Montessori Matters
March 2, 2018
Montessori Education Week
“Take my hand. We will walk. We will only walk …. “
Words taken from a poem by Thich Nhat Hahn, a Vietnamese monk, became a part of our acknowledgement of Montessori Education Week. First grade through high school gathered out around the flag pole on a dry, sunny Tuesday. After our usual Pledge, two high school seniors read the complete poem of Hahn’s while two students at a time walked quietly, slowly, mindfully hand in hand inside their circle of peers. If Maria Montessori were alive today and standing or walking in our circle, most likely she would appreciate this special quiet moment in the middle of the day and in the middle of the school week. She and Thich Nhat Hahn would agree how important cultivating a sense of peace in our children truly is: “Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war.”
Dates to Remember
March 8, 8-9 AM- Chats with the Admin Council
March 10- Spring Benefit
March 25- Open House
March 30- Snow Make-Up Day
April 6- Garden Club Plant Sale
April 13- Garden Club Plant Sale
April 18- Garden Club Plant Sale
April 19- Garden Club Plant Sale
Dr. Seuss Day
Dr. Seuss Day
Dr. Seuss Day
Heart for Helping
Louise Knisley
Community Service Coordinator
Meals on Wheels
Mock Trial
Clean Start
Lower Elementary Community Service
Preparations for this field trip began months ago, as Lower El students collected supplies and prepared bags of items (socks, snacks, and toiletries) for the clients at Clean Start. When we arrived at Clean Start, our excited students had a tour and learned the story of this hygiene center that serves many homeless clients. Then, students were invited to give out their bags to the clients present in the facility. Though a bit nervous, our students greeted the clients with grace, courtesy and respect! They felt good about meeting the clients directly and sharing a bag with them. They loved seeing the big smiles on the faces of the clients.
At the Soup Kitchen, students had a tour of the pantry and dining room, where at least 60 people are served a hot meal each weekday. Our students were interested and engaged. They met some selfless volunteers who give freely of their time to help others. These volunteers expressed much gratitude for our school's continued support of their work.
Parents who accompanied us on this field trip offered positive reactions. They appreciated seeing where our Thanksgiving donations are going and who they are helping. They felt that the direct contact with clients made a powerful impression on their children. They were inspired by the amazing volunteers we met.
This was an eye-opening and inspirational trip for all. We look forward to more opportunities to instill compassion for others and to be of service to our community!
Louise Knisley
Community Service Coordinator
Toddler Wonder
Rain, Rain Go Away
Working with Water
Nurse's Notes
Flu and other winter related illnesses continue to be health issues Anderson County and South Carolina. When trying to make a decision on whether a student should return to school following an illness, please refer to MSA’s policy regarding illness.
MSA students are prohibited from attending classes while ill. If your child is absent, please notify the school office. MSA is proactive in monitoring all illnesses and makes every to prevent illnesses from spreading. When you have verification that your child has a communicable disease, please notify the office immediately. It is preferable to bring your child in late or keep him/her out for another day in order to completely recuperate rather than risk exposing the student body to a potentially communicable illness. All students must be fever-, vomiting-, and diarrhea-free for 24 hours (without the aid of medications) before returning to school. Absences; excused or unexcused are recorded for all students. For any student experiencing a fever greater than 100.5, vomiting, having diarrhea or simply feeling too poorly to focus or concentrate on class work, the parent will be called and the student will be
dismissed early.
If your child has missed school due to an illness, he/she may not participate in any other school-related activity on that day or evening.
For a parent's flu guide from the CDC, please refer to link below:
With healthy regards,
Susanna Merriman, RN
Support our Local Businesses and Spring Benefit Sponsors
Montessori School of Anderson
Location: 280 Sam McGee Road, Anderson, SC, USA
Phone: 864-226-5344