Bulldog News, January 2024
January 2nd, 2024

Happy New Year, Bulldogs!
Each year, I am excited at the prospect of another year - so many possibilities emerge with new beginnings. As we approach the new year, I know that it has become a customary practice to create resolutions - things we want to change. However, this year, I am doing something a bit different. You see, a resolution means that we want to change ourselves in some way; instead, I want to set goals and be resolute about those goals. I want to improve on who and what I am - not change it. It took me over 50 years to create who I am, and, while there are things I would love to change - those things make me, me. So, this year, I am setting goals, I intend to be resolute about accomplishing them, and, hopefully, through them, find comfort and peace in who I am. I encourage you all to do the same - as you are all perfect in your imperfections, and you all make our community better through your contributions.
As we enter 2024, the Butler School District continues to work to find ways to make the educational experiences for our children the best it can be. I am excited at what we have accomplished, but know that we must continue to work. The planning of our referendum projects is well underway, and I will share an update about that in newsletters as we hit important milestones. We are working on ways to incorporate electives at Richard Butler Middle School to help give our students some more choices in their program. We are looking at some exciting new partnerships to give our students at Butler High School some more exposure to college courses. As one of my favorite sayings goes - if better is possible, good can never be enough. We are committed to making 2024 the best year yet in the Butler Schools.
I hope that each of you had a wonderful holiday season, filled with love, joy, and happiness!
Be Well
Dr. J.
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
Bulldog Pride
Congratulations to Senior Jason Murray and Coach Jason Luciani for winning NJIC Patriot League Player and Coach of the Year!
The new BHS Robotics Team competed in their first tournament - taking on 53 other schools. We made it all the way to the quarterfinals losing to the eventually champions. Awesome job everyone!
The Outsiders
The BHS Drama production of The Outsiders was phenomenal! Great job by all involved. Can’t wait for Pippin- The Spring Musical! 2024
Movie Day!
Great job by Mrs. Papa and the staff at RBS for hosting a movie day prior to the winter break. Students wore their PJs, had popcorn, and enjoyed a movie on the big screen.
Our PTA Rocks!
The PTA worked to provide snacks for our students prior to the winter break!
News From Our Schools
Aaron Decker Elementary School - Mr. J. Manco, Principal
Aaron Decker School ran a gift card drive that supported the BBCO and collected hundreds of dollars worth of gift cards for local families in need.
This year's Hour of Code was a huge success! Third and fourth grade students met with Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. Gorecki, Mr. Honig and BHS students to work through and share their coding skills. Our students absolutely loved working with the high school students and cannot wait to be able to do it again! As a special treat, KIndergarten and 4th grade students were paired together to work on coding!
To raise money for the 8th grade and senior scholarship fund, teachers from ADS participated with Teachers with Treble . ADS Teachers visited students’ homes to sing Christmas carols.
Fourth grade students, under the direction of Mrs. Wisneski, sang Christmas carols at Panera.
Mrs. Amato’s 2nd grade enrichment group finished their project on town planning. The students were responsible for designing a town and measuring the buildings.
ADS Bulldog of the Month
Congratulations to Ryan Kelly for being named ADS Bulldog of the Month! Mr. Kelly plays a crucial role in shaping the lives of his students academically, socially, and emotionally. Mr. Kelly exhibits qualities such as dedication, passion for teaching, empathy, and a commitment to the well-being and success of his students. He inspires and motivates his students to learn, grow, and become responsible individuals in the 4th grade. His contributions to the school community have helped play a role in creating a positive school culture at ADS. Once again, congratulations to Mr. Kelly!
Some events to look forward to in January:
PTA Afterschool Programs:
Scribble Garden
School Picture Retakes - January 11, 2024
Teacher In-Service - Delayed Opening January 12, 2024
Martin Luther King Day - January 15, 2024- No School
We have several ways for you to stay connected to ADS. Follow us on Twitter at @ADS_Bulldogs and Instagram at @ads_bulldogs for news, announcements, and celebrations. A weekly update will be sent out for upcoming events and important information through Blackboard Communications. As always, thank you for your continued support!
Richard Butler Middle School - Mrs. M. Papa, Principal
As we step into the new year, we reflect on the achievements and growth we've witnessed within the vibrant RBS community. January marks a time of renewed energy and determination, and we are excited to embark on fresh opportunities for learning. Our students continue to shine in academics, activities, music, and athletics, showcasing their dedication and passion. As we embrace the winter season, let's also celebrate the spirit of unity and resilience that defines our Bulldog community!
We are excited to have Dr. Blake Brandes join our students on January 11, 2024, for a fun and engaging presentation about the Growth Mindset. Dr. Brandes is a TEDx speaker, America’s Got Talent contestant, and Marshall Scholar who has spoken to more than 400,000 students around the world. During the presentation, our students will learn how to overcome challenges and achieve their dreams by choosing a Growth Mindset! You can learn more about Dr. Brandes’ program by visiting his website.
In December, we conducted class spelling bees and have determined two winners per class. Our school-wide contest will decide which student will represent RBS in the Scripps County Spelling Bee this spring. Mrs. Krauze will be conducting the RBS Spelling Bee during the school day on January 19, 2024, so we’re looking forward to finding our winner. Our girls’ and boys’ basketball teams are well into the season, and we are excited for the upcoming games. Please consider coming out to support our teams this winter! Drama Club will start meeting this month as they prepare for their performance this spring. Stay tuned for more information on how you can get tickets for the performances on April 18-19. We’re excited to announce our 2nd annual RBS Winter Olympics, which will take place on Friday, January 26. Students will compete in academic and athletic challenges to crown a new champion! Looking into February, we’re bringing back an RBS student dance on Friday, February 9, so we’ll share more information about that soon as well!
Please join us in congratulating paraprofessional Mr. Austin Mendel on being named the Bulldog of the Month for December at Richard Butler Middle School! Mr. Mendel is a Butler graduate and has worked at BHS and RBS for about six years. Mr. Mendel works as a 1:1 paraprofessional, and since his arrival, we have seen the student excel in multiple areas. He takes his role very seriously as he supports the student and helps out in the LLD class as well. Well done, Mr. Mendel!
Please continue to stay connected with us through social media. Follow us on Twitter at @RBS_Bulldogs, Facebook at Richard Butler Middle School, and Instagram at @RBS_Bulldogs for news, announcements, and celebrations. The community newsletter, The RBS Review, is updated frequently as well. Please feel free to call us at (973) 492-2079, write to Mrs. Molina at jmolina@butlerboe.org, or write to Mrs. Papa at mpapa@butlerboe.org. Happy New Year, Bulldogs!
Butler High School - Mr. R. Fitzgerald, Principal
Hello Butler High School Learning Community,
I hope this newsletter finds you rested, rejuvenated, and ready for a fantastic new year! On behalf of the entire Butler High School staff, I extend a warm welcome back as we dive into the second half of the school year.
We trust that your holiday break was filled with joy, laughter, and precious moments spent with loved ones. As we resume our academic journey, we look forward to continuing the positive momentum and achieving new heights of success together.
Here are a few important updates and reminders for the upcoming weeks:
January is a very busy month at Butler High School as the 2024 - 2025 scheduling process begins. Below are some key dates regarding your child’s scheduling process.
January 15th, 2024 - The 2024 - 2025 Butler High School Program of Studies will be available on the BHS Website. Please go to: Please go to www.butlerboe.org - Departments - Counseling - High School Scheduling to locate the document.
January 22nd to February 2nd, 2024 BHS Counselors will visit Social Studies classes of grades 9 - 11 to distribute course request worksheets and explain the scheduling process.
February 1st, 2024 - BHS Teacher Course Recommendations will be entered and visible on the Genesis Parent Portal Scheduling Module
February 2nd - 9th, 2024 - The BHS Parent Portal Scheduling Module will open for students to enter their elective choices for the 2023-24 school year
February 10th, 2024 BHS course request worksheets are due in the guidance office signed by student and parent.
February 10th, 2024 - BHS School Counselors will begin to conduct individual scheduling conferences with grades 9, 10, and 11 and go over course selections.
May 13th - June 14th, 2024 - BHS School Counselors will work with any conflicts in the 2024-2025 schedule with students
August 23, 2024 - 2024/25 Final BHS Schedules will be released to students on the Genesis Parent Portal (Tentative)
As always if you have any questions regarding your child’s progress, or schedule on next year's schedule, please contact their school counselor
Congratulations to BHS Math Teacher Holly Corsaro for receiving the December Bulldog of the Month Award. Ms. C's dedication to her students is evidenced continually by the selfless giving of her time before, during, and after school (Bulldog Hour) every day. There is rarely a time that she doesn't share her lunch and prep periods with a student(s) who need extra help. Her devotion to BHS is endless - From being the Senior Class advisor and running "All Things Graduation", to chaperoning every dance, and volunteering her input on every faculty committee… Ms. Corsaro is the epitome of a supportive BHS team player!
Mr. Honig and Computer Science students traveled down to ADS on Thursday, December 7th, for an “Hour of Code” with the Third and Fourth-grade students. High School students worked closely with the elementary students in coding exercises. Both the high school and elementary students loved it!
On December 10th, at Millburn High School, the Robotics Team made it to the quarter-finals with 5 wins and 2 losses. They ended up in 8th place out of 53 teams. The next competition is slated for January
The BHS Winter Concert on December 6, 2023 was amazing! Kudos to Mrs. Bocchino and Dr. Nishimura for orchestrating an awesome night!
The BHS Fall Drama, The Outsiders performance took place on December 15th and 16th 2023. All the actors had been rehearsing since September and did a wonderful job with Miss Daniels, bringing this classic story to the stage!
Athletics and Activities
Wrestling is off to a great start winning the Mountain Lakes tournament and opening the season with big wins over Fair Lawn and Northern Highlands
Bowling is 5-0 to start the season with William McHone placing third overall in the Jefferson winter break tournament
Girls basketball has their senior night on Jan. 5th vs Hawthorne
Boys basketball picked up a win over MCT before break and went 1-1 in our Butler Holiday Tournament
Winter Track is off to a great start with Taylor Peters for placing 2nd in high jump and Annaka Pierce for placing 7th in the hurdle finals
Fencing girls picked up their first win of the season and are hosting their alumni tournament Saturday Jan. 6th
From Our Health Offices
District Events
January Happenings
January 8-12 - Seal of Biliteracy Testing @ BHS
January 8-12 Mid-Year Benchmark Assessments
January 11 - ADS School Picture retakes
January 12 - Delayed Opening Teacher In-Service
January 12 - DECA Regionals
January 15 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No School
January 15 - BHS 2024-2025 Program of Studies available online @ 3pm
January 16 - BHS 2024-2025 Program of Studies Available online
January 17 - BHS Counselors visit Walter T Bergen - Scheduling Presentation (1/19 Snow Date)
January 18 - BHS Counselors visit Richard Butler Middle School - Scheduling Presentations (1/22 Snow Date)
January 19 - RBS Spelling Bee
January 24 - BHS MP 2 Ends
January 25 - BHS MP 3 Begins
January 26 - BHS Course Request Sheets due in WTB and RBS Counseling Offices
January 26 - RBS Winter Olympics