LW Marching Arts Update
September 3-9, 2023
Volunteers Needed!
The first few weeks of September will be very busy and we need your help! The LWMB has the opportunity to run the concession stand at the East football game on Friday, Sept. 8. Proceeds from the stand will help offset some of our costs for the Indy trip in October. Please sign up to help in Charms if you are available. Students can also sign up to receive volunteer hours, so if you have any children not in the LWMB, they can volunteer as well!
Chaperone slots for the Stagg competition are also up on Charms. Please note - chaperones who are not on the field crew generally need to purchase an admission ticket to view the show from the stands.
Finally, we are looking for a dedicated group of volunteers to help with our field crew. Please view the field crew info here and sign up if you would like to help! Field crew members may also sign up to be a chaperone.
Field Crew Sign Up: https://forms.gle/FQaDutSU6bsrCoHC8
This week in the LW Marching Arts:
Sunday, September 3
Frankfort Fall Festival Parade
Itinerary: https://www.lincolnwaymusic.org/uploads/2/8/1/5/28156725/2023_frankfort_fall_fest.pdf
Monday, September 4
Manhattan Labor Day Parade
Itinerary: https://www.lincolnwaymusic.org/uploads/2/8/1/5/28156725/2023_manhattan_parade.pdf
Tuesday, September 5
Wednesday, September 6
4:30-8:30pm - Rehearsal for EVERYONE at WEST
Thursday, September 7
4:30-8:30pm - Rehearsal for EVERYONE at WEST
Friday, September 8
Halftime performance at EAST
Itinerary: https://www.lincolnwaymusic.org/uploads/2/8/1/5/28156725/9.8.23_halftime_performance___lwe.pdf
Saturday, September 9 - Competition Day!
10am-4pm - Rehearsal for EVERYONE at WEST
Stagg Itinerary: https://www.lincolnwaymusic.org/uploads/2/8/1/5/28156725/a.a._stagg_9.9.23.pdf
Tuesday, Sept. 19 - Senior photos for Class of 2024 LWMB Members at EAST. 4:00-5:00pm wearing the competitive uniform. Specific details will be shared as the date gets closer, but we wanted to give you a heads up. Please note - this is the ONLY opportunity for senior band photos, so please make sure you attend!
Travel Fee - Due October 1 - FIRM Deadline
$150 travel fee due date has been extended until October 1 as details for our Indy trip are still being finalized. In the meantime, take advantage of the IFA fundraisers offered by the Music Boosters at each campus. Participating in the fundraisers can help you lower your travel fee!
Please note that October 1 is a FIRM deadline for being up to date on all LWMB fees. Students will be unable to march in the October competitions if fees are past due.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Competition Reminders
Please take a moment to review the Competition Overview using the link below. Please remember to act with respect and good manners at all times when you are a spectator at a competition as all the bands have worked extremely hard to prepare for their performance. Thank you!
Stagg Marching Jamboree Spectator Info - Saturday, September 9, 2023
From Stagg High School:
This link below has all the information you'll need for this year's Jamboree, including schedule, maps, concession info, updated parking info, etc.
IMPORTANT INFO TO SHARE WITH FAMILIES: We now have Digital Ticket Sales! You and your families can get access to these by scanning the QR code in the document below.
Prospect Knight of Champions Spectator Info - Saturday, September 30, 2023
From Prospect High School:
All of us are looking forward to a fun event and are happy to welcome your band and their families to Prospect High School on September 30th. Here is a link to our Fan Guide that will give participants, family and friends some important information for the day, as well as the link to purchase tickets. Please share the Fan Guide link with your band families. There are discounted tickets and t-shirts available until September 15th through GoFan or the Prospect marching band website.
Thank you to all the parents who signed up to chaperone the Fall Fest Parade and Manhattan Labor Day Parade as well as the parents who signed up to work the Trolley Barn parking lot on behalf of the band. We appreciate you!
Drum Major and Color Guard Jackets
Attention Drum Majors and Color Guard members:
Jackets for these sections are available for purchase on Charms. Ordering will close on Tuesday, September 5. After you order on Charms, please email Jen Clark at jennyclark79@gmail.com with your desired personalization for the front of the jacket.
Football Band
The fall athletic season is starting soon, and that means that it is time for the LWMB students to bring the energy to L-W football games!
The game schedules are on the Google calendar on the LWMB website: https://www.lincolnwaymusic.org/lwmb-season-calendar.html
All LWMB woodwind, brass, and percussion members are required to perform at the football games for their home campus. Students are invited to play in the football band at other campuses when there is not a game at their home campus. Color guard members are invited to pick up an instrument and play at games if they would like.
Here are the "Remind" codes for each campus "football band." LWMB students should join the group for their campus, and are welcome to join the other two groups if they wish.
To join, text the following code to 81010:
Central @lwcfbb2023
East @lwefbb2023
West @lwwfbb2023
Lincoln-Way Marching Arts Parent Alliance
Reach out to Communications Liaison, Jen Clark, with any questions you might have.