Reardan Weekly
April 14, 2023
Elementary Update
We will have a 6th grade parent meeting April 19th at 5:30 pm in the Elementary Library to discuss our Camp Casey Trip. Packets went home with your students this week. Please remember to sign and return the permission slip, the Camp Casey Rules document. If your student has food allergies or dietary restrictions please make sure to let staff know so appropriate accommodations can be made.
The elementary has been tracking our school’s discipline data for the last few months. From the data, we noticed that a large number of students are being referred for using inappropriate language on the playground and in the classroom. Specifically, students K-6 are using curse words or derogatory terms. Please help our students and staff by talking to your child about what is the appropriate language for school. Thank you in advance for your support.
Do you have a pre-school or kindergarten age student next year? Please join us for an open house April 27th starting at 5:30 pm in the Elementary library. Registration materials will be available.
Third quarter report cards will go home on April 18th.
Middle School Update
We are excited to welcome two Whitworth Masters in Teaching candidates to Reardan MS for the month of April. Rachel Scott and Dylan Bishop are participating in Whitworth University’s Intercultural Experience for April term by spending time in our rural school district. We are excited to welcome them and let them get to know what it is like to teach in a rural school district. Rachel grew up in Spokane and Dylan comes from the Yakima area, and so far they are having a great time getting to know our students and staff.
We kicked off state testing with the WCAS–Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science this week with our 8th grade students. We continued the tradition of a biscuits and gravy breakfast on Wednesday prior to beginning the assessment and muffins and fruit on Thursday. Students took first period to eat breakfast, hydrate, and have some time to socialize and relax before starting the test. Students let Ms. Vesneske know that it really did make a difference, and we are betting their scores will reflect that. Special thanks to our Reardan PIE group for providing mid-test snacks! Please mark your calendars: Middle School Students will take the ELA test May 9-11 and the Math test May 23 and 24. Please try to minimize scheduled absences for those days. We appreciate it very much!
High School Update
State Testing:
This next week 10th graders will be taking the English language Arts assessment on Tuesday and Wednesday. It is important that students get enough sleep prior to testing. We will provide snacks for the students.
Security Update - Brad Eylar
Hi Parents,
This week we went into a Secure and Teach Posture out of precaution due to the Bomb Threat our neighboring schools received. Although Reardan never received a threat, our number one priority is always the safety of your children.
Secure and Teach means that all remaining exterior doors are locked, everyone stays inside, escorted between buildings, and closed campus. Our building being a single point entry to the High School and Elementary School means we are always in a very secure posture. The Reardan Administration worked closely with Law Enforcement to stay updated on current information.
We are currently working on an automated notification system that will allow our emergency management communication tool to make you aware immediately when the school goes into a heightened security posture or other crisis.
Thank you for the trust you give us here at the school every day and it is an honor to be their protector.
Brad Eylar
Security Director