Parent Notices 12/4/2023

Teaching is the greatest act of optimism.
Weekly Events
- Tis the Season at QHS @ 7:00 p.m.
- Parent Conferences 6-8 p.m.
- PAC Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
- Almost Maine @ 7:00 p.m
- Almost Maine @ 7:00 p.m.
Student Support Updates
On Friday, December 1, 2023, Student Support opened the Senior Class of 2024 Local Scholarship Application Google form. By filling out this short form/survey, senior students will be considered for all the local scholarships voted on by the NQHS Scholarship Committee. This form takes about 5-10 minutes to complete, making each student eligible for over 75 local scholarships! This form must be filled in and completed by March 1, 2024. Students must be signed into their Google account to access this and fill it out. https://forms.gle/yLZrZ4vH3QCNvjMC9
Student Support will visit all Senior History classes beginning December 13th to review the Scholarship Process and assist students with finding and applying for scholarships. We will also review the NQHS Local Scholarship Form during this classroom visit.
Members of Student Support will be offering a “Scholarship Q & A” in the Media Center from 6 pm to 7 pm during Parent-Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, December 6, 2023. The Q&A will assist parents and guardians in navigating the scholarship process and provide helpful information for searching and applying for local and many other scholarships.
Student Support-led Groups that are starting or have begun…
9th grade Study Skills group - began 11/29
TLC - Girls Group for upper-class girls - beginning January 2 and will run for six weeks
Healthy Decisions group - Coming soon!
Student Support will run a Field Trip to Merrimack College on Wednesday, December 6, 2023. Senior and junior students can sign up via Google form and collect a permission slip from Mr. DeCristofaro. A maximum of 40 students can attend, so it is on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Thus far, our Seniors have applied to 285 colleges and universities nationwide. Click here to see the list.
Bridgewater State University will attend NQHS for an Instant Decision Day on Wednesday, December 13th. Students can sign up using the Google form, which can be found on the Student Support Class of 2024 Google Classroom.
Children's Hospital Fundraiser
Thank you to all those who were able to support our fundraiser this past Thursday. It was the best one so far!!
Raider Roundup
PAC Meeting
Our next meeting will be held on December 7th, at 7:00 p.m. A zoom link will be emailed before our meeting.
Report Card Conferences
Report card conferences continue this week on Wednesday, December 6th, from 6-8 p.m. Please check your email with a link to sign up. If you need assistance, please call the Main Office at 617-984-8745
Military Mondays
Over the course of the school year, we will have representatives from each branch of the Military at NQHS. Students will have the opportunity to meet with and talk to representatives from the Armed Forces. Below is a list of days representatives will be at NQHS. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Ragusa at 617-745-7117 or richardragusa@quincypublicschools.com. Thank you in advance. Click here to access the schedule for Military Mondays.
Tis the Season...Symphony and Song
Clubs at NQHS
North Quincy High offers many clubs over the school year. Next week, we will be hosting a club fair to introduce our students to all of the great clubs and activities we have at North. Please use the following link to access a list and description of the clubs we are currently offering. This Wednesday, September 20th, we will hold a Club Fair during all four lunches. This is an excellent way for students to get to know all of the clubs offered at NQHS. Click here
Almost Maine
On Friday, December 8th and Saturday, December 9th, the NQHS Drama program will present Almost Maine. Each show will begin at 7:00 p.m. Our students have worked very hard in preparation. I hope you can join us!
Weekly Sports Schedule
Winter sports games begin this week. Please click here to access this week's schedule.
Important Dates
Report Card Conferences 12/6
Tis the Season Symphony and Song 12/5
Almost Maine-Drama Club Production-12/8 & 12/9
8th Grade Open House 12/14
Winter Concert 12/19
Winter Break 12/25-1/1/24
Access Testing 1/8-1/17
Early Release Day 1/10
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday 1/15
Early Release Day 1/24
Term 2 Ends 1/26