Willow parent Bulletin #21
February 4, 2022
Happy Hundreds Day-ish
Valentine's Day is also this month. Students will still exchange valentines. Parties, planned by the room parents, will be from 9-10AM on the 14th. Please remember that, per District policy, NO FOOD can be brought in and passed out. Room parents need to present their license and proof of vaccination, unless we already have it on file.
This month also has Twos-day. February 22, 2022.... and it's on a Tuesday! We've been thinking about how to make this a fun dress up day for students. So here we go: ties, tutus, tennis shoes and twins... we figure there's got to be something in there that appeals to every child.
K-2nd grade iPads
Ms. Mingo, one of our Reading Specialists, shared this website to help with spelling:
Parking in the Staff lots and side streets
When you do park on the side streets, PLEASE be good to the neighbors. Their driveways are being blocked and a few of their cars have been hit. We have always had a great relationship with them and ask that you help us maintain it.
Feb 14: Valentine's Parties from 9-10AM
Feb 21: NO SCHOOL- Presidents' Day
Feb 22: Two's Day- see above
Feb 25: EARLY RELEASE at 11:40 AM- end of 2nd trimester
Mar 1: statewide tornado drill
Mar 4: report cards come home and are available on the Parent Portal at 3 PM
Mar 7: NO SCHOOL: Institute Day for staff
Mar 13: change clocks
Mar 17: EARLY RELEASE at 11:40 AM/ St. Patrick's Day
Mar 28- Apr 1: Spring Break
Apr 4: Students return
Apr 22: Earth Day
Apr 27: EARLY RELEASE at 11:40 AM/ Administrative Assistant/ Secretaries' Day
May 6: EARLY RELEASE at 11:40 AM
May 8: Mothers' Day
May 11: School Nurse's Day
May 23: Mr. Roger's Day
May 27: EARLY DISMISSAL at 11:40- last day of school
May 30: Memorial Day
This Week in Pictures!
Willow School
Email: melissa.lawson@hsd153.org
Website: www.hs153.org
Location: 1804 Willow Road, Homewood, IL, USA
Phone: 708-798-3720
Facebook: facebook.com/homewoodschooldistrict153