École Polson Park PS Family Update
February 25th 2024
Revisit this newsletter to see calendar updates refreshed each week.
Peek at the Week of February 26th
Monday, February 26th Day 4
- Welcome Kirsten Matthews, Literacy Coach at Polson this week
- Board Game Club for Grade 5/6 Students with permission 3:45 -5pm
- Online pizza orders open for March 6th Pizza Day
Tuesday, February 27th Day 5
- Grade 4 basketball skills development (first recess)
GIRLS INC 12:20-1:20
Wednesday, February 28th Day 1
- LDSB Pink Shirt Day in support of Bullying Prevention & Awareness
Debbie Lajoie, School Math Facilitator, at Polson
- Music Club Meeting in the Gym 1:20pm
- Grade 5/6 girls basketball skills development (first recess)
Thursday, February 29th Day 2
Rare Diseases Awareness Day
- Debbie Lajoie, School Math Facilitator, at Polson
- Student Council Meeting: 10:50 am maker space
- Start to Finish Program meets after school
Friday, March 1st Day 3
- MARCH is Developmental Disabilities, Cerebral Palsy & Epilepsy Awareness Month
- Polson Pride Friday-wear your school colours!
- Debbie Lajoie, School Math Facilitator, at Polson AM
Grade 5/6 boys basketball skills development (first recess)
Coming Up:
March 6th PIzza Day
March 6th Polson SAC Meeting 6:15 pm -blended
March 26th Family Literacy & Math Evening 5:15-7 pm -SAVE THE DATE-more info coming soon!
Family Dance New Date: February 28th -students must be accompanied by an adult.
Earlier this month:
Panthers love Pancakes -Merci, Polson SAC!
Dear Families:
LDSB Black History Month Opening Ceremony
Polson School Advisory Council Meeting: February 7th
Polson SAC Fundraising -Merci!
Report Cards and Achievement Reporting
Teachers have been working hard on assessment and reporting for students in preparation for sending home report cards and Communication of Learning on Friday, February 16th. Parents are invited to engage in this process by meeting with teachers about your child's progress. Information about changes to the report card for students in grades 1-8 can be found below.
Polson Pics!
Bell Let's Talk Day
T-Shirt Tuesday
February Pizza Days
- Wednesday, February 7th -online orders due by Monday, February 5th
- Wednesday, February 21st, online orders open on February 12th and close on February 19th
Check under product in School Day!
Hats off to the Polson Celebration of Dance Team!
Kindergarten Registration now open! Open house to be scheduled in spring.
Information about Kindergarten Registration for French Immersion Program
Reminder re: Inclement Weather & Bus Cancellations
Bus Cancellations & School Activities on Inclement Weather Days
When buses are cancelled due to inclement weather, they do not run at the end of the day. Please communicate you're child's dismissal plan if they are dropped off in the morning. As well, when buses are cancelled, extracurricular activities, events, and hot lunch orders are also cancelled. At times, after school care may be affected by changing whether conditions on short notice. Please check your email notifications through the day and call the school if you have any questions or changes in your child's dismissal plan. Thank you!
KFL&A Health Unit Alert-please read the following Health Unit notification
École Polson Park School Advisory Council
We appreciate the funding that students have received for field trips, busing, outdoor equipment, classroom enhancements and more. We hope you join us virtually or in person at our next SAC meeting! Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 10th at 6:15 -in-person & virtual. Stay tuned for agenda and virtual link.
Traffic Safety
A few reminders:
- Please do not park on the grass near portables or in no-parking zones!
- The parking lots have limited space; please do not linger and keep watchful for student who may be near parking areas at dismissal.
- Please remember that accessibility spots are for families with permits only.
- The area in front of the school is a Bus Zone. No parking, idling, or drop-offs are permitted.
- Yard supervision begins at 8:55 am. The school day begins at 9:10 am.
Safe Arrival & Visitor Protocols
It's a very busy time in the morning, and we want to make sure students arrive safely and are accounted for correctly in attendance. Students arriving during morning supervision should be dropped off on the school yard. Students arriving late, should report to the main office. If you are dropping off a younger student after the bell, please report to the main office. Please do not proceed into the school building beyond the main office unless an office administrator has directed you to do so and you have followed the visitor protocol of signing in and receiving a visitor tag. Thank you for following our visitor protocols!
Parents and caregivers should meet students at dismissal (3:40 pm) at their designated dismissal location on the yard. Please do not request early pick-ups at the main office unless you have an emergency or a scheduled appointment. Thank you for communicating appointments in advance.
School Day Schedule
Yard Supervision begins at 8:55 am.
9:10-10:50 - 100 mins
10:50--11:40 - recess/nutrition
11:40 -1:20 - 100 mins
1:20-2:00 - recess/nutrition
2:00-3:40 - 100 mins
École Polson Park Public School
Email: polso@limestone.on.ca
Website: https://polsonpark.limestone.on.ca/
Location: 165 Robert Wallace Drive, Kingston, ON K7M 1Y3, Canada
Phone: 613-542-5926
Twitter: @PolsonPark_LDSB