Cambridge Headlines
January 17, 2024
Monday, February 12, 2024
Class of 2024
Class of 2024 Valedictorian and Salutatorian
Congratulations to your Class of 2024 Valedictorian, Mitchell Landis. Your Class of 2024 Salutatorian is Ayan Agarwal!
STAR Student and STAR Teacher
The Class of 2024 STAR Student is Natalie Reynolds. The STAR student is selected for achieving the highest SAT score of her class. The STAR student chooses the teacher that has been most inspirational in their high school journey. Natalie named Dr. Karschnik as the STAR Teacher for 2024.
What you need to know today!
This Week's B2 and Bell Schedule
To celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week, please be aware of these schedule changes.
Monday - Regular B2
Tuesday - B2 will be first (before 1st period). See the Bell Schedule for Tuesday.
Wednesday - Regular B2 and our next PAWSITIVE drawing.
Thursday - Regular B2
Friday - RACK Week Pep Rally, report to your B2 first. See the Bell Schedule for Friday.
Spirit Wear Tuesday!
On Tuesday, rising 9th grade students from Hopewell and Northwestern will be visiting Cambridge from 9:15 am until 11:15 pm. Show them your school spirit by wearing your Cambridge gear or sports jersey.
Random Act of Kindness (RACK) Week
During the week of February 12 – 16, 2024, students will participate in various acts of kindness or service to benefit others. Thank you to our PTSA for coordinating these activities that will take place during B2.
- February 12 – Write letters of appreciation and kindness to our U.S. military and local first responders.
- February 13 – Bracelet making for children with illnesses, disabilities, or other life challenges attending Camp Twin Lakes.
- February 14 – Making lanyards for service men and women. These lanyards have multiple uses, such as hanging an IV bag, creating a harness, sling, splint, or securing nets.
- February 15 – Write letters to Cambridge staff for Staff Appreciation Week.
- February 16 – Pep rally for students and staff to end the week and celebrate our accomplishments and the number of lives they have improved through taking a little time to extend "kindness."
The entire community can participate in RACK Week by donating to a can drive to benefit North Fulton Community Charities and Meals by Grace. Needed items include:
- Fruit or canned fruit
- Canned tuna or chicken
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Granola bars
- Meals in a can (ravioli, chili, etc.)
- Cereal
- Shelf stable milk
Bring your donations to your B2 class. The B2 class that brings in the most canned goods or items will win a Chick-fil-A breakfast the following week. Cambridge - let's show how kind we are to others and how impactful we can be to so many people!
Course Registration and Dual Enrollment Help Sessions
Counselors will be available to assist students with the dual enrollment process and answer questions about next year's course registration. Sessions will be held during:
- B2: Starting Thursday, February 8, and continuing through February 16, counselors will be in room 2.428.
- Lunches: Continuing through February 16, counselors will be outside the cafeteria in the art hall.
To view all the resources available to assist you with course registration, visit the 2024-2025 Course Registration and Curriculum.
To view all the resources available to assist you with dual enrollment processes, visit Dual Enrollment.
Calendar Reminder
February 19: Presidents' Day - Schools are closed.
February 20: Professional Development Day - Students are out of school.
This Week in Athletics
JV Boys Tennis at home against Hooch, 4:00 pm.
JV Girls Tennis at Blessed Trinity, 4:30 pm.
Varsity Boys Basketball Region Quarterfinals, 4:30 pm at Greater Atlanta Christian
Varsity and JV Boys Lacrosse home against Mill Creek, matches begin at 6:00 pm.
Varsity Girls Basketball Region Quarterfinals, TBD
Varsity Girls and Boys Tennis vs. Milton: Boys at home, Girls away at 4:00 pm
JV Boys Tennis at Walton at 4:00 pm
JV Baseball home against Milton at 6:00 pm
Varsity Girls Lacrosse at Centennial at 6:00 pm
More to come this week!
Support your Cambridge Bears! Check out what's coming up in athletics at
Missed the Bridge?
Student Activities
Prom Ticket on Sale
Tickets are now on sale on GoFan.
Cambridge HS Prom-Gatsby-The Roaring 20's - Prom - Apr 13, 2024 (
2024 CHS T-Shirts
Available now! Get your 2024 student created CHS t-shirt! Purchase through OSP and bring your receipt to the Bridge East Front Office to pick up your t-shirt. Shirts come in both adult and youth sizes.
Valentines Reminder
As we approach Valentine’s Day, it is important to ensure that all homemade candy, desserts, baked goods, or other edible items are not to be sold or distributed during school hours, and that appropriate store-bought items are delivered to the administration. Please know that taking this measure will help us maintain a safe environment for all students with allergies, etc. You can help us protect your student(s) by requesting that they not eat anything given to them by another person, anything that they have not brought from your home or anything not in its original sealed package.
Thank you for your continued partnership in keeping all of our students safe at school!
Work Based Learning: 2024-2025
Rising seniors who expect to have one - two free periods in their schedule next year, and can work 10 - 16 hours a week, WBL could be a great option. Applications for the program will be given to students who attend the required information. Space is limited to 60 participants.
Meetings will be held during B2 on February 8, February 22, and February 29.
Room 2.445 - Ms. Yarrington
Interested rising seniors should complete a 2024-2025 WBL Interest Form.
For more information, see the flyer below!
ACT at Cambridge
If you signed up to take the ACT March 13. Please be on the lookout for an email from Ms. Weatherford with details on the exam.
Summer Dual Enrollment
Engage in summer enrichment by taking advantage of free college courses offered through Georgia's Dual Enrollment program! Students can get ahead and earn both college and high school credit.
Visit Dual Enrollment to learn more about the registration process.
Changes to Gifted (TAG) Internships
Beginning in Spring of 2024, students will need to apply to be considered for
Gifted Internship for fall and/or spring semester of 2024-2025 school year.
1. Students complete the online application, print out and give to Mrs. Flores or Mrs. LeClair-Ash, due Thursday, February 29.
2. Give teacher recommendation form to select teacher by Thursday, February 29.
3. If application is approved, student will participate in an interview in early March.
4. If approved for Gifted Internship, student must attend workshops in the spring in order to prepare for internships during the 2024-2025 school year.
To access more information as well as the online application, please visit the TAG program website.
ASVAB Career Exploration Program
Still figuring out your future? Can’t decide on a college major? Don’t know what career to pursue? Yes? Yes? And YES? Then the ASVAB Career Exploration Program is for you! The ASVAB Career Exploration Program (CEP) can help you take steps now toward finding a career that’s right for you. Explore your interests. Expand your horizons. Realize your strengths. Realize your dreams. Start opening doors to your future. Participate in the ASVAB Career Exploration Program on March 20. It’s free!
A parent/guardian must register their child for the ASVAB testing on March 20. Students will be missing part of the school day to complete the testing. All students participating will have their attendance marked as "School Activity" in Infinite Campus.
ASVAB is only available for 10th through 12th graders. The deadline to register is March 13.
Mock SAT or ACT
Would you like to know where you score on the SAT or ACT test? Join Best in Class for a mock SAT or ACT test on Monday, February 19th (President's Day) at there Johns Creek or Milton centers, starting at 10:00 AM and completing at 1:00 pm. The mock SAT will be given digitally - you'll need to bring a device with you. This test will be followed by a private consultation to discuss how to improve your score.
The fee for this test and consultation is $75 - participants also receive a $75 voucher toward any Best in Class college test prep offerings. For more information email or call 678-332-2100. To register, visit Best in Class.
Applerouth SAT Prep at Cambridge
Applerouth is offering 20 hours of group tutoring and three mock tests here at Cambridge. For more information visit Applerouth SAT Prep for more information.
Graduation Announcements
CLASS OF 2024! YOUR GRAD YEAR IS HERE! We cannot believe how quickly 1st semester went by and before you know it, you will be walking across the stage at graduation! Make sure everyone knows how hard you have worked to achieve one of the most rewarding SUMMIT MOMENTS of your life and announce your graduation with class.
Not only do your announcements have your official school crest, but like collegiate announcements, they are personalized with your name in the text. While we have created packages to make the ordering process even easier, you can always add more so no one is left out! Your order will ship directly to your house, and you will receive tracking information once the order ships. See the flyer below to pick which package is best for you and order as soon as possible!
Scan the QR Code on the flyer below, or simply do the following:
- Visit
- Choose Cambridge as your school.
- Click on the Graduation Announcement Order Link (Picture of your announcement)
- Place your order!
A famous climber named Conrad Anker once said, “The summit is what drives us, but the climb itself is what matters.” We are so proud of YOU and the climb you have made to reach this summit! We are honored to celebrate this milestone with you! Congratulations Class of 2024 Graduate!
Sean Smith
3rd Ascent
2024 Sally FitzGerald Scholarship
The North Fulton Council of PTAs is offering a monetary scholarship provided by donations from local PTA and PTSA organizations - including our Cambridge PTSA.
- You are in the graduating class of 2024 from a high school in North Fulton County with a PTSA in good standing with Georgia PTA and NFC PTA, who is planning on enrolling in a post-secondary course of study (certification program, technical college, or university);
- You are a member of your high school PTSA; and
- You have been active in your community in extracurricular, service-oriented, and/or citizenship activities.
For more information on the essay required and entry information visit: Sally FitzGerald Scholarship
Deadline is March 23, 2024, at 11:59 pm.
Senior Slide Show Photos
The PTSA is looking for photos for their Senior Slide Show! Send your photos to:
If you have already sent you photos, make sure it was sent to this email as an incorrect email was posted to the school's website.
PTSA Scholarship
The Cambridge PTSA is awarding "four", $1,000 scholarships to the class of 2024. To learn more about the scholarship and how to apply visit: PTSA Scholarship
Applications due February 15, 2023, at 9:00 pm.
College and Career
American Legion Scholarship
The American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Post 201 is awarding three - $1,000, and one - $1,500 scholarships. Applications must be approved by your counselor and are due April 15. For more information and to download the application visit, American Legion Scholarship Program.
United States Military Academy
USMA -Westpoint wants to connect with interested students and families and share information on what West Point has to offer, life as a cadet and the application process. Join one of these Admissions Events for more information.
United States Military Academy Summer Program
Led by current cadets, Summer Leaders Experience (SLE) is a week-long immersion into the academic, military, and social life of a West Point cadet. At SLE, you will explore West Point from all angles, including our high-tech educational facilities, team-building athletic activities, and realistic military training.
SLE Sessions:
- Session 1: June 1 - 7, 2024
- Session 2: June 8 - 14, 2024