Gemini Elementary Geminews
August 11, 2023
Welcome Back JetStars! We missed you.
Calendar of Events
Monday, August 14th- Kindergarten Meet and Greet 1:30-2:00 pm
Tuesday, August 15th- First Day for Kindergarten
Tuesday, August 15th- KG Parents Boo Hoo Breakfast from our PTO, 7:45 am- 9:00 am
Friday, August 18th- Early Release Day 1:15 pm
Front Office Changes
We will place a cart in the vestibule area for items that are dropped off and need to be sent to the classroom. Please try and have your student review that they have everything they need in the morning before they leave the house. If you need to bring something in, please fill out your student's name and teacher's name on the slips provided and tape it to the item. We will have our volunteers monitoring the cart and notifying and or delivering the items as time permits to the classrooms. Our goal is to limit the number of interruptions to our teacher's instructional time.
We appreciate your patience as we implement this new security measure.
Thank you,
Christina Carver, Principal
Important: Provisions for Deviation from using Student's Legal Name
In addition, Florida Statue 1000.71 states, "It shall be the policy of every public K-12 education institution that is provided or authorized by the Constitution and laws of Florida that a person's sex is an immutable biological trait and that it is false to ascribe to a person a pronoun that does not correspond to such person's sex."
1. When students or parents request permission to use a name other than a child's legal name, the must provide the school with a "Parent Consent: Add Nickname to Focus Demographics Screen Request form". Link to the form is provided below.
2. The forms can be returned to your student's teacher or to the school's front office.
Cafeteria News
PTO News
Lunch with your student
School Insurance of Florida
Here is the direct link to the summary of insurance and the printable application:
Morning Mile
Welcome back to school! We are excited to see everyone returning to Gemini and welcome all of our new students.
Morning Mile will start Wednesday August 16th at 7:15 am on Gemini’s South Field.
If you would like to join us for the Morning Mile program it takes place on Gemini’s South Field every day from 7:15-7:45.
Get notified about details regarding Gemini’s Morning Mile Program through the Remind App. You can either text @dee9f2f to 81010 or go to If you have any questions, you can email Melissa McNall at
5 laps around the field is a mile and for every 5 miles that are completed (running or walking), the students earn shoe charms. Once they earn 100 miles they earn a shirt and a celebratory lap. Parents are also welcome to participate in Morning Mile.
Because of Gemini’s success in the Running Zone Race Series last year, we have decided to participate in the 2023-2024 Race Series. The top school prizes are $1,000 for 1st place, $500 for second place and $250 for 3rd place. For every race that is participated in, each student will get credit for 25 laps (straws) and a fun charm for their Morning Mile necklace. We would love to have everyone come out to support our school whether you are a regular Morning Mile participant or not.
The next race is the Tailgate 2 miler, this Sunday, August 13th. Please sign up under the Gemini Elementary Team.
Tailgate 2 Miler (
Annual Asbestos Notification
We are pleased to report that Gemini Elementary School had no asbestos removal activities or any other type of asbestos response actions during the past school year (July 1, 2022- June 30, 2023).