Hall's Corner
October 20, 2023
Dear Bruin Families and Students:
We just completed our 7th week of school! Our first quarter will end on November 9th, just 3 weeks away! Please talk to your students about how they are doing, check SchoolTool for up-to-date grades, missing assignments, etc. If you have further questions, please reach out to your student’s teacher(s).
Next week is BCDS Red Ribbon Week. See more information in the section below.
During Wednesday's PTSA Meeting with Dr. Hall. Nationally recognized expert and Brighton parent Mike Bergin of Chariot Learning shared the most current information on the SAT and ACT during a PTSA meeting with the Principal on Wednesday. See the recorded meeting at https://youtu.be/Ymozb7thACU
I hope you and your family are well. Go BRUINS!
Be well and be safe.
T. Hall
School Pictures. Make-up Day 10/23, 10:00- 11:00 and 11:30- 1:00.
Student IDs, yearbook pictures and School Tool profile pictures are uploaded from the yearly school pictures. Please have your student sit for a picture regardless of whether you plan to purchase photos.
- Students who were absent for Picture Day should come to school prepared to have their picture taken. If you have not preordered, please use the Retake Order Code: 79066MF to place your order at: https://inter-state.com/Order. To see your Order History, check your Inter-State Account.
Find answers to Retake Day questions here.
The Senior Panorama has been rescheduled for picture retake day on October 23 at 11:20. Students returning from EMCC should go directly to the MAIN GYM.
Senior Picture Guidelines
The BCSD site for yearbook with Senior Portrait info is up to date. This is the link to our page
June Exam weeks schedule is here! Please get the dates on your calendars!
ATTENTION BHS Families and Students
June 14 – June 24
Students with scheduled exams are expected to be there for ALL EXAMS!
Table Of Contents Included on this Page:
- Students in the news
- Red Ribbon Week
- Special Education PTSA Presents Together Including Every Student (TIES)
- Important dates for the SpongeBob Square Pants Musical TCMS
- Counseling Information for Fall
- Brighton Believers Nomination Information
- Community Education Offerings
- Calendar of Upcoming Events
- Food Services
- Current COVID Guidelines
Students in the News
Homecoming 2023 HUGE SUCCESS - What a great week for the BRUINS!
THANK YOU BRUINS for an incredible HOMECOMING 2023! We shattered many records this past week and weekend…
A couple things…
- THANK YOU to Executive Council Officers and all of the Class Council Student Officers and Reps for a job well done! The murals, floats, banners, dances, class competitions, activities, the Homecoming Dance, and participation were so awesome to see and experience. Great job!
- Thank you Class Advisors and Executive Council Advisors (Ms. Crowley/Ms. Baker) and Administration for dedicating so much time to helping to ensure a wonderful Homecoming.
- Homecoming Pep Rally
- Record breaking crowd of around 600 plus students on Thursday night! Very positive and so much fun!
- Homecoming Game on Saturday
- While my heart breaks for our Football Team, they should hold their heads high as they played an incredible game and outplayed the Knights! A hard fought game for sure. You played hard, gave it everything you had, and were role model athletes on the field. I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU!
- BRUIN CHEER FANS and Cheer Leaders – So proud of all of you! The cheering was so loud, proud, and positive! You were role model fans and I want to thank you for representing BHS and the Brighton School District so well on Saturday. THANK YOU to our BRUIN CHEERLEADERS and our BRUIN Cheer Student Leaders in the crowd for keeping things so upbeat and positive!
- Cheer Leaders – Incredible half-time performance by all! It was one of the best I have seen. 😊 Awesome job.
- Homecoming Dance
- For the first time in about 15 years, we had well over 300 plus students at the dance! This far exceeds the 100+ we have normally been getting.
- Great fun for all!
ENJOY YOUR WEEK! It is a great day to be a BRUIN!
T. Hall
Girls Tennis Wins Eighth Straight Sectional Championship
Congratulations to the Brighton girls tennis team on winning the Section V Class A1 Championship with a 6-1 win over Victor on Thursday, Oct. 12. It’s Brighton’s eighth consecutive sectional championship.
The Bruins tennis team includes: Amelia Hutchinson, Angela Lin, Audrey Hoefen, Chandhana Ravi, Claire Nolan, Ella Hall, Isabel D'Angelo, Julia Winter, Kathryn Vitale. Kylie Mariano, Leyla Tozin, Madeline McMahon, Neila Mariano, Raizel Glazer, Samantha Kotz, Sidonie Murphy, Yeojin Yoon, and Alice Lumens. Brighton is coached by Steve Falter.
BHS Publications Represented at the ESSPA
The BHS publications students attended the 84th annual Empire State School Press Association (ESSPA) conference on Oct. 18th at Syracuse University-Newhouse School of Public Communications.
Students spent the day with award winning professionals in the fields of journalism, art, and design, learning tips and tricks of the trade. It was a valuable learning experience for Crossroads Yearbook, Galaxy Literary Magazine, and the school paper, the Trapezoid, students that attended.
2023 ESSPA Awards:
Crossroads Yearbook: Best Overall Yearbook-Silver
Trapezoid: Best Sports Coverage-Gold
Congratulations to all of the BHS students and staff that work so hard to get these publications to the BHS community. You make BHS PROUD!
Red Ribbon Week
BHS Chess Club to Host a Tournament
Join the Chess Club on Saturday, October 28 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the BHS Maker Space and Lower Library. A $10 dollar entry fee gets you in to play 4 games, enjoy pizza and a chance to win cash prizes.
“Mark Your Calendars! Two important dates for the SpongeBob Square Pants Musical!
1) Wednesday, Nov. 1, 3-4 p.m. BHS Chorus Room - Information Meeting & Audition Workshop
Grab an audition packet to complete before auditions, and learn the music & dance cuts for auditions
2) Monday, Nov. 6, 3-6 p.m. TCMS Auditorium (and chorus room, likely) - Music and Dance Auditions. *Please note the LOCATION, and that music and dance auditions are both on the same day
Any questions, email Mr. McCarty (glenn_mccarty@bcsd.org)
Check out the Counseling News for Senior Fall Happenings
Nominate Someone for a Brighton Believers Award
The Brighton Believers Awards are presented to people who exemplify the five character traits highlighted in the motto, “Brighton Believes."
- Nominees must live or work in the town of Brighton.
- Nominees must demonstrate the character traits of Brighton Believes in their work, school, community involvement, public service, extracurricular participation, etc.
- Anyone may submit a nomination.
- There is no deadline this year, as we’d like nominations to come in throughout the 2023-24 school year.
To complete a nomination, please fill out this form. You need not be limited by the lines in the form. You can submit your nomination by mail or in person to Brighton Believes Council, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618; or e-mail to Jeff_Green@bcsd.org. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jeff Green at (585) 242-5200 ext. 5535.
Recipients will be recognized at a Brighton Central School District Board of Education Meeting on a date to be determined. The recipient will be invited along with the person who submitted the nomination.
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
Food Services
Continuing Education Offerings
- High School Study Skills
- NYS Driver Education
- SAT & ACT Bootcamp
- Writing the College application Essay
Complete details and registration available online at BRIGHTONSCOOLS.REVTRAK.NET
Contact Community Education at"
585-242-5200, EXT. 5595 CE@BCSD.ORG
Current COVID Guidelines
The CDC recommends that people who have symptoms of respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, such as cough, fever, sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea, should stay home. Testing is recommended for people with symptoms of COVID-19 as soon as possible after symptoms begin.
- If people test positive for COVID-19, they should stay home for at least 5 days and isolate.
- Isolation may end after Day 5 IF people are fever-free for 24-hours without fever-reducing medication AND their symptoms are improving.
- Day 0 being day of symptom onset or positive test.
- If symptoms are NOT improving, the CDC recommends that the person continue to isolate until symptoms improve and they are fever-free for 24-hours without fever-reducing medication.
- After the person has ended isolation and when symptoms have improved, the CDC recommends that people wear a well-fitting, high-quality mask through Day 10, OR until two rapid tests, taken 48-hours apart, are both negative.
Administrator and Counselor Information
Click here for names and contact information.