NMS Summer Newsletter - June 10
Northwestern Middle School News and Notes
Happy Friday Wildcat Country!
Most of our staff are now off contract. This includes all teachers and counselors. If you have any questions, please direct them to our Grade Level Assistant Principals:
6th Grade: Mrs. Amber Manganelli - manganellia@fultonschools.org
7th Grade: Mrs. Deana Skimel - skimel@fultonschools.org
8th Grade: Mrs. Ashley Poston - postona@fultonschools.org
You can also call our front office during normal office hours.
Northwestern Middle School Summer Hours
The front office will be open on weekdays from 8:30 am-2:30 pm during the summer.
Please call the front office at 470-254-2870 before coming to school.
Important Upcoming Dates
- June 8-July 8 - Summer School
- Tuesday, August 2 - New School Year Meeting with Mr. Peterson (Time TBD)
- Thursday, August 4 - NMS Information Day (12:30-3:30pm)
- Monday, August 8 - First Day of School
New Code of Conduct Rules for SY22-23 - Cell Phones
Attendance Emails from Infinite Campus
FCS Curriculum Hub
The Curriculum Hub provides a variety of resources to assist parents in supporting their student's learning in the areas of English Language Arts/Reading, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies including:
- A year-at-a-glance for each course with the standards taught in each unit
- Unit plans detailing the specific learning targets to be mastered
- Parent resources to preview or review concepts and skills taught in each unit
Family Resources for Social Media & Cell Phones
Representatives from Bark presented at one of our previous PTO meetings. As a company, Bark provides monitoring service and resources for families. I will be sharing information from Bark and other sources weekly in our newsletter.
There is also a Facebook group that is a great resource: Parenting in a Tech World
NMS Clubs and Student Activities
Northwestern will continue to offer many clubs and student activities for our students during the 2021-22 school year. Check back often for more information!
Milton High School Baseball
Milton High School Softball Camp
Registration is open for the Milton Summer Softball Camp! The camp will be for rising 1st – 8th graders on June 13-16th, 2022. Rising 1st – 4th will meet from 9am-12pm. Rising 5th - 8th graders will meet from 1pm – 4pm. Activities will include drills for stretching, throwing, fielding, hitting, base running and other fun games! The registration fee is $110 through June 5th and $130 after June 6th so register early! Register online at miltonsoftballcamp.cheddarup.com. For more information, please contact Lynne Siders at lsiders@comcast.net.
Cambridge High School Feeder Football
NMS Student Newspaper
Northwestern Spiritwear
Spirtware is available for purchase! A wonderful amount of different NMS Wildcats items for purchase and shipped directly to your home! CLICK HERE!!
PTO Membership Packages
Northwestern Middle School
Home of the Wildcats!
Email: nmsfrontdesk@fultonschools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/northwesternms
Location: 12805 Birmingham Highway, Milton, GA, USA
Phone: (470) 254-2870
Twitter: @TheNMSWildcats
Thank you for your continued support of Northwestern Middle School!
Joel - Principal
Northwestern Middle School: Teach Hard, Love Harder - The Wildcat Way!