Carman Paw Print
November 29, 2020
Blended (In-Person) Learning Model
Dear Carman Families,
I wanted to provide a reminder that students will participate in distance learning on Monday, Tuesday, AND Wednesday. Attendance will be taken and new learning will be introduced.
For your reference, here is the blended learning calendar.
With CT pride,
Water Bottles
Please remember to send a water bottle to school with your child each day. We have the ability to re-fill water bottles, but the drinking fountains are not being used at this time.
Virtual Campus School Supply Pick Up
Blended Learning Update
On Wednesday, November 18th, the Board of Education considered a recommendation at its meeting and approved changes to learning schedules for the remainder of the first semester, which ends January 15. You can watch the meeting online here. The new schedules include:
- Elementary students in grades K-5 will continue the blended schedule through the end of the semester. See the Elementary School In-Person Calendar here. Distance learning days have been added around the upcoming holiday breaks to limit the spread of illness. Distance learning days are the three days after Thanksgiving (November 30-December 2); and before and after winter break (December 21-22 and January 5-6).
We will continue to practice health and safety precautions at school and if at any time we reach critical illness or staffing levels, we may need to close an elementary school or schools for a period of time until the situation improves.
- Virtual Campus students will continue with their daily schedule for the remainder of the first semester.
- Parkway Early Childhood students will continue on their current schedule with the same distance learning days as our elementary schools as outlined above.
Cougar Curbside
Updated Elementary In-Person Calendar -Updated 11/18/2020
Chromebook Insurance
Spirit of Giving
The holiday season always brings to mind wonderful memories of our school community. We have fantastic children who love to come to school and learn, and supportive families who are willing to help achieve our school goals. We are also reminded of the families in our school community who are in need. Carman Trails has decided to help “give back” to these families to try to make their holiday season a little brighter.
In an effort to show kindness to others, Carman Trails is adopting several Parkway Families for the season. If you are able to help, we have organized a sign up for each grade level as well as for Faculty and Staff Only. We would really appreciate your kindness. This is also a wonderful learning experience for the children in our classes, so they can learn about the joys of giving and helping others. Please remember that participation is optional. We understand that this time of year is difficult for many and that not everyone is in a position to participate. If you are wanting to donate an item for our Spirit of Giving, please click on the link that has your grade level and sign up for an item of your choosing. When you click on the link below, you will see a list of items families have requested for their children. The number in parenthesis after each item on the wish list is the total # of that item requested. You may sign up for a portion of the number requested by clicking that item and indicating the quantity you would like to provide. *If you notice that your child’s grade level list is filling up or is completely filled, please feel free to click on another grade level to select a gift.
Kindergarten: Spirit of Giving 2020
1st Grade: Spirit of Giving 2020
2nd Grade: Spirit of Giving 2020
3rd Grade: Spirit of Giving 2020
4th Grade: Spirit of Giving 2020
5th Grade: Spirit of Giving 2020
Gift cards are always appreciated. Please use this link if you would like to donate a gift card for the Spirit of Giving. If you would like to send in a cash donation, Carman Trails staff will do the shopping for you and share the gifts with identified families. Your donations need to be dropped off in the front office at Carman Trails no later than December 10th.
Please send your donation in unwrapped so we can see what else the family might need.
Thank you for considering this!
Your Carman Trails School Family
School Picture Orders
Dear Carman Families,
We will have a picture retake day scheduled in the future. Please stay tuned for that date as we work with InterState.
Inter-State is only using an electronic flyer this year and the flyer will not have dates on them. The website for ordering pictures is and Carman Trails school's order code is 55562PA. When you enter this code, all of Carman Trails' picture days will appear. If you have any questions, you can call the Inter-State Studio at 314-878-1800.
Virtual Learning Students
If you missed the picture day on November 20th, you can schedule an appointment with Inter-State on the preset dates identified by the photography company. The next available date is December 21 by APPOINTMENT ONLY. Click here to schedule an appointment at the studio. The studio is located at:
The website for ordering pictures is and Carman Trails School's order code is 55562PA.
We will let you know when retakes are scheduled.
With CT pride,
Carman Trails Elementary School
School Supply Payment
Flat Kenai
Many of you are familiar with the book “Flat Stanley" written by Jeff Brown.
In the story, a bulletin board fell on Stanley, and he became half an inch thick! He wanted to go on a trip, so his family folded him up and mailed him in an envelope to California.
The Carman Trails support dog, Kenai, would also like to go on a trip … with you! Kenai would love to sit beside you while you’re learning virtually, listen to a story, see your art projects, build a fort, have a dance party with you – you name it!
Your Carman friends would love to keep in touch and see what you’re doing with your Flat Kenai.
Post your pictures to the Carman Trails PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) Facebook page.
Adventure Club
Adventure Club is available this school year. Please contact our Adventure Club staff for more information. We still have space available! The phone number to the Adventure Club main office is 636-891-6644. The website is .
Transportation Change
Daily Health Screening
Daily Health Screening
- All students and staff will complete a daily health screening before coming to school. If your child has any symptoms, including known exposure to COVID-19, flu or cold symptoms, you should stay home and call your school. Medical evaluation will be required if students are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-like illnesses.
Parkway Community Health Dashboard
The Community Health Dashboard now includes the number of cases and quarantines for our students and staff in each school. The dashboard is updated daily.
You can follow our key metrics on the new Parkway Community Health Dashboard
Parent guide to student health
As we return to in-person learning, we want to share the procedures we will use to notify parents and staff when there is a positive case of COVID-19 at school and how you can help keep our children, staff and school communities healthy.
We have also outlined some scenarios here to help you determine what to do if your child has had contact with a symptomatic person or positive case, as well as other scenarios.
Free Meals
Free meals and changes to food service
All meals including breakfast and lunch will be distributed for free to all students K-12. Free meals will be available for Virtual Campus students and those attending in-person at school.
Students enrolled in Virtual Campus will need to complete the weekly meals signup page. You can sign up for meals here. Only students not attending school in person need to signup for meals. You can choose your pickup location as well as how many days you will be picking meals up for your children. Families can choose a box that includes three meals or five meals, which will be available for Virtual Campus students and during blended learning schedules.
Students learning in-person will receive lunch at school. This free program is provided to all public school districts with federal USDA funding through December 31, 2020.
Free and reduced lunch links for parents.
Here is the link to our home page.
- Here is the link to the direct application by zip code.
Meals and menus can be found here.
Counselors' Corner
Nurse's Notes
Please check out the December Nurse's Newsletter for health information, safety tips, COVID resources, and so much more!
Coronavirus-Evaluation of Symptoms
All students and staff should complete a daily health screening before coming to school.
If your child has any symptoms, including known exposure to COVID-19, flu, or cold symptoms, they should stay home and call your school.
When will your child be sent home from school?
- If your child has 1 low risk symptom they will be sent home and may return to school in 24 hours after symptom resolution if there is no known COVID-19 exposure
- If you child has 2 low risk symptoms OR 1 high risk symptom they will be sent home and require a medical evaluation
When will we need a doctor's note?
- Healthcare provider confirms alternative diagnosis for symptoms
- Medical clearance required from your healthcare provider or Department of Health for student to return to school after medical evaluation
When can my child return to school after COVID testing?
- If negative, the student may return after 24 hours without fever and symptoms improving
- If positive, the student may return to school after 10 days since symptoms onset, 24 hours without fever, and symptoms improving
When can my child return if they are found to be a close contact?
- The student may return after 14 days from last contact with COVID positive individual, unless symptoms develop
- If symptoms appear the student should receive a SARS-CoV-2 PCR test
Stay Connected with These Updates!
November 30: Virtual Learning Supply Pick-Up
November 30: Distance Learning K-5 (at home)
December 1: Distance Learning K-5 (at home)
December 2: Distance Learning K-5 (at home)
December 17: Virtual PAMEE Meeting
December 21: Distance Learning K-5 (at home)
December 22: Distance Learning K-5 (at home)
December 23: No School-Winter Break Begins
January 4: No School-Professional Development
January 5: Distance Learning K-5 (at home)
January 6: Distance Learning K-5 (at home)
January 11: Group 2 in-person, Group 1 Virtual
January 15: No School-Grading
January 18: No School-Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February 15: No School Presidents' Day
February 26: No School-Grading
Connect with Us!
Location: 555 South Weidman Road, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6100
Twitter: @trailscarman