Longfellow Elementary
November 2022
Notes from Mrs. Heckenlaible...
A Time of THANKS! November is a time of giving THANKS for the many blessings we have been given. Our Longfellow staff THANKS all of our families for sharing your Lions with us each day! This time of year really makes you aware of the many treasures we have in life and to celebrate them each day. We give THANKS for:
T – THANKFUL for our Longfellow Lions
H – HAPPY to have our Lions in school each day
A – APPRECIATE the strong parental support
N – NURTURING staff to guide and educate our students
K – KINDNESS throughout our school
S – SUPPORTIVE community and school board
Happy THANKSgiving from all of the Longfellow students and staff!
Mrs. Heckenlaible
Join the PTO!
A parent teacher organization (PTO) gives parents and teachers the opportunity to work together to supplement and enrich the educational experience. And with today's tight budgets, a strong, well-functioning PTO can be a teacher's most important ally when it comes to achieving curricular and fundraising goals. There are always fun activities and events going on such as our current raffle ticket event, Decade Disco, and food nights at Culvers, Papa Murphy's, etc. Please consider joining our PTO!
Raffle Ticket Sales Were Great!!
When we pose a challenge to the students of Longfellow, boy do they respond!!!
Our lions raised $16, 005
Let that soak in!!! That's incredible. Thank you to all of the parents who helped encourage, drove them around, and bought tickets themselves!!
Mrs. Kristensen's class and Miss Mertens class brought in the most sales. These two classes earned a reward of going to Mega Gym one Friday afternoon!
PTO Meeting
Tue, Nov 1, 2022, 03:30 PM
Longfellow Elementary School, North Mentzer Street, Mitchell, SD, USA
Friday - November 11
Friday - November 18
Thursday & Friday - November 24 & 25
Student Council Store-OPEN
Fri, Nov 4, 2022, 07:45 AM
Longfellow Elementary School, North Mentzer Street, Mitchell, SD, USA
Dates to Remember
Nov 4 - Student Council Store is OPEN
Nov 7 - 2nd-3rd grade music concert to honor Veteran's
Nov 11 - NO SCHOOL
Nov 17 - Student Council Store is OPEN
Nov 18 - School Board Meeting
Nov 18 - NO SCHOOL
Nov 24-25 NO SCHOOL
2nd-3rd grade music concert
Students arrrive between 6:00 and 6:15.
Please see flyer in this newsletter for more information.
Mon, Nov 7, 2022, 06:30 PM
Longfellow Elementary School, North Mentzer Street, Mitchell, SD, USA
Change your clocks
Don't forget to set your clocks back 1 hour on Sunday, November 6th. - An extra hour of sleep!!!
Caring Closet info and link
It's Getting Cold Outside!
As the cold weather and snow move in, please remind your children to bring hats, coats, snow pants and boots. Please help remind them to also bring these items home ocasionally so they can be cleaned.
American Education Week - Dress Up Days
School Board Meeting
Mon, Nov 14, 2022, 05:00 PM
Mitchell Middle School, West 10th Avenue, Mitchell, SD, USA
Mitchell Parade of Lights
See flyer in this newsletter for more information.
Tue, Nov 29, 2022, 07:00 PM
Corn Palace, North Main Street, Mitchell, SD, USA
Before School Supervision
Student Council Store-OPEN
Thu, Nov 17, 2022, 07:45 AM
Longfellow Elementary School, North Mentzer Street, Mitchell, SD, USA
Careful Crossing the Street
It is incredibly important that you have your children use the marked crosswalks each and every time they cross the street. This is for the safety of all students, staff and drivers. Also, be sure you do not park along the yellow curb as it blocks the view of those crossing the street or the crossing guards who keep your children safe.
Many Thanks!!
Thank you to Subway for cookies for our parent/teacher conference night!
They always hit the spot!
*Thinking About Your Thinking*
*Thinking Interdependently*
November Students of the Month
MYA FOX - Mya does a great job thinking through things before she acts. She works well with her peers and listens well to their thoughts and ideas. Mya also is not afraid to share her own thinking and I can always count on her to lend a helping hand. I am so proud of her! Way to go Mya!
MADILYN HAJEK - Madilyn always thinks before she acts and is so helpful to others around her. She does a great job of working well with others and is always making sure everyone is included. Way to go, Madilyn!
RILEY WILLIAMSON - Riley does great at thinking things through before he acts. Riley is also amazingly helpful to his peers. If he sees someone who is in need of help, he is the first one to step up. Riley thinks interdependently when working in a group or by himself. Way to go Riley!
HOLDER HULLINGER - Holder is able to share with friends how he got his answer. When others struggle to understand, Holder is one who can break information down so peers can understand. When working in groups, Holder knows the importance of working together. I can always count on him to be a great leader. Way to go Holder!
BROOKS GIBLIN - Brooks has many thoughts and ideas about various topics that he likes to share with the class. He also works with his classmates to think of solutions to problems. Way to go Brooks!
AUBREE CHARGING HAWK - I can count on Aubree to work well with others and help out. She also participates in class discussion and thinks before she speaks. Awesome job Aubree!
CHARLOTTE LAYH - Charlotte Layh is an extremely hard worker in the classroom and is a great role model for her peers. She likes to participate in class discussions. Charlotte works great with other students and is a wonderful helping hand in our room. Way to go, Charlotte!
MACI DAVIS - Maci Davis really thinks about her thinking and takes her time to do her best work! She works really hard and can tune out distractions so well! She is a great example to her class! Keep up the great work Maci! I appreciate you!
JOSEE MCPEEK - Josee does a great job explaining what her brain is thinking and how she solved a problem. She is such a respectful partner during group work or STEM projects, and she does well with listening to her partners' thoughts and ideas. Josee is always willing to help others, and is such a positive role model for our class and den!
SOPHIE DEGEEST - Sophie thinks through everything she does and it shows in and out of school. She does a wonderful job listening to others' ideas when she works together in a group. She always lends a helping hand, whenever it is needed. Sophie is an awesome role model for these habits. Awesome job, Sophie.
KINGSTON DAVIS - Kingston is always thinking a few steps ahead when working on assignments. He collects evidence, asks questions and uses critical thinking skills as he works interdependently. Way to go Kingston!
JACK GIBLIN - Jack is so careful with his thinking. He makes sure that what comes out of his mouth is well thought out and always kind. He works so beautifully with the others in our classroom and Den. Way to go Jack, 3G is so proud of you!
KAYDEN BANNWART - Kayden works interdependently with others and contributes to every group he is in. He thinks before he acts and speaks, which helps him to make good decisions. He contributes his ideas to the group and finds ways to solve a problem. Keep up the great work, Kayden!
NEALEE CWACH - Nealee does a great job thinking about her thinking while she is in the classroom, on the playground, and in specials! Nealee is a big participator in the classroom. She never fails to put her ideas on the table or find ways to participate in the discussion. Way to go, Nealee!
BRETT WILLIAMSON - Brett is always thinking about his thinking and contributing to class discussions and partner work. He tries his hardest and always gives his best before resorting to asking questions. Whether it is in the classroom, lunchroom, playground, or specials, Brett is always doing the right thing and making sure his decisions are thought out thoroughly. I'm so proud of how hard he continues to work. Awesome job, Brett!
BENTLEY MUELLER - Throughout November, I have seen Bentley do several acts of kindness. She is always willing to help out when needed and works well with her peers. She is always willing to jump in and be a leader by setting good examples for the rest of our class. Bentley is always thinking through things and trying to find new, and better, ways she could find answers to various problems. Way to go, Bentley!
MICHAEL SPORT - Michael is great when it comes to working with others. He always makes sure that everyone is included by inviting others into his group. He also makes sure that everyone is an active participant within the group. Michael also does a great job of thinking about his thinking by thinking before he speaks or acts. Michael is a great role model within our class and the school. Amazing job, Michael!
ALEX GREENWAY - Alex’s brain is constantly going and he is always thinking. Alex shares this knowledge in class and with his peers. When his peers need assistance, Alex is right there to help. He is always willing to help others and collaborate in group work! Thanks for all your help Alex! I appreciate it!
MASON HAJEK - Mason does such a great job about thinking about your thinking and working interdependently. I can always count on Mason to double check his work, and be a great role model to help his classmates or younger DenC mates. He persists through difficult problems and does a great job explaining his thinking when asked or explaining a process to classmates. I enjoy hearing Mason share his thoughts, you can tell he puts a lot of time and thought into his answers and really thinks before he speaks on topics. Mason is a great team player, he can be found working with anyone in our Den and works well with others. I am super proud of all your hard work Mason, keep being awesome and a great role model!
Den A Friday Activity
Staff Favorites!
Enjoy these favorite book picks by some of our awesome staff here at Longfellow!
Mrs. Schramm
Book: Rumble in the Jungle
The book is about animals, and I love animals! I also worked at the Great Plains Zoo for eight years!
Mrs. Schnabel
Book: The Day the Crayons Quit
It’s funny and it’s interesting how the crayons personality matches their color. It also sparks creativity!
Mrs. Eitemiller
Book: Coach Hyatt is a Riot!
It is super funny and makes me laugh with every page.
Mrs. Bakhtiari
Book: Eerie Elementary School Series
I love the whole series, but the first book is always the best because it hooks the reader to keep reading the series. It is a fun fictional series to try to imagine Longfellow coming alive!
November Featured Classroom Picks
Mrs. Rehorst's Kindergarten
Book: There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves
She swallows things we do not swallow. It has great rhymes, and they are funny, silly and gross. We love the questions. It is fun when she spits things out at the end because she usually makes something.
Mrs. Hauck's Kindergarten
Book: David Goes to School
He learns a lot of lessons we learn in school
Mrs. Heckenlaible's Kindergarten
Book: The Good Egg
We like how the Good Egg is always trying to help the Bad Eggs
Good Coordination!
Controlling your movements.
Sportsmanship Winners!!
A not-so-scary Scarecrow
Thank you to the Assmus family who made and donated this adorable pumpkin to help our office feel festive!
Nominate a Teacher
Empower Our Educators, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization created to help empower educators in the Mitchell community by not only financially supporting some out-of-pocket classroom expenses incurred throughout the school year, but also recognizing those educators who go above and beyond on a daily basis.
EOE hosting an "Educator of the Month program, to recognize the impact teachers have on students, staff, and the community. Feel free to click on the link to nominate an educator in the Mitchell Public School District!
Christmas Shopping for Kids Event
This yearly event takes place 9:00am-2:00pm at the Masonic Temple All gifts are $10 and under Santa’s helpers will be available to assist the children while shopping. There will be a waiting room available to parents while the children shop. Concessions will also be available.
Sat, Dec 3, 2022, 09:00 AM
Mitchell SD
Lisa Heckenlaible - Principal
Noel Ahlers - Administrative Assistant
Ph# 605-996-3092 Fax# 605-995-3084