Hall's Corner
May 5, 2023
Dear BHS Families and Students
AP Exams continue through Friday, May 12.
Students should report promptly at 7:30am for morning exams and 11:30am for afternoon exams.
What students should bring to the exam - Link to AP page - https://www.bcsd.org/Domain/259
End of year FINAL COURSE exams will take place from June 14 – June 22. Some courses may have in class course exams before June 14th. Teachers will notify their students. Please review the timeline of end of year events below. Please review for details on Springfest, exam week and logistics, the last day of classes, and more!
Seniors are preparing for Senior Ball and Juniors are preparing for Junior Prom.
Check out the Class of 2023 and Class of 2024 webpages for more details on SENIOR BALL and JUNIOR PROM
Be well,
Check out the BHS SPRING tIMELINE OF EVENTS so you can plan ahead!
In this week’s Hall’s Corner...
- Students in the News
- April's PTSA Meeting with the Principals event is available for viewing
- News from the Health Office
- BHS students art featured in Pittsford gallery
- K-12 Spring Art Show
- Brighton Clean Sweep and Sustainability Events
- Brighton/Israeli Exchange information for 2023-2024, updated
- ATTENTION JUNIORS – Summer College Essay Course just for BHS JUNIORS!
- Summer Enrichment Course Offerings
- Calendar of Upcoming Events
- Students may go outside during FLEX
- BHS Open Campus Schedule
- Cell Phone Reminders
- Athletics
Students in the News, Making BHS Proud!
BHS has 2 NYS Future Business Leaders of America Winners
Congratulations to the team on a great year!
April's PTSA special event regarding cyber-security is available for viewing.
On April 27, PTSA hosted a PTSA Meeting with the Principal Special Event. Two guest presenters, Debra Ortiz-Pardi (National Center for Missing & Exploited Children) and Stefanie Szwejbka (BIVONA Child Advocacy Center), shared information with parents regarding teenage cyber-safety, including:
- digital footprints that last a lifetime
- online predators
- tools to aid with the removal of explicit
- content from the Internet
- red flag warnings
- the latest social media concerns
- and more
Click the link below to listen to the presentation.
Quick Links:
1-800 THE LOST (800 843-5678)
Survivor and family support services:
NetSmartz Internet Safety
www.netsmartzkids.org – website for children
Main website
News from the Health Office
Dear Parent/Guardian:
The district’s School Health Services program supports your student’s academic success by promoting health in the school setting. One way that we provide care for your student is by performing the health screenings as mandated by the State of New York.
In the coming days, the following screenings will be completed at school if not conducted by your student’s health care provider:
- Distance and near acuity for all newly entering students and students in Grade 11.
- Color perception screening for all newly entering students.
- Hearing screening for all newly entering students and students in Grade 11.
- Scoliosis (spinal curvature) screening for all boys in grade 9.
BHS Student Art Reception - Friday, May 5, 2023 at the Pittsford Upstairs Gallery
Several BHS student artists will have their work on display and for purchase at the Pittsford Upstairs Art Gallery. The opening night is this Friday! See list of students included Here.
There will be cake for students and parents at 6 PM. Gallery is open Friday 2 PM to 8 PM.
Pittsford Upstairs Gallery
4 North Main Street in the
heART of Pittsford Village
Brighton Clean Sweep and Sustainability Events
Brighton Schools Clean Sweep
Help clean up our BHS environment and grounds! Saturday, May 13 from 9:00 to 11:15 a.m. Meet at the BHS Cafe'. Free t-shirt and breakfast. Clubs, athletic teams, individual students/staff are welcome!
2023 Town of Brighton Clean Sweep and Sustainability Events:
Semi-Annual Pharmaceutical "Take-Back" Program
Help ensure a cleaner and safer environment by participating in the Town of Brighton's prescription drug take-back event at Brighton Town Hall’s Public Safety Wing from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 22. Citizens are asked to dispose of outdated and/or unwanted prescriptions and over-the-counter medications by dropping them off at the Brighton Police Department Public Safety Wing. There is no charge for this event.
Brighton Clean Sweep
Brighton's Annual Clean Sweep is Saturday, May 13. Participants should gather at Brighton Town Hall at 9 a.m. to get their clean-up assignment and pick up their T-shirts, gloves, and grabbers. A healthy snack provided by Tops will be distributed to start the day — then we will get to work cleaning up our streets, parks, and trails! At 11:45 a.m., everyone is invited to celebrate their hard work by meeting at the French Road Elementary School cafetorium for a grab-and-go lunch provided by Wegmans. Pre-registration is encouraged and may be done online at: www.townofbrighton.org/rec by clicking the Register Online button.
Semi-Annual Electronics Recycling and Secure Document Shredding Events
Bring your old electronic equipment and/or your old secure documents to the Town of Brighton's Electronics Recycling and Secure Document Shredding event from 9 a.m. to noon Sunday, May 21, 2022 (rain or shine) at Brighton's Highway Department Parking Lot, 1941 Elmwood Ave. These two events will take place at the same time and place. There is no charge for either service. For a list of what electronics are currently accepted, visit http://www.maventech.com/recycling-answers.
Brighton/Israeli Exchange
Brighton High School is once again excited to participate in the BHS-Israeli Exchange. Even though the program is jointly sponsored by the Brighton Central School District and the Jewish Federation of Rochester, this is intended to be a strictly cultural and non-religious exchange. As such, any BHS student can participate.
We are offering the opportunity to all BHS students to participate as either a host family and/or as part of a BHS-chaperoned student exchange trip to Israel. The Israeli students from our sister city Modi’in will be visiting us September 26, 2023 to October 8, 2023*. Our trip to Israel will take place during our 2024 February break. If you are interested in learning more about hosting and/or traveling please contact:
Marla Taplinger
Click HERE for Pdf.
* Dates have changed from a previous post!
ATTENTION JUNIORS – Summer College Essay Course just for BHS JUNIORS!
Summer Enrichment Classes
The following summer enrichment classes are open for registration here. (Hyperlink "here" to https://brightonschools.revtrak.net)
Writing Your College Application Essay
Study Skills for High School Students
SAT/ACT Exam Prep
NYS Driver Education, opened March 7, (Students must have permit before July.)
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
Starting Wednesday, April 12, 2023 – Students may go outside during FLEX.
If you are not assigned to FLEX Help and wish to take a break outside during FLEX when the weather is nice, please note the following:
- Students may eat on the back TK9 field, under the pool pavilion, in the bleachers, or at any of the tables outside. PLEASE pick up after yourselves!
- NO food on the turf.
- Students MUST remain on campus. Students are NOT allowed to leave campus.
- Students are NOT allowed to eat or hang out in their cars. DO NOT leave campus during FLEX.
- Security and administration will be out and about during FLEX if you have any questions or need assistance.
BHS Open Campus Schedule
“Open Campus” means you may leave campus if you have a free period.
“Closed Campus” means you may not leave the building, except for scheduled appointments. If weather/supervision allow, students may be allowed to go behind the school to study, play sports, or do work. Students MUST remain on campus.
Open Campus is a privilege granted to Brighton High School students and should be respected. This privilege can be revoked and/or restricted by administration and/or by parent request due to academic and/or behavioral concerns.
- Students are required to sign in and out during regular school hours at door #1.
- Students leaving for an appointment need to sign out at the Attendance Office FIRST and then leave via door #1 with a pass.
- Students cannot transport other students in their car during the school day.
- FAMILIES - if you DO NOT want your child to have OPEN CAMPUS privileges, please notify their assistant principal.
Schedule effective May 1 - June 13
New Cell Phone Policy
Administrator and Counselor Information
Click here for names and contact information.