Secondary Instructional Updates
Newsletter Issue 2 ~ February 2024/Vol.1
Message from Chief Academic Officer Dr. Frances Baez
As the midterm assessment window closes on February 9th, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you for your unwavering dedication and leadership. Your tireless efforts to support our students are truly inspiring!
This February let's embrace the richness of cultural celebrations and the warmth of human connection. Celebrate the history and achievements of African Americans with city-wide events, programs, and personal reflection. Remember, kindness is contagious – even a small gesture like a kind word, a smile, or a helping hand can brighten someone's day.
In this month's newsletter, you'll find:
- Compelling professional development opportunities to deepen your skills and enrich your practice.
- Engaging programs and resources specifically designed to empower our students.
Remember, together, we are preparing students who are Ready for the World. Thank you for being a vital part of that journey.
With sincere appreciation,
Dr. Frances Baez, Chief Academic Officer
Division of Instruction
Contact Information
Email: instruction@lausd.net
Telephone: 213-241-4822
Follow us on social media!
- X- @LAUSD_Achieve
- Instagram- @instructionla
- FB- LASchools DOI
Inspirational Quote
— Wilma Rudolph, Olympic track and field athlete
Instructional Updates and Resources
California Positive Behavioral Intervention Support (PBIS) Award Application is Now Open!
Schools may apply to be recognized by the California Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS). The application window is open through May 10, 2024. To learn more about PBIS and the application process, click here to visit their website.
California School Board's Association (CSBA) Golden Bell Awards - Apply on April 1, 2024
The California School Boards Association (CSBS) Golden Bell Awards application window opens April 1, 2024 and closes June 28, 2024.
CSBS promotes excellence in education and school board governance by recognizing outstanding programs and governance practices of school boards throughout California.
Click here to visit their website and learn more about the application process.
i-Ready Diagnostic: What It Measures?
- This slide deck links resources and guides to support an understanding of the i-Ready Diagnostic and Personalized Instruction including content, assessment methods, and information about the items presented.
- Join the Schoology Group: i-Ready Interim Assessment Resources Group-Access Code FMT8-XMS2-6M8M2.
- For i-Ready professional learning opportunities, please see the Updated i-Ready PD Office Hours, Banked Time Sessions, and Region led Learning Bursts.
LAUSD Students and Employees Can Access Digital Books For Free!
- The LAUSD Learning Library on Sora is a collection of ebooks, audiobooks, comics, and magazines available for all LAUSD students and employees. There is content for all grade levels UTK–12.
- The LAUSD Learning Library is a valuable resource for all readers. Teacher librarians curated each grade-level collection available in various formats to engage your students.
- You can access Sora via the waffle in Schoology PLS_Job_Aid_Sora.docx or https://soraapp.com/library/lausd.
- Watch this video to understand how to use Sora! Click this link for the Spanish SORA video.
- Happy Reading!
Ignite Joy in Learning with SEL! Celebrate with Our Educator Spotlight Campaign!
Get ready to celebrate our District's phenomenal Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) champions in our district! In SELebration of SEL Day on Friday, March 8, 2024, the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Unit presents the “Igniting Joy in Learning Through SEL” Educator Spotlight Campaign.
This campaign, aligned with Pillar 2C: Strong Social Emotional Skills, celebrates our educators' fantastic work to build thriving learners with solid social-emotional skills.
We'll spotlight their creative mindfulness exercises, which spark joy and build resilience, and their collaborative learning projects which forge strong connections.
In the meantime, join the conversation and connect with fellow SEL enthusiasts in our Schoology Group: Access Code: 7F56X-SFV4Z.
For additional information, contact Debra Schneider-Jelin, SEL Coordinator, at dschneid@lausd.net.
Let's ignite joy in learning together!
Unlock the power of SEL: Resources to spark student growth and classroom well-being!
Dive into our diverse SEL curricula and discover a wealth of activities, strategies, and frameworks designed to:
- Increase growth across all learners: Our resources cater to various grade levels and learning styles, ensuring every student benefits from the power of SEL.
- Boost social-emotional competencies: Build student confidence, communication skills, and resilience with targeted activities for self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.
Remember, with the right SEL resources and strategies, you can unlock a world of possibilities for your students.
For additional information, contact Debra Schneider-Jelin, SEL Coordinator, at dschneid@lausd.net.
Spark Student Curiosity this February with the Discovery Education Newsletter!
February promises a whirlwind of learning adventures with Discovery Education! Get ready to celebrate Black History Month, and Lunar New Year, explore exciting careers with CTE Month, learn about healthy habits during American Heart Month, and reflect on leadership during President's Day.
Here's what awaits you:
- Empower student creativity: Discover Studio is a user-friendly platform where teachers can build custom slideshows and quizzes in minutes! Let your students showcase their knowledge in engaging ways.
- Go on virtual field trips: Explore the world without leaving your classroom! Experience iconic landmarks, museums, and natural wonders through immersive virtual tours.
Discovery Education is your partner in empowering students to become curious, innovative, and impactful citizens of the world!
Equitable School Performance Office and Data Champion Initiative (ESPO-DCI) February Newsletter
As we approach spring assessment season, the Equitable School Performance Office – Data Champion Initiative (SPO-DCI) team encourages data champions and school site leaders to lead efforts that examine historical test data, ongoing formative assessments, and individual student performance metrics. Schools can be attentive to subgroup performances, aiming to identify and address any prevailing achievement gaps. Things to consider include an evaluation of curriculum alignment, attendance rates, and engagement levels to foster an optimal learning environment. For additional information, contact Laura Londono, Data Specialist, at llopez18@lausd.net.
Tutoring Services
Tutoring Vendor Satisfaction Survey
Your feedback matters! Help us improve school-based, high-dose tutoring programs by completing this brief survey for the period of August – December 2023. Your candid feedback will help us ensure students receive the highest quality tutoring services. Please complete a survey for each vendor at your site.
- Your responses will be completely anonymous and only used for program improvement.
- Please complete this survey by Friday, February 16, 2024.
Your voice counts! Thanks for helping us shape the future of tutoring programs.
Contact Caroline Walden, Administrative Coordinator at caroline.walden@lausd.net for additional information.
On-Demand Tutoring for All Students
Second Semester Tutoring Courses and Transportation
Please ensure students have been rostered into new courses for the second semester, and that transportation has been requested for those who ride the bus home from tutoring. For additional information, contact Rain Owens, Coordinator, at rain.owens@lausd.net.
Home-Based Virtual Tutoring Now Available
Please share with your parents that Home-Based Virtual Tutoring is now available for eligible students. Tutoring is available for English Language Arts and/or mathematics. Visit the Tutoring Services website for more information. Parents can log-on to the Student Enrollment Portal, select Enrichment & Other Programs, to check eligibility and sign up eligible children for tutoring support at home. For more information, please visit the Tutoring Services website.
Professional Development and Opportunities
Leading Edge Edtech Summit (LEETS24) for Educators K-12 on March 2, 2024
Join us at LEETS24, "EdTech for Global Citizenship: Connecting Purpose, Planet, and People", where we explore education technology as a catalyst for global citizenship and purpose-driven learning.
- Date: March 2, 2024
- Time: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Hollywood Drive Universal City, CA 91608
Contact Dominic Caguioa, Coordinator, at dbc4785@lausd.net for additional information.
Save the Date - Computer Science Conference: #CS4LAUSD - May 18, 2024
For additional information, contact Allison Jonas, Coordinator, at Allison.Jonas@Lausd.net.
Empower Yourself as a Computer Science (CS) Educator
Join a Secondary Computer Science Cohort, a no-cost professional development program to transform your teaching practice!
- Intensive 5-day summer workshop: Immerse yourself in engaging learning (June 12-14 & 17-18, 2024)
- Quarterly follow-up sessions
- Dive into courses like Computer Science Discoveries, AP Computer Science Principles, AP Computer Science A, and more.
Click here to complete the interest form.
Level Up Los Angeles Esports Competition with Minecraft Education
In partnership with Microsoft, LAUSD is launching a two-level esports competition with Minecraft Education.
- Level 1: Students Reinventing Los Angeles
- Level 2: Region Rumble Esports Tournament - open to all PK-12 students
- Students will identify a climate emergency and build an innovative solution for their community that can improve how people adjust to climate change.
ITI Leadership Exchange
The Instructional Technology Initiative Leadership Exchange is a cohesive instructional technology cohort experience. This program empowers schools to assess their unique educational needs, paving the way for the integration of cutting-edge technologies that enrich student learning and involvement. By working together, participants will identify their school's current needs, create a roadmap for the integration of educational technologies, and cultivate a continuous cycle of improvement with instructional technology. Complete the Leadership Exchange Interest Form to participate. For additional information, contact Allison Jonas, Coordinator, at Allison.Jonas@Lausd.net.
AI 101 for Teachers
Discover the groundbreaking world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its transformative potential in education with code.org’s foundational online learning series for teachers and unleash the potential of AI in education! Join code.org for a free online series to demystify artificial intelligence, learn responsible integration, tackle bias, and revolutionize student learning outcomes.
ITI Professional Learning Opportunities
Calling all educators! Are you ready to level up your skills and embrace the future of education? The 2023-2024 ITI Professional Learning Catalog is now open for registration on MyPLN. Get ready to dive into cutting-edge topics like artificial intelligence, Cybersecurity Education, Digital Citizenship, ISTE Student Standards Suite, and computer science. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your teaching toolkit and empower your students! Click on the flyer to access the catalog. For additional information, contact Allison Jonas, Coordinator, at Allison.Jonas@Lausd.net.
Digital Citizenship in the Age of AI Schoology Course
To proactively equip all students 13 years of age and older with the skills needed for the responsible use of generative AI in their learning journey, we have introduced a mandatory course titled "Digital Citizenship in the Age of AI". The course for students 13 years of age and older can be found in the L.A. Unified Educator Group in Schoology under resources in the Digital Citizenship folder. This course can be facilitated during Advisory, Homeroom, or any other instructional setting as the school principal determines.
95 Percent Phonics Lesson Library (PLL) Refresher Teacher Training
This virtual training is designed specifically for TK-12 Resource Specialist Teachers who have already been trained in the 95 Percent Phonics Lesson Library (PLL). Don't miss this opportunity to take your phonics instruction to the next level!
- Date: February 15, 2024
- Time: 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
- Registration: MyPLN - Keyword: ED4ALL
For more information, contact Joyce Radcliffee, TK-12 Specialist, at joyce.radcliffe@lausd.net.
Action Seminars for Secondary Schools
Empower your leadership team to prioritize evidence-based literacy instruction in secondary classrooms through professional development on the science of reading. For more information, click on the flyer or contact Alyssa Avila, Secondary ELA Coordinator, at alyssa.avila@lausd.net
Cross-Curricular Collaboration - English Language Arts and History
Join a dynamic team of 6-8 grade ELA and History teachers, dedicated to enhancing English Language Arts and History instructional programs by engaging in the Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA ) cycle to support emerging readers. Contact Kieley Jackson, History-Social Science Coordinator, at kjack2@lausd.net
Critical Media Literacy Cadre (CMLC)
Join us as a lesson reviewer…It’s not too late!
Educators interested in joining the Critical Media Literacy Cadre will have an opportunity to review lessons submitted during the 2023 Summer PD and identify model lessons for grades 6-12 that will be published and available for teachers to teach in the classroom. See the flyer for application information.
Participants in the CMLC will be paid at the regular rate and meet virtually from 10:00 a.m.
to 12:00 p.m. on the following Saturdays: February 10, March 2, March 16, and April 6, 2024.
For more information, please contact Ryan Hyatt, Secondary ELA Coordinator, at rxh5697@lausd.net.
Secondary ELA Academic Course Extension
This professional learning is designed for secondary ELA (6th – 12th grades) to support academic course extension opportunities for their students. Participants will develop an understanding of ACE, learn to implement ACE using the Division of Instruction created materials, and access instructional materials to implement.
It is a self-paced, two-hours, asynchronous PD accessible via Schoology. Compensation will be at training rate (outside of contractual hours) upon successful completion. For more information, contact Richard An, Specialist, at rha2223@lausd.net.
School Requested Science Curriculum Professional Development
Secondary schools have the option to request a science professional development on their adopted curriculum. Schools have a menu of options or they could request a customized support. The professional development could be in person or virtual. Click here for more details. For additional information, contact Ayham Dahi, Coordinator, at ayham.dahi@lausd.net.
CAST Interim Assessment Training For Science Department Chairs
The California Department Of Education has released new Interim Assessment for science. Science department chairs or designees are invited to a professional development in person to learn about the CAST interim assessments and its implementations. The Division of Instruction is reimbursing schools for the teacher salary for that day. Click on the flyer for registration information. For additional information, contact Ayham Dahi, Coordinator, at ayham.dahi@lausd.net.
New Science Teacher Institute
New Science Teachers with 1- 5 years of experience are invited to participate in the New Science Teacher Institute taking place at Eagle Rock High School. New teachers will be guided by a lead teacher to plan instructional unit to support all students learning. For additional information, contact Ayham Dahi, Coordinator, at ayham.dahi@lausd.net.
Science Department Chair Convening
Secondary Science Department Chairs, or Chairs Designees, are invited to 4 days of professional development as a follow up on their Science Summer Learning. Science leaders will dive into the science and engineering practices for meaningful sense making and to ensure success on CAST. Phenomena based instruction, science discourse, and STEM identity are the topics of the other three sessions. The goal is build the leads capacity to take their learning back to school. For additional information, contact Ayham Dahi, Coordinator, at ayham.dahi@lausd.net.
English Language Arts and Mathematics: Supporting Proficiency for all Students
A-G Home Page and Resources
Visit the A-G webpage for Family and Student Resources, Educator Professional Development Opportunities, Guides, and Materials.
Secondary Mathematics Intervention Supports: Accelerate to Proficiency
Please join us for a 3-hour, asynchronous, self-paced professional development opportunity designed for all ELA teachers grades 6-12. Learn instructional practices to accelerate student learning and grade-level proficiency during and outside of the regularly scheduled ELA period. Compensation available at training rate. Click on the flyer for more information.
Secondary Mathematics Intervention Supports: Accelerate to Proficiency
Please join us for a 3 hour, asynchronous, self-paced professional development opportunity designed for math teachers grades 6-12. Learn instructional practices to accelerate student learning and grade-level proficiency during and outside of the regularly scheduled math period. Compensation available at training rate. Click on the flyer for more information.
Performance Assessment Student Support (PASS) Credit Recovery
Join us for a professional development opportunity designed for high school ELA and math educators planning to implement PASS for credit recovery. Participants will gain an understanding of the PASS program and structure, explore best practices for classroom delivery, and acquire knowledge of how PASS supports students’ SEL competencies during credit recovery. Educators who complete the PD will be provided access to the PASS Math and ELA Schoology groups.
This self-paced, two-hours, asynchronous session is accessible via Schoology. Compensation is available at training rate (outside of contractual hours) upon successful completion. Click on the flyer or contact Richard An, Specialist, at rha2223@lausd.net.
We invite you to join us for our Spring 2024 Secondary Arts PD.
Where: RFK Community Schools
701 S. Catalina Street LA, CA 90005
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
This PD is open to all secondary arts teachers and 6 hours of training rate pay will be offered to all who attend. Registration is on MyPLN. Search for "Secondary Arts PD" in the catalogue.
We are planning a full day of workshops and presentations meant to inspire and deepen our practice. Look for upcoming emails announcing the schedule. We look forward to having you join us! Contact Shana Habel at shana.habel@lausd.net.
Grant, Scholarships and Competition Opportunities
California Grant Watch Website
The California Grant Watch website lists grants for public school teachers for the improvement of education, innovative teaching strategies, and professional development opportunities.
Grant Writing Modules
The Division of Instruction has three online modules focused on Grant Writing. Each module is between 8-15 minutes in length. Module 1: A Grant Writing Guide; Module 2: Grant Application Process; Module 3: Key Components of a Grant Proposal. To access the modules, go to MyPLN, under the learning dropdown menu, select Search LAUSD Catalog, and enter keyword Grants in the Global Search. Click on the module you wish to view.
Observances and Commemorative Events
Click on the links below for activities and resources.
American Heart Month
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Black History Month
African American History Month
Children’s Dental Health Month
National Dental Pulp Laboratory
National School Counseling Week (February 6-10)
American School Counselor Association
National School Counselor Week
Take Your Family to School Week
(February 13-17)
National Freedom Day (February 1)
13th Amendment to the Constitution
Lunar New Year - The Year of the Dragon (February 10)
Lincoln’s Birthday (February 12)
Susan B. Anthony Day (February 15)
National No One Eats Alone Day
(February 17)
Presidents’ Day (February 20)
Washington’s Birthday (February 22)