Kansai Get Together
An informal meeting about learner autonomy
March theme: Break-out groups about LD-related plans for the 2013-2014 school year
For this second 'Get Together' of 2013, we will discuss our Learner Development related ideas and plans for the coming school year. It is a great opportunity to reflect on past projects, get feedback from others on plans already underway, generate ideas for collaborative projects, or discuss details of future classroom research projects. Who knows--some of these ideas could develop into proposals for the October JALT National conference in Kobe or the November 20th Anniversary Conference in Tokyo! Looking forward to seeing you there...
Saturday, March 23, 2013
WHEN: 2-5 PM
WHO: Any teachers from any context interested in promoting learner autonomy in their classrooms
AFTER PARTY: Man in the Moon Pub (behind Kyoto Station) / Raju Indian restaurant (near the school)... TBA
Photos from the January 19th Get Together
BRAINSTORMING SESSION: 'What does learner autonomy mean to you?' & 'What aspect of learner autonomy interests you?'
POSTER SESSION FOR GROUPS TO SHARE THEIR IDEAS: This one was designed by the 'technology group'
Always guaranteed to be informative and energizing! Join us!
Any questions?
Email: gretchen3clark@gmail.com
Location: 23 Fukakusa Nishideyamacho, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture 612-0884
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/126518854184011/?bookmark_t=group