Bee Informed
Newsletter from Medina City Schools-February 19, 2021
Bee Informed
A.I. Root Middle School Students Participate in Virtual Power of the Pen Competition
On Saturday, January 29, 2021, six A. I. Root Middle School students participated in a virtual online version of the Power of the Pen competition. Of the students who participated in this year’s event, four placed in the tournament; seventh-grader Rosalia White earned a ninth-place medal, eighth-grader Caleb Sundermeir earned a fifth-place medal, and eighth-grader Maddie Beck earned a second-place medal. Seventh-grader Sylvie Parada won a gold medal, winning that division. Other team members who participated include seventh-grader Mya Kennedy and eighth-grader Mya Kosar. All six students advance to the Regional Tournament which is slated to take place on Saturday, February 27, 2021.
Keeping the Tradition of Song Alive at Medina High School
Medina High School Debate Team Earns Trip to State Championship Tournament
Food Distribution Available to Medina City Schools’ Families In Need
Thanks to the efforts of the Medina City Schools Food Service/Child Nutrition Department and their staff, food distribution will continue through the 2020-2021 school year. Meals are free to all children ages 1-18 and include one breakfast and one lunch per day. Click here for ordering information and pick-up times and locations. In the event of a calamity day on meal distribution day, it will be canceled for that day.
Jason Reynolds, Popular Author of Intermediate and Middle School Novels Visits Medina County in Free Zoom Event
Board of Education Meeting Calendar
Monday, March 1, 2021
Board of Education Work Session
6:00 PM
Monday, March 15, 2021
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM
The District and the Board of Education feels it is important to continue holding meetings of the Board. During this time, upcoming meetings will be held virtually for the public via Medina City Schools' YouTube Channel, and on Armstrong Channel 201. Currently, public comments can be made through Zoom. A link will be provided during the meeting with comments taken during the public comment portion of the meeting.
Replays of the meeting will then be available on Medina City Schools' YouTube Channel and Armstrong Channel 201.
Youth Rugby Registration
Youth Baseball Registration
Youth Lacrosse Registration
Back-to-School Student Information Update
Peer Tutoring Available
Students will be paired with National Honor Society students and other honors students. They will meet one to two times per week depending on their schedules. In addition, optional virtual tutoring will be available.
Tutoring applications are available online or at Medina High School in the Tutoring Center. All tutoring sessions will be coordinated through Carolyn Grenfell, Tutoring Center Director. Interested students and/or parent/guardians should contact Carolyn Grenfell at grenfellc@medinabees.org.
Medina Girls Softball
Medina Recreation High School Basketball
Career Fairs
2021 Medina High School Senior Scholarship Application Opens February 1, 2021
Important Information: Medina High School Yearbooks
Senior Yearbook Portrait Pictures
Seniors should have their portrait pictures taken through Lifetouch (also known as Prestige). This is a free session and can be scheduled by calling 330-225-7666. The deadline for senior pictures is March 1, 2021.
Grades 9-11 Yearbook Portrait Pictures
Good News!! Picture day is coming March 17 for all students grade 9-11. This includes current MODA students. More information will be coming soon, stay tuned!
If your child is a MODA student and you are not comfortable having them go to school for a picture, please upload their picture using this link https://www.ybkplus.com/auth. A student email address will need to be entered and you will be sent a code to continue on to the site and upload your picture. The deadline for these pictures is March 19.
If you have questions or need help about picture day please email brennera@medianbees.org
If you have questions or need help with the portrait tool, please email hascherh@medinabees.org
The yearbook staff is working hard on this year's book. Everything we typically include will be in this year’s edition with the exception of the events that have been canceled. Please consider purchasing at www. jostens.com. The cost is $70.00.
If you have any questions or concerns please email hascherh@medinabees.org.
Medina City Schools Mobile App
After Prom Committee Selling Class of 2021 Signs
See What's Going On In Our Community
Boosters Corner
Being a member of the Medina Athletic Boosters always has its perks. With limited ability to attend games and matches during the pandemic, the Boosters have had to find new ways to acknowledge our members. Last month, the entire Boosters executive board personally delivered gifts to our Silver, Gold, and Elite members courtesy of Amy Hoes and Howard Hanna. Members received Medina Bees-themed Tervis tumblers, blankets, or stadium seats depending on their membership level.
The 2020-21 Winter Sports Programs will be available soon. If you are interested in securing a program to commemorate this winter’s teams, please contact your student-athlete’s coach or parent representative. Any other details about the program will be updated on the Boosters website at medinaboosters.org or on Twitter @MedinaBoosters.
Finally, our boys’ lacrosse team was the latest group of Medina High School student-athletes to go through the course from Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) entitled Making Teammates Better: Leadership and Positive Initiation. The workshop provides a deeper view into how teammates can help each other improve, one of the three key components in PCA’s original workshop for student-athletes, Becoming A Triple-Impact Competitor. Later this month, the Medina fastpitch players will be participating in the same workshop. The Medina Boosters' involvement with the Positive Coaching Alliance is made possible by Medina Excavating.
Twitter: @MedinaBoosters
Medina Bees-themed Tervis Tumbler
Medina City Schools
Email: busbya@medinabees.org
Website: www.medinabees.org
Location: 739 Weymouth Road, Medina, OH, USA
Phone: 330.725.8831
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MedinaCitySchools
Twitter: @MCScomm1