- You can choose either, but if you have a tutor preference, be sure to check the daily schedule attached to the email to see who will be in each session. However, we cannot guarantee that you will be matched with the specific tutor of your choice.
- Additionally, if the Zoom session your child is in becomes full, you may be asked to use the second link you were provided and switch to the other session.
For each day of this week, we have listed one featured activity. This is only a handful of the hundreds of other incredible activities we have to offer!
Intro to Greek Mythology
3/1 at 4:30 - 5:00 PM PT
Here the students will learn about the stories in Roman mythology, including Jupiter, Neptune, and more!
Taught by David F. and Grace C.
Intro to Psychology
3/2 at 2:30 - 3:00 PM PT
In this activity, kids will be able to learn all about psychology! They will be able to learn about the brain, how it works, dreams, memories and so much more!
Taught by Aurora T. and Vernika G.
3/3 at 4:30 - 5:00 PM PT
Kids will learn how to properly sing through their new understanding of music while also having fun!
Taught by Phoebe E. and Christhal P.
Friendships Bracelets
3/4 at 2:30 - 3:00 PM PT
Join us as we learn how to braid some cute and fun bracelet designs that you can wear. A super fun way for students to channel their creativity and create some wearable accessories along the way.
Taught by Rita Y. and Tanya S.
Simon Says
3/5 at 4:30 - 5:00 PM PT
Do you like playing games? Do like following directions and watching out for tricks? Come and join this Simon Says class for lots of following the leader fun!
Taught by Jesna T. and Raha J.
3/6 at 10:3o - 11:00 AM PT
Kids can create different art pieces and put together a collage of things they like, based on the topic of the session.
Taught by Payton L., Maya P., and Alex R.
Travel With Us
3/7 at 1:30 - 2:o0 PM PT
This geography based live session will be full of fun facts about different countries, games, and a fun learning experience!
Taught by Eliana J. and Sophie S.
Copyright © 2020 The Covid NineTEEN Project, All rights reserved.
Dont forget!!! WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS 10 WEEKS OF FREE YOGA via ZOOM Starts Tuesday 3/2.
How are you coping with COVID-19? Join the Center for Black Women's Wellness for 10 free virtual yoga sessions beginning March 2nd!
Registration has closed. You should have been contacted if you registered last week.
Tell us how it's going!
Hardship Transfer Applications Open Now!
Hardship Transfer Deadline: March 1, 2021
Hardship Transfer applications are available beginning Jan. 1 for parents who wish to apply for a 2020-21 hardship transfer or to renew a current hardship to another Fulton elementary, middle or high school. Parents will use an online form to enter and submit their information.
Get more info and access the application here.
Important things to note:
- Student hardships are only available for residents within the Fulton County School district. Employee hardships are the exception.
- Transportation to and from the transfer school is not provided by Fulton County Schools.
- Transfers for siblings ARE NOT guaran-teed with any of the transfer options.
- Student hardship transfers must be renewed each year.
- Transfer applications are for the upcoming school year.
Hardship Transfer Guidelines
Students who have missed schools in excess of the following number of days will be automatically denied a hardship transfer. Students currently attending a school on an approved hardship, but failing to maintain a satisfactory attendance record will be subject to revocation of the existing transfer.
- Student has been tardy to school 15 or more times;
- Student has been absent from school 5 or more days, unexcused.
- If absences are excused or medical but exceed 5 days, parents must provide written explanation of why the absences occurred.
Students who have not maintained satisfactory behavior in school are not granted permission to transfer under hardship policy. Students currently attending a school on an approved hardship, but failing to maintain satisfactory behavior will be subject to revocation of the existing transfer.
- Elementary school students who have been involved in 5 or more incidents;
- Elementary school students who have received more than 3 days Out of School Suspension;
- Middle or High school students who have received more than 5 days Out of School Suspension or In-School Suspension.
between Jan 1 - Mar 1 each year.
Carpool will close at 7:40 for teachers to begin instruction. Students are counted Students participating remotely will be counted tardy when logging in after 7:40AM for class or absent if they are not present, participating in instruction and submitting assignments. Students will be referred for Skipping class when they fail to return for instruction they are scheduled for.
Meal Kits will still be available for virtual learners & community members
To accommodate lunch service for face-to-face students, the hours of Curbside Pick-Up have been updated.
• Curbside Pick-Up will be open Wednesdays from 9:30-10:30 .
• Families need to pre-order grab & go meal kits each week. Grab & go meal Kits need to be pre-ordered online by Tuesday at 11:59 p.m.
CLICK HERE for the online pre-order form.
. • Pick-up a FREE & go meal kit from any Fulton County School near you. • Children do not have to be present to receive a FREE grab & go meal kit. • A student’s ID number is not needed to receive a FREE grab & go meal kit.
• To maximize social distancing, drivers are not to leave their vehicles; however, walk-ups are allowed.
Campbell Elementary...."More Than a School"
Email: campbellnewsletter@fultonschools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/campbelles
Location: 91 Elder Street, Fairburn, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-3430