Wildcat Weekly
Willowdale Wildcats Have Heart!
New School Hours!
Wednesday Hours are 8:30am - 2:30pm
Email: tlhartley@mpsomaha.org
Website: willowdale.mpsomaha.org
Location: 16901 P Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 402-715-8280
Principal Message
1. We had amazing turnout and support at Movie Night this week! Thank you for attending, for participating in our PTO meeting, and for supporting our 5th graders through their bake sale!
2. Our 5th grade students did an outstanding job on their Wax Museum this week. This is an annual event for our 5th grade students. They learn so much through the process and are so proud to show off their learning at their culminating event! 5th grade parents, thank you for your help and support!
3. Well, it's no secret that I'm a big Chiefs Fan. :) Monday Night Football is a rematch of the Super Bowl last year between the Chiefs and the Eagles, and some really smart students suggested we make Monday "Chiefs Day". So we are making Monday "Favorite Team Day" for all who want to participate!
4. We will not have a newsletter next week due to only having school Monday and Tuesday. I am so grateful to be a part of the Willowdale community and work with your children, and amazing staff, each day. Enjoy your Thanksgiving break!
5. Have a wonderful weekend with your families!
Freddy's Family Night
Skip the cooking on Tuesday, November 28th and join us at Freddy's. Flyers will come home on the day of so you don't forget to bring those with you.
PTO Corner
Join PTO Today!
President - Wendy Gibson
Vice President - Brittany Hoebelheinrich
Secretary - Jordan Fletcher
Treasurer - Bridget Perry
Top 5 things you can do THIS WEEK to support Willowdale:
#1: SAY THANKS! Thank you to ALL of the volunteers who helped and all of those who contributed to the 5th-grade bake sale and/or Movie Night! It was a great success!
#2: MARK YOUR CALENDAR! We will be doing a "holiday snack cart" for our teachers on December 18! This snack cart will go around and deliver snacks and drinks to teachers to get them pumped about winter break! We will be sending out a donation sign-up shortly, more to come!
#3: SUBMIT THOSE RECEIPTS! Remember, an easy way for us to earn funds for the school is by submitting receipts to TAGG. Sign up for TAGG at TAGG.today!
#4: Our Willowdale spirit wear shop is open again if you would like to purchase anything for the holiday season. Click here for more info and DON'T FORGET to submit your Spirit Wear receipt to TAGG for an added bonus!
#5: PLAYGROUND UPDATE!! Our broken slide will be getting fixed by the district! No word on when, but we know that it has been ordered! WOOT WOOT!
BONUS: Original Works packets are going home this week! The PTO receives funds from all purchases from Original Works, so put your order in today!
EXTRA BONUS: Two more events to put on your calendar.... BINGO for Books on January 25 and Willowdale Night at the Lancers game on February 24!
Miss our PTO meeting last night? No worries, check out the minutes here. As a reminder, there is NO PTO MEETING in December, so we will see you back again on January 9 at 530pm in the Library!
Willowdale PTO
Wendy Gibson, President
Brittany Hobelheinrich, Vice President
Website: Willowdale PTO Website
Email: Willowdale.PTO@gmail.com
The link to order Willowdale Spirit Wear is open if you would like to order more Spirit Wear. Great gifts for Christmas! Plus, don't forget to TAGG your receipt from your purchase, a portion goes back to Willowdale PTO.
Original Works
Look for the Original Art brochure with your student's artwork displayed! They are coming home and you can order all the pieces you would like online this year! All the directions to log in and order are on the back of the brochure you will receive. The deadline for ordering is November 22nd and items will be delivered to the school for distribution in mid-December. If you do not want your student to see what is ordered, please contact Brittany Marshall at 402.210.1812 to make alternate pick-up plans so we do not spoil any surprises!
Thank you for supporting our PTO fundraiser this year!
Student Directory
The Willowdale Student Directory has been updated for the 2023-24 school year! Click here to open the directory in Google Sheets. Click here to open as a PDF. (You can use CTRL+F to search for a student’s name.) If you still need to update or add your info, please fill out the form here.
Please contact the Willowdale PTO or Bridget Perry with any concerns.
Order your 23-24 Yearbook Now!
Partners 4 Education
Proceeds from our Partners 4 Education and other family nights help fray costs for teachers/classrooms and help supplement funds that are not covered for field trips.
Willowdale teachers, staff and students appreciate all of the support from our families and Partners.
Thank you!
Willowdale Watch Dogs
In order to give everyone an opportunity, please only sign up for 1 or 2 spots. If you have a question or concern about this, please reach out to Terri Hartly at tlhartley@mpsomaha.org
You can still order shirts with the following link:
Lunch Menu & Important Information regarding Lunches!
Our Kitchen Staff will be short staffed, so, starting Monday, September 11th, the lunch room will only have 2 choices for lunch.
Thank you for understanding while our school is short a lunch person and we hope that this will not last very long.
Lunch for Monday, November 20th:
1. Cheese Pizza
2. Bagel Kidzable
Lunch for Tuesday, November 21st:
1. All Beef Hot Dog
2. Bagel Kidzable
Lunch for Wednesday, November 22nd:
Lunch for Thursday, November 23rd:
Lunch for Friday, November 24th:
Lunch for Monday, November 27th:
1. Pepperoni Pizza
2. Bagel Kidzable
Meal Prices for 2023-2024
Breakfast - $1.60
Lunch - $3.15
2nd lunch - $2.75
Adult lunch - $4.60
Milk - $0.55
November Lunch
December Lunch Menu
Free and Reduced Meal Applications
2023-2024 School Calendar
The School Board has already approved the calendar for the next school year, 2024/2025. The link to that school year is below: