James Clemens Newsletter
Week of Dec. 4, 2023
What's Happening...
First Semester Finals Schedule
Monday, Dec. 18th- 1st and 2nd block
Tuesday, Dec. 19th- 3rd and 4th block
**Students will be dismissed both days at 12:15pm
Winter Holiday Break
December 20th-January 3rd
Students return Thursday, January 4th
Front Door Entrance Update-
The front door at James Clemens will be locked daily for the remainder of the year. We are using a new Intercom Camera system (located to the right of the front door). You will press the button and stand FACING the camera so the front office staff can verify who you are, then they will let you know when the door is unlocked. If you turn or walk away from the camera they will not be able to see you and will not unlock the door.
Thank You for your cooperation as we implement this new level of security!
2024-2025 High School Curriculum Interest Survey
JCHS does our best to provide courses that the student body is interested in, especially when we are considering adding a new course(s). Please take time to complete this short survey. Please complete this survey by December 19th.
Angel Tree Donations
Thank you for the gifts that have come in already! If anyone is still interested in purchasing an item for a student experiencing financial hardship this holiday season, we still have some Holiday Angels that need selecting. Please click the Sign Up Genius link below. All gifts purchased should be delivered to JC's front desk or JC's Counseling Department unwrapped with the student number no later than December 12. As always, thank you to our community for all your assistance and generosity. It is truly appreciated!
JC Counseling Department & JC PTSA
Important Reminders
- Students are NOT allowed to park in the front of the school. Parking passes should be visible from the front window to avoid getting a ticket.
- Students cannot be dropped off or picked up at the front circle of the school. Please follow the instructions to carline at the auditorium side of the building. This is for the safety of our students and to help the flow of traffic. We appreciate your cooperation!
- Students checking in or who arrive at school after the start of the school day, should ONLY enter the building from the front entrance and go through the attendance office.
- NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINKS are allowed to be delivered or brought in the building during school hours.
- Students are not allowed to leave campus during Refuel, doing so will result in disciplinary action.
Attendance News
We now have the Absence Form available in PowerSchool Parent Portal. Submitting an Absence Excuse can now be easily done through your phone or device. Please see the directions below.
- Open the PowerSchool App on your Phone
- Click on More at the very Bottom of the screen right below the 3 dots
- Click on FORMS
- Click on Student Absence Form
- Enter the information, upload document if available, SUBMIT
- Log into the Parent Portal Account on your computer (https://madisoncs.powerschool.com/public)
- Click on FORMS in the left Navigation Bar
- Click on the Student Absence Form
- Enter the information, upload document if available, SUBMIT
If you do not yet have a PowerSchool SIS Parent Portal Account or have any questions; please contact Susan Blades or Jeanine Campbell.
- NO CHECKOUTS allowed after 3:00 PM
- Students are allowed 5 parent notes PER semester. If your student is out of parent notes then any tardy or absence will be unexcused without a doctor's excuse. You can monitor your students attendance in PowerSchool as well.
- Send all school excuses or concerns about attendance to jchsattendance@madisoncity.k12.al.us
MCS Illness Guidelines
Class of 2024
Graduation Supplies-
Attached you will find a senior flyer that contains a clickable link and QR code to the JDR website where you can order a cap and gown and other senior supplies.
Important Dates
April 26th- Senior Day! Cost is $100 and this is OPTIONAL! You will only need to pay this if your senior wants to participate. The fee covers a t-shirt, Chick Fil A breakfast, lunch at Dave and Buster's, and a $20 card to play at Dave and Buster's. The deadline to pay the Senior day fee is December 1st and can be paid online.
April 26th- We will have a senior meeting, which will be held in the gym at 2 pm. All seniors MUST attend the meeting, regardless of whether or not they participated in senior day activities.
May 20th- Graduation, VBCC, time-TBA
Senior Class Yearbook Information-
- The senior portrait that you arrange to take at Greg Machen Photography is the image that we print in the yearbook for free and must be taken before October 1. Contact them directly, especially if you didn't receive their postcard notification in the mail.
- Click HERE to submit a quote from your MCS Gmail account before October 1 to appear in the yearbook with your senior portrait for free.
- Click HERE to submit a baby picture from your MCS Gmail account before October 1 to be included in the yearbook for free.
Yearbook Information
Fine Arts
NEW DESIGNS have been added to our WINTER SPIRIT WEAR store!! Order by December 10th to get yours before Winter Break!!! We've got shirts, pants, hats, and more! These items are pre-ordered and will ship directly to you! Get more info at https://stores.inksoft.com/jcptsa/shop/home
Email: Webmaster-JamesClemens@madisoncity.k12.al.us
Website: https://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/JCHS
Location: 11306 County Line Road, Madison, AL, USA
Phone: 256 216-5313
Facebook: facebook.com/jamesclemenshighschool
Twitter: @James_Clemens