Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - Thursday 4 March 2021
Through living simply and loving generously, may we care for our global family and our common home, as we;"
Aspire not to have more, but to be more".
We ask this in Jesus' name.
2021 Important Dates
Week 5:
Fri Mar 05 - Assembly (2.15pm)
Week 6: Swimming Lessons Y2 (Pool); Y4-6 (Beach)
Sun Mar 07: Staff Commissioning Mass (8am)
Week 7: Swimming Lessons Y1&Y3 (Pool); Y4-6 (Beach)
Tue Mar 16: Wheels After Meals (Y1-6)
Please go to our calendar for more dates: https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/calendar.php
Our Pastoral Community
We as a community continue to pray for the Clift family (Violet Y5) on the recent passing of David.
Also Ayla Turpin and the Turpin family (Finn Y2) who are in the Perth Children’s hospital while Ayla is receiving treatment for leukemia.
Matt Armstrong also recently lost his sister after a long illness. We also pray for those others in our school community that are currently experiencing challenging times.
PD (Professional Development) for staff on Tuesday
All our staff attended PD at school on Tuesday. The PD was led by CEWA consultant, Ben Saulsman on the mathematics learning area.
Bushfire Evacuation
Thank you to all parents for responding to our Bushfire evacuation last Wednesday. Our local Emergency Planning/Incident Management Team, including Andrew Hunt and local bushfire consultant, Gary McMahon were delighted with the swift action of parents to support the local plan.
An Evacuation only occurs if the fire is over an hour away and for shorter timeframe we will hold an Invacuation. The OLC plan is detailed and extensive. In the event of an Invacuation, the local authorities assure us that water bombers and all local trucks will be at the school rather than protecting local homes and businesses.
As Principal of the school, I feel reassured that our procedures are in place in case of an emergency occurs.
Family Pavers
Our new handman, gardener, fixit man Robert, installed the family pavers on the walkway into school last week.
Well done to Ash McLaren and Jules Thompson for arranging this fundraiser for the junior playgrounds.
Extra Curricular at OLC
On Tuesday lunchtimes we will have netball coaching on the courts with the rotational basketball/netball goals, chess club in the library with Mr. McSevich on Wednesdays, before school sport on Wednesday mornings, after school sport on Thursdays, choir on Tuesday mornings, dance troop on Friday mornings Year 6’s leading circus tricks on various lunchtimes and Wheels after Meals (WAM) a few lunchtimes each term. Mrs. Delane also has friendology one day per week in her classroom. Our first WAM will be held on Tuesday March 16. Our Year 6 classes have the new table tennis table to play on and the P&F have provided new netball goals for year 1,2 and three students along with circus tricks equipment that Year 6’s will tutor junior students at various lunchtimes.
Wheels after Meals
All students from Years 1-6 are most welcome to bring skateboards, rollerblades, roller-skates, scooters etc on Tuesday 16 March to roll around the top carpark at lunchtime. All the equipment is to be left at the back of Mr. Lee’s office before school. Everyone must bring a helmet to be able to participate.
Sustainability Updates
Fresh free-range eggs and Worm Wizz will be for sale at Friday's assembly. Manure has been mixed into our veggie gardens for our autumn plantings.
Swimming Lessons
· Sports uniform, including sports shoes, are to be worn to school on all days during swimming. Bathers should be worn to school under their sport uniform. After swimming, the children will get changed back into their sports clothes at school. We will not be using the toilets at the pool/beach to get changed. Teachers will supervise the students if they need to attend the toilets whilst at swimming.
· Students may wear thongs on the way to the pool/beach but must wear sports shoes to school as usual and put the shoes back on when they return to school.
· Students are required to bring:
1. A change of clothes.
2. Towel.
3. Rashie .
4. Have sunscreen applied before they arrive at school. (This will also be provided by the classroom teacher).
5. A pair of thongs to wear to swimming lessons.
6. Underwear to change back into with their sports uniform when they arrive back at school.
7. Plastic bag for wet clothes/towel.
8. Snack and water for break time.
Swimming Carnival Y4-Y6
Thank you for your understanding in not having our Swimming Carnival today.
Our guide is the BOM website. If lightning is forecast we are not allowed to hold outdoor events for our students.
We are currently working on another date for our carnival, although it is now looking unlikely as the swimming lessons are taking place every day at the pool
If we are unable to reschedule, our interschool swim team will be chosen from the times achieved at the Swimming Trials last Tuesday.
P&F Wish List
I have collated some of the wish list items that our staff have put forward to our hard-working P&F.
Maybe one or two families may be able to help with the purchase of one or two of these items.
- $700 two cordless vacuum cleaners.
- $2,500 Library books and shelving.
- $300 chess club resources
- ? Large outdoor chess set
- $1000 Decorative paint for jeep in the junior playground
- $1000 Aluminium bike racks
- $900 Lunchtime aluminium seats
- $1086 Aluminium plank setting seating with table
- $90 Worm farm
We will be looking at updating the senior students’ playground to be the best in Australia. We would like it to be built out of natural materials and build on the playground already on the hill overlooking the oval. We need to form a committee, create a plan and budget over $100,00 to be completed over the next 3-4 years. Let me know if you are interested in being on the committee.
If you have any ideas for expenditure at school please come to the next P&F meeting, we will be notified of the date shortly.
2022 Kindy
Please enroll for next year's Kindy classes ASAP. The early enrolments assist us greatly in the future planning of the school.
Water for Oval
Did you know
Senior Sgt Bo McLaren and Senior Constable Isla Byrne (3) were kindly doing random licence checks on the Pre-Primary bike track last Thursday.
- Stella Lauder (K) always has a great big happy smile.
- Flynn B. went up to Perth to play with Finn T on the weekend.
- Forty-two students enrolled in before school dance on Friday mornings.
- Watching how chooks react to rain is always great value.
- Our staff are usually a little suspicious when Mrs Marrell says she had a great weekend. (Mrs M. in charge of the staff lotto.)
- The PPL class were enjoying some ‘God Magic’ when the Ash Wednesday Ashes were being distributed.
- The PPL shop was in fine hands with Willow Sherry behind the jump and managing the till. However, one customer (looking a little like Mr. Lee) felt slightly aggrieved when he paid $10 for a tube of toothpaste last Wednesday.
- A dugite snake came to visit us last Thursday just before lunchtime. He was about 2m long and after a few initial sightings, our elite team of year 5 snake spotters were unable to locate him. We went on with business as usual.
- In Kindy last week we had Mr Muffet along with Miss Muffett. Go Miss Horrocks I say.
- Mrs O’Leary said marigolds scare away snakes! Has anyone else heard this?
- The school auditors from Deloitte were in at school this week.
- Three new legends joined in to help on the OLC canteen last week. Thank you to Julia Thompson, Kellie Sherry and Juanita Fogarty who helped us all by being givers last Thursday. Without these sensational people, our canteen will be unable to operate.
Watching our students happily playing in light rain on Wednesday.
Catholic Corner
With only one month to go until Easter, we are continuing our journey through Lent. This important time in the Church’s calendar asks us to reflect and be thankful to God for all the things we are lucky to have in our lives. We are reminded of those who do not have access to basic needs such as water, shelter, medicine, and education, and we should think about the ways that we can help them. This year, Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion theme is ‘Be More’. It is taken from the invitation of St Oscar Romero, to “Aspire not to have more, but to BE more.”
For more than 50 years, Caritas Australia has been working to support vulnerable communities around the world. Caritas Australia continues to combat poverty, promote justice, and uphold the dignity of every person. We have already raised nearly $100 in our class mission boxes to donate to Caritas. Please consider discussing with your child that perhaps they could put the money they would normally use to buy an after-school treat, into the Project Compassion box, to help someone in the world with so little.
This Sunday morning, the 7th of March @ 8am our new staff members will be Commissioned by Father Francis to work in our Catholic School. O.L.C families are most welcome to attend.
A note was sent home with all Year 4 to 6 students asking for interested children who would like to volunteer in the community service role of altar serving. Please return the note A.S.A.P. to your child’s class teacher, indicating if you child would like to take part or not.
Year 6R will walking to the Parish Church tomorrow to partake in “Adoration”. The children will spend time talking to Jesus in quiet contemplation sitting in the peacefulness of the church setting. The other Year 6 class as well as the Year 5 and Year 4 classes will have this opportunity to do this later in the year.
PPL found someone taller than their links. We tried to find the tallest Dad through measuring them using the links we joined together. Brad Stokes is the tallest.
News from the P&F
Community School Health Nurse
Welcome to the new school year 2021.
My name is Jill Rogers and I am the Community Health Nurse who will be visiting this school in 2021. I work with a team of School Health Nurses and Allied Health professionals within the Child Development Services team.
Community Health Nurses work in schools to promote healthy development and wellbeing so students may reach their full potential. A major part of my work is focused on early intervention and the School Entry Health Assessment program.
Community Health Nurses serve as a health contact point for children and their families, providing information, assessment, health counselling and referral. The services provided are free and confidential.
If you have a concern about your child’s health and well-being, or growth and development, please contact me on 97536475 or email WACHS-SW Naturaliste Primary School Nurses@heath.wa.gov.au.
Interested in Hockey up to & incl Y5? pl contact Michael Hutton 0417 923 126 or huttonwines@westnet.com.au
Equestrian Festival
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/