Bear Essentials
January 8-12
Welcome to the Somerset Academy Collegiate Newsletter
The Bear Essentials is your one-stop shop for all things BEAR related. Each week a new issue highlighting upcoming events and activities, athletic game schedules, student and staff spotlights, academic achievements, good news stories and more will be shared via Remind and Social Media. Please take a moment to catch up on the Bear Essentials!
Let's RODEO Somerset Academy Collegiate!
This week our Sports Marketing Media, Exercise and Wellness and Athletic Trainers were invited to intern at the Uvalde Rodeo, final qualifier for the San Antonio Rodeo. Huge shoutout to Justin Medical for making this opportunity a reality!
Somerset Academy Collegiate Athletics Announcements
SAC Athletics Game Tickets
All home game athletic entry tickets must be purchased through Ticket Spicket. In season athletes attend home games free. Please use the link provided for all in season tickets.
Come cheer on our Bears!
Buy your official Somerset Academy Collegiate hat in the front Upper Office for only $20. This year's snapback hat is available in either blue or white! They are snapback. Show off your SAC team spirit in style. Go Bears!
SAC Booster Club News
Booster Club Clinics
Basketball Volunteer
Soccer Volunteer
Wrestling Volunteer
Cheer Volunteer
Track & Field
Track & Field Volunteer
Softball Volunteer
Baseball Volunteer
Save the Date for SY 23/24 Athletics Banquets!
Elementary Banquet
Middle School Winter/ Spring Banquet
High School Winter/ Spring Banquet
Bears Out and About!
Coach Kemper and the Varsity Girls Basketball Team were able to attend the A&M v Auburn game last weekend. A great team building experience and opportunity for our Bears to see what college level athletics are like. A&M won!
Somerset Olympians Come Together for a Great Time!
The weather could not have been more perfect as the SAC Bears hosted the Brooks Bengals at the Stadium today for the annual Somerset Olympics. The Somerset Olympics is an opportunity for our Special Education students to shine in some friendly competition. The stands were filled with parents, special friends, staff and students cheering all of our athletes on throughout the event. Big thank you to Academica, the Little Gym at Stone Oak and Sofia's Pizzeria, who sponsored today's event. We are so very proud of all of the students that competed today!
Mark Your Calendars!
Upper School 1st Semester Awards
Upper School Awards are now scheduled for Thursday, January 18 at 8:45am (6-8th grade) and 9:45am (9-12th grade) in the Red Gym by invitation only. Please watch for invitations going home with report cards this week.
School Choice Week January 22-26
While we love to have fun and celebrate various spirit weeks throughout the year, it is imperative students follow dress code rules so that we can continue to offer fun days. Students MUST be in full uniform but may add the above spirit items as listed above for School Choice Week only. As always, no leggings, ripped jeans, jeggings, crocs or open toed or backed shoes, pajamas, blankets, crop tops, spaghetti straps or other non-uniform items (full list available on our webpage and student handbook) are allowed. Students out of dress code receive ISS or detention. If ever in doubt about appropriate school wear, students may stop by the front office to ask ahead of time. Let's have fun and follow the rules to ensure we continue to be able to offer these fun weeks!
Parent Meeting Tuesday, January 23
Please make plans to join us Tuesday, January 23 at 6pm in the Skyline or via Zoom Room 2867156384 (joint January/February meeting). All Collegiate parents are invited to come together and meet with our admin team for an informal time of fellowship, working together and learning a little bit about all the great things happening at Somerset Academy Collegiate. Light snacks served.
This month's focus will be on Interim testing results and ways to support STAAR preparation. Questions? Email
Early Release Day Wednesday, January 24
School Year 23/24 Instructional Calendar
News You Can Use
Uniforms Required Daily
A couple of friendly reminders as the weather cools off. Students are not permitted to wear sweatpants or other non-uniform pants unless notified by the school. Additionally, students may not bring blankets to use as jackets. If your student is in need of a jacket, please reach out to our school so we can help find a solution. It is imperative that students are in full uniform daily. Students not in uniform will be subject to consequences such as detention, calling home for parents to bring proper clothing, etc...Guidelines for uniforms as well as a link to our uniform vendor may be found on our website. Please help us maintain rules by ensuring your student is dressed appropriately for school each day. On another note, we understand some families may have not yet been able to purchase the new uniform shirts from French Toast. Students will continue to be permitted to wear the Brooks polo throughout the remainder of the school year.
Our school nurse is always in need of donations of gently used uniforms, particularly bottoms as well as new undergarments and socks. Donations may be marked "nurse" and brought to either office.
Our lost and found accumulates a large number of hoodies, jackets, coats, mittens, hats, water bottles and even uniform shirts each year. Please remind students to check that they have their belongings before leaving school each day. Our lost and found is located in the Skyline Room and parents may check the table at Parent Night each month or before or after school with a visitor's pass or as staff is available to escort. We strive to reconnect lost items with students, however will donate all leftover items twice a year at the semester mark to help keep our facilities neat and help those less fortunate. Thank you!
Help Wanted
Pictures and short videos work well. We really appreciate your support of our students and helping us celebrate their successes!
Campus Traffic Procedures
In addition:
It has come to our attention that morning drop off procedures continually have not been followed as well. Upper School students must be dropped off in front of the Arena. Only Upper School students arriving AFTER 8am are authorized to use the E building entrance (front office) and must stop by the front office to receive a tardy slip. In the same manner, Lower School students students must be dropped off at the Skyline Room except those arriving AFTER 7:30 who must be accompanied by a parent to the front office for a tardy slip. Due to the continued high number of morning tardies as well as the traffic and safety issues that have arisen, effective immediately the following has been implemented and moving forward Lower School students may only be dropped off at the Skyline entrance until 7:35 at the latest. After 7:35, Lower School students are considered tardy and must be physically accompanied by their parent/guardian to the front office to be signed in for the day. Parents MUST park in a designated parking spot to accompany their student into the office.
Upper School students are considered tardy at 8:05 at the latest. ALL Upper School students arriving after 8:05 must be physically accompanied by their parent/guardian to the front office to be signed in for the day. Parents MUST park in a designated parking spot to accompany their student into the office. Students are not permitted to sign themselves in without a parent/guardian. As always, it is imperative all drop off, pickup and traffic procedures are followed to keep our students, staff and families safe as well as our traffic routine running properly. As a friendly reminder, all posted traffic signs and staff attendant instruction must be obeyed. The speed limit on campus at all times is 5mph. Absolutely no cell phone usage while driving is allowed. Please do not block or go around barriers or cones as this causes extreme safety issues to both traffic attendants, students and staff. Unsafe driving or abusive behavior is not tolerated and reported immediately to administration.
For further clarification if needed about sibling dismissal:
Arrive no earlier than 3:20. Upper School with Siblings will go all the way around the rock pile and then queue up in one lane on the left hand side to the Lower School Pickup area.
Upper School Only will continue in front of the arena. Student athletes will move to red gym. Students for pick up will be in blue.
Lower school students not picked up by 3:20 will be placed in White gym with Lower school sibling pick up. It has come to our attention that students are on campus unaccompanied during unauthorized times. As a friendly reminder, student drop-off is not authorized prior to 7am for their safety. In the same manner, students MUST vacate campus NLT 4pm (30 minutes past dismissal time) unless they are actively in an after school activity such as a current athletic team or club or enrolled in After School Care or Study Hall. Students MAY NOT wait in front of the school or in other areas of campus past 4pm for their safety as there are no monitors or staff on duty after that time. Students that remain on campus after 4pm will be kindly asked to wait outside the campus gates. If ASC or Study Hall is needed, please stop by the front office or contact to enroll your student. We truly appreciate your assistance in ensuring drop off and pick up protocol is followed every day. Thank you for your continued support of Somerset Academy Collegiate.
College and Career Readiness Information
A great opportunity for 6th-11th graders!
The Prefreshman Engineering Program (PREP) at UTSA is a pre-college summer program committed to delivering science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) enrichment opportunities for middle and high school students. PREP seeks to contribute to the development of the future generations of STEM professionals, and provide opportunities for high school and middle school students to identify pathways to and through higher education.
Girls & Boys Grades: 6th - 11th
Cost to Apply: Free
PREP Program Dates: June 12th - July 11th, 2024
Graduation Ceremony for Levels 3,4,5: July 11th, 2024, Times TBD.
Application Form:
Upcoming Dates: February 14, 2024 - PREP 24 Application Due
• March 14, 2024 - PREP Student Selections Communicated
• June 4, 2024 - PREP 24 Family Zoom/Orientation
• June 12, 2024 - PREP 24 First Day – face to face
• July 11, 2024 - PREP 24 Closing Day Celebration/Graduation
For more information visit Students and Parents can also reach out to Coach Washington and Coach Hale for additional information and assistance.
New Student Applications Open Now
We still have slots available for the 23/24 School Year in many of our grade levels. We are looking forward to growing and love referrals! We appreciate you sharing about all the great things your students are doing at SAC with friends and family that might be considering Somerset Academy Collegiate for this year. Tours available by appointment by emailing our registrar or calling the front office at 210-850-3002.
Open enrollment for NEW incoming students for the 24/25 School Year opened November 1st (current student re-enrollment will open at a later date). Please share with any perspective new Bear families who may be looking for a great fit for their student.
Child Nutrition Information
Please use LINQ Connect as a convenient way to access and make payments to your student's meal account.
Please use the following link to access Nutrislice, a convenient way to access the daily menu, nutritional information organized by grade levels, categories and more!
For questions or concerns, please contact your student's campus cafeteria staff or Director of Child Nutrition, Mike Jones at .
Community News YOU Can Use!
School Discovery Day at the Doseum
Our friends at San Antonio Charter Moms are hosting another great School Discovery Day event at the Doseum on Saturday, January 20 from 11AM-2pm. Families are invited to attend this free event and the first 1000 to register will receive wristbands for FREE admission to the Doseum! Please use the link to their website to register ahead of time as tickets are limited. Stop by the Somerset table to say hello and share what you love about our school! We will be located in the main Theater Room and are encouraging our families to bring a friend to learn more about all that SAC offers.
It's Going to be a Cold LONG Weekend!
San Antonio is forecasted to have a series of fronts moving through this weekend, which will cause extreme COLD temperatures. While we are not anticipating any precipitation or school closures or delays for next week at this time, please be sure to watch Remind and local news stations for the most up to date information and reports. As a reminder, full uniform is required all Winter. Students may wear leggings or tights under their uniforms as an added layer of warmth. Sweatpants, jeans, blankets, etc...are not authorized at this time. Please be sure to wear a jacket and cold weather accessories to school when needed!
Check out the Bexar County Office of Emergency Website for some great tips on preparing for extreme weather using the link below:
Have a great week Bears!
Important Contact Information for our School
Front Office: 210-850-3002
Interim Superintendent:
Deputy Superintendent:
Interim School Leader:
Upper School ASL:
Lower School ASL:
Dean of Students:
College & Career Counselor:
Child Nutrition Coordinator:
Director of IT Services:
Athletic Director:
Office Manager:
Attendance Clerk:
School Nurse:
Upper School Counselor:
Lower School Counselor:
After School Care Director:
Parent Liaison/Marketing:
Somerset Academy Collegiate
Location: 4802 Vance Jackson Road, San Antonio, TX, USA
Phone: 2108503002