Creative Arts Friday Newsletter
October 2, 2023

Hello Families,
We hope that the past week brought your family together. Our staff enjoyed the week to rest and rejuvenate as we move towards the last few weeks of our semester. This week, we invite you to support our creative school by participating in our Green Apple Books Fundraiser! By purchasing books online on Wednesday, November 29 or in person on Thursday, November 30 (10am-9pm) you will contribute to Creative Arts! Be sure to note in your transaction "Creative Arts Fundraiser."
Coming up soon is our annual school-wide Exhibition of Learning on Friday, December 8! If this is your first Exhibition- you are in for a festive experience where every class in the school showcases their learning through art installations, classroom exhibits, music performance and more! This year we have many parent and student makers selling their creations too! Be sure to reach out to Ann if you want to sell your work. Our Exhibition showcases the creative spirit of our learning community, we hope you each can make it! In the meantime, please be sure to sign up to volunteer below.
ALSO- Don't forget to submit your logo design in celebration of our 30 years as Creative Arts! Open to all of our families and students, we encourage you to submit a design that expresses your love of Creative Arts! Chosen designs will be used on our t-shirts and in publicity efforts. 1 winner will be selected from the following categories: parent/guardian, K-5 and 6-8. Voting will happen at our Exhibition of Learning!
In gratitude,
The Leadership Team
Leadership Team
Fernando Aguilar
Executive Director
Ja'Melia Pugh
Director of African American Achievement Initiative
Ann Ledo-Lane
Director of Instructional Programming & The Arts/K-4 Admin
Jill Lounibos
Director of Operations
Ayana Labossiere Burks
Zoey Cumings
Director of Afterschool
Here are some of our Family Makers who are joining us this year!
Avo's Sweets
Enjoy a PASTÉIS DE NATA ,traditional sweet Portuguese pastry handmade by Ann's mom! Proceeds will go to the Creative Arts annual fund! Limited amount will be sold!
Tooth N Nail Jewelry
Pick up a beautiful piece of jewelry by Creative Arts mom Adrienne Moore!
Bring canned food to support SF-MARIN FOOD BANK during Exhibition!
Is your child out sick? Email attendance@creativeartscharter.org
Important Updates for the School Year
- FAMILIES- if you are parking on Pierce st in the WHITE ZONE then you are preventing bus access for students with special needs. PLEASE stop parking there- this space does not belong to us.
- Parents need all of the new driving/chaperone requirements. Families that have been here since kinder (and now are in MS) still do not have the minimum for bodily injury. This is important- please update!
- Please come to the Elm Alley gate (not Turk) between the hours of 9am and 3:20pm.
- Families, please update your contact information ( address and phone numbers) with Roberta at rfudim@creativeartscharter.org. This is so important in support of your child(ren)!
Family Association
Rhaetia Hanscum, Co Chair
Erin Mittelstaedt, Co Chair
Lisa Black, Class Rep Coordinator
- Wednesday, November 29: GREEN APPLE BOOKS FUNDRAISER: Online
- Thursday, November 30: GREEN APPLE BOOKS FUNDRAISER: In person-All day long! 10am-9pm
- Saturday, December 2: Garden Work Day! 10am-1pm
- Friday, December 8: Community Meeting/Music Show ( 9-9:30-am); Exhibition of Learning! 5pm-8pm; Hanukkah Menorah Lighting Ceremony
- Monday, December 11: NO SCHOOL for Students (Teacher Report Card Writing Day)
- Friday, December 22-Monday, January 8: WINTER BREAK: NO SCHOOL
Family Association
Would you like to get involved with an FA committee? Fill out this form!
These jobs are open to anyone from any grade! Email volunteer@creativeartscharter.org if you have questions, or are having a hard time using the volunteer tracker.
- School Tour Support: Be present at the school tour, so that prospective parents can ask questions. It's great to have parents who have been here since kindergarten, AND parents who started later on! Sign up here.
- Exhibition of Learning is December 8! Sign up here for jobs leading up to the Exhibition and the evening itself!
These are grade-specific volunteer duties that your class reps will remind you about!
White Zone duty (Click here for an overview on how White Zone works!)
11/27 - 12/1: 5th Grade (Sign up here!)
12/4 - 12/8: 1st Grade (Sign up here!)
Community Meeting and Coffee (Click here to learn more about the coffee job)
Friday, 12/1: 5th Grade (Sign up here!)
Friday, 12/8: Kindergarten (Sign up here!)
Popsicle Duty: 8th Grade
Every Friday the kids need a couple adult volunteers to monitor the line! Sign up here.
Garden Work Day - We need YOU!
Saturday, Dec 2nd, 9am-1pm-- Rain or Shine
We will be planting, sweeping, cleaning up garbage, weeding, having fun and getting to know each other! Many hands make light work! Start knocking off your 20 hours of volunteer service for the year. Students K-7 who want to help are welcome to come with an adult. 8th graders looking to do community service and ready to work hard are encouraged to come (adult is preferred, but optional).
Bagels and coffee will be provided. Things to bring, if you have them:
pressure washer - this would be nice to help clean some lower yard windows
If you have cuttings of plants that are drought tolerant and HARDY(!) consider bringing some
water bottle
Please join the Virtual Family Association Meeting: Wednesday, Dec 6th 7pm
We’ll take a look back at the year and look ahead to next semester.
Meeting ID: 871 9186 9796
Passcode: 143756
Holiday shopping couldn’t be a better time to raise money for CACS with Everyday Fundraising for things like holiday foods, gifts, and essentials for gathering.
Read about every single program we have going on when you download Updated pocket guide:
CACS Everyday Fundraising Pocket Guide.
Everyday Fundraising is excited to present these holiday event to support CACS: You are cordially invited to share these opportunities with all who you know so we may band together as an extended community to support our amazing school! Every little bit helps! Check out the opportunities below:
Holiday Wreath Sale to Support CACS with Loop Flowers
The virtual appointments are 10 minutes long and they will need to sign up for one appointment per child (pets are welcome too). The original silhouette is included for $35 and ships free. They can add on duplicates ($15) and frames (starting at $25) during their session with Karl and we invoice for those items after the event. Shipping is still free with add-on items.
November 24 - December 5
Sloat Garden Center's Growing Up Green Fundraising event is the the last one of the calendar year. Purchase garden items and mention our school at checkout. Sloat with donate 10-20% of your proceeds depending upon how many families also shop!
The lost and found is cleared out at the end of every month.
Lost and Found is located just inside the west entrance off the yard.
Please come by before then to look for your family's items.
Here's a doc to breakdown who to ask if you have questions, comments or concerns
Follow Us on Social Media! We post 2-3 times a week!
Any questions?
Email Zoey Cumings, Director of Afterschool at zcumings@creativeartscharter.org