Catholic School Board Update
November 2022
Greeting St. Patrick Catholic School Families and Staff,
My name is Adam Schaefer, Catholic School Board member and father of Natalie (7 th), Samuel (3 rd) and Grace (Clover Patch Preschool). I am providing this month’s school board update, but first I wanted to pause and give thanks as we head into the Holiday season. I am thankful for all the blessings that St. Patrick School provides, including a faith-centered education for our children, the dedicated teachers, staff and volunteers, and the support of St. Patrick Parish and donors. There is so much to be thankful for!
Update from the Catholic School Board:
- 2022 Annual Report has been published. Please take some time to view if you have not already done so
- Lighthouse School Recertification visit was November 3rd
- Red Ribbon Week – Students learned about making healthy decisions and returned Pledge Cards. There was also a coloring contest and PJ Day.
- Fall Conferences – Thank you for attending with your students
- Faith Families have returned – Students have learned about St. Francis and other activities/service projects are being planned
- Strategic Plan focus areas for the current year: Academic Excellence and Operational Vitality
- Save the Date: The Main Event is set for February 18, 2023
Thank you for your continued support of St. Patrick Catholic School.
On behalf of the School Board,
Adam Schaefer
P.S. Don't forget to tell your friends about out school and preschool. Your kind words are the best advertising we have!
Remember that our school board agendas and minutes are available on the school website. Both are on the CSB page https://www.cfcatholicschool.org/school-board. A few days before each meeting, you'll find the agenda linked from the calendar right on th e homepage.
2022-2023 CSB Members Back: Adam Schaefer, Molly Lahart, Theresa Dethlefs, Patrick Burke, Erin Lyons. Front: Emily Paxton, Lisa Ahern, Ryan Occena.
About Us
Facebook cfcatholicschool
Instagram stpatrickcatholic
Twitter cfcatholic
Email: office@cfcatholicschool.org
Website: www.cfcatholicschool.org
Location: 615 Washington Street, Cedar Falls, IA, USA
Phone: 3192776781